Thanks for replaying, and adding some more info about who and when started those different deliverants of the pack.
My points is came from a viewpoint of a simple outsider, and maybe not correct. Everything is come from those sites. So if I'm not correct about the versions or else; those information must be corrected on the webpages as well. I just following the JSTR since 1.2.5, I not familiar really who and when started which version. Just how I see this whole thing like a simple user, an outsider; totally confusing.
The main point is that, what still not clear to (almost) every user (including me); WHICH version you guys state as "Legacy"?
I think the first thing what we need to clarify; is which is the "Legacy" version now?
And why even we still talk about Legacy vs. anything when today every JS texture pack is legacy isn't it? Every version is a continuation of the original, so must be legacy. We just have to stop using the legacy when we talking about JS. Doesn't it make more sense if we talk only about VANILLA and MODDED (aka Technicans Remix)?
Another thing is, especially here in the FTB forum; why we even talk about different versions at all?
This whole forum is about the FTB MODDED minecraft in general, so doesn't it make sense if we focus here ONLY on the Technican Remix version of the texture pack, and keep everything vanilla and not strictly modded outside?
I think it would be very cool if we have only 2 OFFICAL site;
One site for the vanilla JS which can contain all the variants of the texturepack which is only for vanilla.
And one for purely for the modded Technicans Remix, and here can go all the variants of the modded pack.
I see only this as the mere solution to solve the misunderstandings and confusions around John Smith.
What you mentioned, the redirect to Jim Stone's page is already there on the On Jim Stone's page the oldest one you can download is for the 1.5.2 (1.4.7 compatible). So as far as I didn't miss a version Jim Stone's site is contain all the versions of the vanilla pack.
So it seems a site for just the vanilla pack is already there and works perfectly.
That would be very nice addition to that site, if the makers of other variants of the vanilla pack can make an agreement with Jim Stone, so everyone can distribute their versions on one website!
This variants of the default vanilla pack sometimes only differs in one or two textures, so that would be nice if they are distributed as overlays.
Am I undertand it correctly? You mean "overlay" as like in my case that I prefer the smooth stone, so I need to overwrite the default textures?
That is the overlay what are overwrite the default textures? (My first language is not english, overlay sounds here a bit wierd to me...)
I think the "patch overlays" must be used for only this kind of purpose; if someone has some alternate textures, that are different from the default, they must be distributed only as overlay patches.
Like in my case; I like the smooth stone not the default, so I really only need just a few texture files and just overwrite the defaults with them. No need to dowload (and store) all of the textures again, just those few. Save bandwith and storage space too.
Technicans Remix:
That is the best idea I think, if wehave a separate site for ONLY for the Technicans Remix.
On Jim Stone page, at "Links" tab the first link is the and is already stated as the donwload location of the modded texture pack.
So it seems we already have the different site JUST FOR THE MODDED!

All that need is just remove all the vanilla John Smith releated content from this page, and voila! Some fine tuning and it even can look like a totally new page!
How the content distributed on this page its like what I mentioned before.
Download for all the Minecraf versions (and not the outdated ones!) of the default Technicans Remix.
And the same can go here for the different variatons: provide them as a small files that just contain only the textures that are different from the default; you just need to overwrite the originals with them. Again, save bandwith and storage space.
And now, what I think the MOST CRUCIAL part to stop the confusinon:
Minimize the number of links to other pages and cross-site links.
On the (and on Jim Stone's vice versa) remove the tabs and links to the other pack. (But not completly, wait till I explaint in detail...)
First it maybe doesn't sound to be a good idea, but beleive me; THIS IS the part that mostly lead to confusion.
People clicking on links that lead them to an external site while trying to find out the latest version, maybe they opening it as a new tab on there browsers. At the end they easily opened 5-6 tabs for different versions (like vanilla vs modded) and than some more tabs to find the LATEST of the pack for the Minecraft version they looking for. And... after a while maybe they doesn't even remember which webpage is for which version and which variant and...etc.
I hope you get the point.
So I think on all the pages need to remove all the info and link to the other pack (vanillla modded vice versa).
All the pages and information must be about the only pack what that website is about.
An example: on the site what is about the modded pack, the Technicans Remix all the pages and tabs must contain things that just about that specific pack and not even mention the other! Link to the other pack (vanilla in this example) must be provided ONLY in a tab dedicated to links.
Must be provided on a "LINKS" tab, and that must be the ONLY page on the site where the other even mentioned!
This one helps the MOST of clearing out the confusion; if a site is dedicated to something it must contain things just about that.
Someone who looking for another thing can find those on the "LINKS" tab; a mere indication of that you will go to an external page that is about another thing.
I think this one must be the first thing to be done...
At last I have a suggestion on changeing the download links!
All the download link is lead you to a page, and I think that is not a good decision.
There is another Curse page for EVERYTHING, with the same content, and that is the site.
Why I think that the later is better is because of this:
The page is lack of some very useful functions!
Simply that it is...
On the other page you can sort out the list by Minecraft version. There is a little dropdown box to choose from, so the list is contain ONLY those versions of Minecrat that you looking for.
On the other site you can only click on to sort by game version, but you can't choose to exclude MC versions version what you dont need.And if someone need an older version have to open all the pages one by one until they find what they are looking for.
This can save time and server load.
And there is another excellent feature of this site; there is a drop down menu that can show all the releations, what the downloaded content depend on and what is their dependancies. An this is a MUST HAVE function I think. Well, in our case not have funtion because its just a texture pack, but if it comes about mods it is the best function and you really need that. Helps to get all what you need to make it work.
And, IMO, the whole desing of that site is much better, Larger fonts, so easier to red, and there is a colored icon for the type od release so you can easily find the stable versions. Again useful for mods, but pretty nice function.
Anyway, I think that site is more easy to navigate and takes far more less time to find what you need.
So; I suggest to change the links to that website.
Last thing that move ALL the links and informations about Github and such to the mentioned "LINKS" tab, because most of the people never go to those pages. The are only used by contributors and experinced users who know exactly what they are doing.
For an everyday "John Smith" it just another complicated, geeky thing that just couse confusion.
P.S.: IMO the BEST if you provide the downloads on the website itself and not as an external download for the latest release for every MC version. Like in Jim Stone's page. (Crossite links can lead to confusion...

If someone need not the latest version I think that means that person is already a more experinced user, and can find what he need on Curse or an Github.