32x [32x] JohnSmith Technician's Remix

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I just thought I would point out for all the people who don't know, there are and always has been two different John Smith packs.

John Smith Legacy and JohnSmith Technicians Remix.

John Smith Legacy is for Vanilla Minecraft and JohnSmith Technicians Remix is for Modded Minecraft.

The trouble starts that Modded Minecraft is always a little bit behind with the Minecraft versions (1.6.4 seems to be the latest) so the base textures are always a little out of date, like the mushrooms and brown wool were sorted out a long time ago (over six months at least) in the Legacy pack.

Luckly the latest vanilla pack (John Smith Legacy) for Minecraft 1.7.5 is more or less the same pack as for Minecraft 1.6.4, so I've based my JohnSmith Technicians Remix on the latest Legacy pack, there is not a lot of modded textures in it at the moment while some testing and checking are been completed.

I hope this helps you.

As for people calling this a 1.4.7 pack, there really is no such thing anymore, it used to be simple when there were not that many mods but with the newer mod packs there are just thousands of textures to sort out, for example the FTB Monster pack has almost 22000 textures to check, edit and update, as you can imagine that is an impossible task.

My current goal is to start with the main textures for the mods that are used in virtually all the packs like Iron Chests, NEI and neiplugins etc...

Don't expect things like Tinkers Construct as that mod has over 3700 textures, a start has been made by Dweller_Benthos but it is a very big task.

For what it's worth, I know my personal variant of the pack is somewhat cobbled together, having followed the pack proper since before modding was especially prevalent. I updated to the newest variant a few days ago when I noticed this thread was moving again, but there are some things in it I plan to revert to my older version (dirt being the most notable block). I tend to like my blocks to look very smooth rather than gritty, I've found. Is there still a location at which I can find variants on various blocks and such that people have done? Would save me some time reverting to my old version (on another computer), plus allows those variants to be more readily available to others who wish to tweak their pack a bit of their own volition. I remember the original pack way back when had a customizer page, but I'm not especially skilled in figuring out how texture packs have become resource packs and determining how to fix the differences and such. *chuckles* Hammering away at it for a while eventually works, but it's much easier when you have individual picture files for each block type like I seem to find in the current pack!

That said, thanks for running all that by me. Makes for a good refresher since I've been so 'out of the loop' on the pack for quite a while (really ever since it moved to the .jar patcher, which I honestly never liked personally). As far as texturing things goes, I for one would much rather see a focus on texturing mods that are reasonably popular, but don't have crazy amounts of things to texture within them. Efficiency and all that. For me, the biggest mod that always sticks out in my worlds is the Blood Magic stuff, but everyone's going to vary there for obvious reasons!

Thanks for your time and effort JimStoneCraft, and here's hoping the pack continues to grow, improve, and evolve with the community. ^.^
I guess I should write a final post, I've just lost interest to minecraft, and with the amount of new mods coming out, glowstrontium and I just couldn't keep up. While we enjoyed what we did, it was just too much for the two of us, and it seemed like not that many people used the pack so it wasn't worth the huge amount of time it took to texture every single mod for a small amount of people.
This is one of the huge dangers of texturing. I am involved in a similar project, and it's very easy to become overwhelmed at the immense texture list. Regardless, I have really enjoyed your work and so have many, many other people! Best of luck as you move on, and I hope you find another creative outlet in whatever game you end up playing. ;)

Let me know if you ever need anything, I'll be around.

@everyone: If you choose to texture Minecraft/mods, don't place the pressure on yourself to complete everything. Keep it a hobby, enjoy texturing and take a break when it becomes overwhelming. The only material thing to gain from texturing is the experience and skill, so work that aspect! Learn the filters, the curves, the brushes, scripts and layers. Keep in mind that the knowledge ends up being the only remaining asset when you're done with the project.

@JimStoneCraft: Tinker's Construct is pretty impossibly large, but if you're up to texturing ~120 greyscale base textures and 30 overlays, you can script the 2000+ tool textures into existence. That's how me and some other folks got Soartex's TiC tools completed. Just send me a message if you're interested and I'll walk you through it. If you don't have Linux I can run the scripts.
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^ Exactly this, I used to scroll down that huge list of mods and sigh, and rather than be excited at an update I'd be thinking cr*p, more textures to make.

However, now that I have built a new PC which can run FTB monster at 200+ fps, so I might get back into the texturing scene, but only casually compared to before, and probably after the next ftb is released (1.8?).
Nice to see that the project is still ticking along, as for 1.8, it should be out in May (vanilla at least) but I can't see the modded game coming out any time soon after that, hopefully the Plugin API will be soon and the mods will become more stable and easier to keep updated but we will have to wait and see.

I've been testing Minecraft 1.6.4 - Feed the Beast Monster 1.1.1 and it seems to be more stable than the previous releases, I do feel like it's cheating a little bit using Creative mode as I know how hard the stuff is to find and make, but then I'm really only play testing the textures.

I'm currently working on NetherOres-2.2.2-55 as all the files have been renamed and extra ores have been added.

The Tinker's Construct scripts may be of use, what are the base textures that are needed?

As some of the textures have been made and may be of use for the base textures.


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The Tinker's Construct scripts may be of use, what are the base textures that are needed?
https://github.com/Soartex-Modded/Templates/tree/master/mods/Batch Image Overlayer

Script must be run in Linux or Cygwin with Imagemagick installed. If using Cygwin, checkmark the Imagemagick package in the Cygwin installation program. I'm happy to run these so you don't have to go through Cygwin.

The script applies each overlay texture in the input folder to each greyscale texture in the convert folder using the overlay blend mode and outputs each combination to the output folder with the overlay filename appended to the greyscale filename. It preserves the folder structure and matches the file naming format in TiC.
The work involved here is replacing the texture files beneath the input and convert folders. Say, if TiC adds another material and another tool type, just add another input texture and the four or five respective tool textures then re-run the script.
Keep in mind that the overlays in your input folder need to have at minimum 1-2% color saturation (If an output is greyscale and has binary transparency Imagemagick compresses the alpha channel to a tRNS chunk, which Minecraft doesn't support).

This can be used for ExtraTiC, however it takes a bit of tinkering because ExtraTiC's folder structure is a little different.
For the Tinker's tools that I did, I got the part textured and positioned, and then recoloured and saved each one by one, which took ages, and is why I never got round to completing them.

In other news, This is a screenshot of all the blocks in the Chisel mod:


Anyone fancy giving it a go? :P
I have some textures I have been working on for big reactors-0.3.0a. I will say all mine are usually based somewhat on preexisting john smith textures just reworked for what I am trying to make fit.


  • fuelRod.side.png
    951 bytes · Views: 168
  • tile.blockReactorPart.controllerInactive.png
    2 KB · Views: 200
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Decided to tackle AE2... since there are quite a bit of shared textures for items/tools that were in AE1, most of it was a breeze to bring over... currently about 70-ish% through it give or take (not counting GUI and GIMP derps). Once this is done, will filter through AE1 and add in some missing bits. Probably a couple items missing from this display, but most of them are there. And yes, I did repurpose some AE1 textures for new parts since the old parts don't exist in AE2 (ex. the MAC corner worked perfectly for the dense cable :D )


Default textures for comparison:

Aside from the matter cannon, the missing textures from AE1 are done... Not sure if it was on my end or just mc in general, but had a render issue with the quantum ring. Textures on one side were not orientating properly so took a small liberty to work around it (having the same issue with 1.7.2 and AE2). Side note on the cables: Black and white were hard to distinguish as different colors. Toned down the colors a small bit for the other cables and made the black/white cables easier to differentiate. In two parts cause I derped and forgot to add the GUIs in the first upload. Any change recommendations to these are welcome before I do a pull request to the upstream repo.

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You've done a great job, but I think that the storage discs don't feel like JohnSmith, they feel like faithful. I know that you only added in the missing ones to match what was already there. But it would be great for them to get a redesign.

Also Jim would you be interested in uploading your work to git as well as on your site? As it makes sense to have everything uploaded to the same place.
Are you planning on retexturing all of Thermal Expansion or just editing the existing PNG's? I'm currently waiting for this update seeing that the ores look odd with the JSL version. Keep up the good work (:

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You've done a great job, but I think that the storage discs don't feel like JohnSmith, they feel like faithful. I know that you only added in the missing ones to match what was already there. But it would be great for them to get a redesign.

Also Jim would you be interested in uploading your work to git as well as on your site? As it makes sense to have everything uploaded to the same place.

If you were referring to the three spatial drives, fixed. We'll just call that a long day at work and multiple working folders mixup...


AE2 work is paused at the moment. Algorithm has hinted at new blocks in RV1 for autocrafting (also the texture flipping issues in 1.7.2 is giving me a headache >.< ).
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