[64x] Soartex Fanver - Smooth and Clean FTB

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Soartex_Direwolf.zip and Soartex_Mindcrack.zip updated!

Changes include a general Redpower remake, bug fixes, completeness on many of the smaller mods and some Twilight Forest mazestone, as well as an ore rebalancing where most of the ores have been remade to look better together. Iron chests re-added.

EDIT: GoldBattle re-updated Direwolf to add OmniTools and EE3, which I had missed before. Go like some of his posts.

Let me know if you have any problems!

Is the launcher using the latest version, or should I install manually?
The launcher should be using the latest version. There is probably going to be another updated within the next week.
We generally have two kinds of updates. This is mostly just to keep sure updates are spaced out:
1. Compatability Update
Required after an update to the mod pack in order to fix missing textures. Loads of new textures get snuck in while we're at it
2. Feature Update
We have such an improved pack that it makes sense for everyone to redownload. This one is much rarer, because we don't want to hassle you folks.

We try to prevent constant updating... if you want to have the constant, incremental updates then get the mod patcher and open it often. I'll also give patcher change logs in this thread as we go. Speaking of changes..

New in the patcher:
-compatability for the forestry beta multiblock farms (Nexans)
-bee frames and item fixes for forestry (GoldBattle)
-all forestry GUIs completed (GoldBattle)
-IC2 uranium cells, cooling cells and all the pack versions of those (FloppyGunk)
-compatability for latest Gregtech (Nexans)
-backpack mod massively updated (textures by theKazador, recolored by Harry, GUI by GoldBattle)
-Extra Bees, two new machines. Templates apparently ready for the rest of 'em. (Justin_A)
-Thermal Expansion compatability update (Justin_A)
-Advanced Solars fixes (Nikiforos)
-Compatability for latest Railcraft (GoldBattle)
-OmniTools compatability with latest + new textures (TyanColte)
-Mo' Creatures started! Items coming along nicely (Sesshomaru, LMB10)
-wireless redstone by Ali fixed (GoldBattle)
We try to prevent constant updating... if you want to have the constant, incremental updates then get the mod patcher and open it often. I'll also give patcher change logs in this thread as we go. Speaking of changes..

Nice patcher, used it tonight, works well so far and it lets me keep up top date with the latest changes as I see fit. That was a great idea.
So when you update a texture for let's say ic2 will that updated texture be in the direwolf, mindcrack pack, or do we have to use the patcher?
Don't know if this has been mentioned earlier, but the texture pack swaps the textures of xychorodite bricks and plates.
We try to prevent constant updating... if you want to have the constant, incremental updates then get the mod patcher and open it often. I'll also give patcher change logs in this thread as we go. Speaking of changes..
I absolutely love the patcher system. Just opened up again and see a bunch of red boxes :D It would be awesome if other texture packs could use a patcher like this...
EDIT: Now that I'm home, I tested the launcher. It seems the updated pack posted on Friday still hasn't appeared in the Launcher. However, that latest version is accessible through this thread OP.

@Vineet: They don't show up in the Mindcrack, Direwolf or Magic World packs until we release a compatability update (follows modpack update) or feature update (if the modpack hasn't updated in a long while). So every few weeks they'll update. Use the patcher if you like new stuff fresh off the Gimp table.

@Azurl: Just added to the fix list. Thanks!

@Bwillb: The next rewrite of the patcher has internal config files that allow other texture packs to use the patcher. I've talked to Zica (JohnSmith) and HanFox (SPHax) about it, but they each had some kind of obstacle preventing it from happening. If you want me to contact any other author, let me know.
The patcher rewrite (third) is a project by RedX36, all I've done is send the poor guy feature requests. GoldBattle is credited with the second rewrite and the first implementation of the mod tracker, mad props for both of them.

More patcher changes:
-large update to DivineRPG (Drummaster, Harry)
-Mo'Creatures golems (Sessomaru)
-Forestry compass remade (Floppy)
-IC2 cells cells cells (Floppy)
-Wireless redstone CBE new item textures (Floppy)
-Redpower paint palette (Floppy)
I seem to get gray leaf textures in EBXL biomes unless im using default textures (sorry for huge image)

So I decided to give the patcher a try, but neither the download link on the OP nor the download link on Soartex's forum is working. Anyone have any idea?

edit: k, for some reason it worked fine now...
Yep. I just fixed it when I saw your message. We recently just got a new rewrite for the patcher so we are switching everything over to the new one. Hope everything works out
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Alright, more updates to the patcher textures:
-Thaumcraft compatible with latest, infernal furnace remade, more opacity on altar, wands, amber block and bricks, thaum tools, other things I can't remember
-Ironchest items improved, diamond chest revised, all obsidian chest textures added
-Twilight Forest compatible with latest 1.15, slime added, hangy down light thing added, tower wood and textures for that new fortress
-Buildcraft compatability with unreleased version (laser crafters changed/added, emerald pipe added, filter_2.png added)
-fixed several bugs with BC GUIs
-Thaumic Bees added
-Railcraft villager detector added, present added (a little late, I know) (Nate!)
-Redpower paint palette (unused) (Floppygunk)
-IC2 cells improvements, credit and jet packs (Floppygunk)
-Tropicraft added (Luiz Diego)
-Biomes O' Plenty added (Luiz Diego)
-More Pistons mod added (Harry)
-Enhanced books added (Harry)
-Misc Peripherals added
-Buildcraft gate items and wire re-added
-Forestry saplings added
-Several MFFS blocks and items added
-Xycraft liquids sheet

There has been so many new vanilla textures as well, but they won't be accessible for a while longer though... still putting things together. Thanks to Shisensama and many others!

Big change to Patcher!
Red has rewritten the patcher! It will remember the last zip file patched, updated files will appear in the patcher immediately after being uploaded, other texture packs can use it and has a bit cleaner UI.
Several new modpack presets have also been added:
-FTB Tech World
-FTB Lite
-Tekkit Lite
-Tekkit Classic

@Lance: That's from the foliagecolor.png. Because it is vanilla, I don't feel like changing it ATM... I'll change it with all the vanilla changes coming up.
Amber has no texture anymore, it was invisible in my backpack and I didn't see it drop of the block either. Is this anything to do with the texture pack, or is it anything else?

I noticed this yesterday, while playing with the Direwolf20 pack.
Amber has no texture anymore, it was invisible in my backpack and I didn't see it drop of the block either. Is this anything to do with the texture pack, or is it anything else?

I noticed this yesterday, while playing with the Direwolf20 pack.

Yup same problem, I just downloaded the patcher and ran it, also Knowledge fragments and zombie brains are invisible.

One more I just noticed going thru my stuff, the OmniWrench is now showing up as a Book....

That's why there are multiple editions of soartex, the same texture slots get reused for other purposes in later versions of the mod. The patch for Thaumcraft supports 3.0.2b, which is not back-compatible with the version of Thaumcraft in any of the FTB packs. Same deal with OmniTools, patcher supports 3.0.0, mod pack still has 2.x. The mod packs are probably going to be updated Monday, which will fix the issue. Sorry about the problem, I should have mentioned they weren't back-compatible or something.
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