32x [32x] JohnSmith Technician's Remix

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I guess I should write a final post, I've just lost interest to minecraft, and with the amount of new mods coming out, glowstrontium and I just couldn't keep up. While we enjoyed what we did, it was just too much for the two of us, and it seemed like not that many people used the pack so it wasn't worth the huge amount of time it took to texture every single mod for a small amount of people.

As for what any of you could do, go ahead and make another download for it if you want, everything is in the github repo that was posted earlier

I've always loved this texture pack, I'm saddened to see development for it stop, You guys did a hell of a job, so thanks for that.
While I am sorry to see official development stop on this project, I respect the decision of its authors. I'm certain someone with sufficient talent and interest will fork the project and pick it up. Personally, I lack the former, or I absolutely would do just that.

Though I feel it necessary to correct one thing: This is one of the more popular and widely-used packs in FTB. It is not for a relatively small number of users. The fact that this thread is ranked first in replies and third in views in the Texture Packs section supports this. Rest assured, Zica and Glowstrontium; your efforts have been widely appreciated by the community, and you will be missed by a great deal of people.
I guess I should write a final post, I've just lost interest to minecraft, and with the amount of new mods coming out, glowstrontium and I just couldn't keep up. While we enjoyed what we did, it was just too much for the two of us, and it seemed like not that many people used the pack so it wasn't worth the huge amount of time it took to texture every single mod for a small amount of people.

As for what any of you could do, go ahead and make another download for it if you want, everything is in the github repo that was posted earlier
That's too bad ;(

not that many people used the pack
Hmm, but it has more views then the sphax pack and more replies then the faithful and has not enough people who useing it? Hm... :/
That's too bad ;(

Hmm, but it has more views then the sphax pack and more replies then the faithful and has not enough people who useing it? Hm... :/

At least from my perspective it was that way. When we asked all of the users which method we should use (JS patcher, single downloads, FTB launcher etc..) we only got one response, when asked for help with certain mods we got nothing (except for a few a while ago, leenhaart, freakscar, and tragische come to mind) So that just reinforces what i said earlier about how it was just too much for the both of us.

Also, I'm not saying that I'm completely done with this pack forever, it's just for the meantime I've gotten into a lull with minecraft (lack of fun friendly servers to play on), no brand new interesting mods (might've changed in the past month, haven't paid attention), so I have no real reason to play. I might come back in the summer once some new stuff comes out.

If anyone is going to continue this, then by all means go ahead, and I'll update the main post with whatever you want it to be.
Good to know that idea is not dead at all. Currently I am working on metallurgy 3 support (most of changes are WIP).
Also, about the website. It seems that lot of ppl were paying attention to website downloads. I can image why. I just recently started using ftb laucher (and I am considering to drop this idea). JS pather was too bulky for me. So mainly, I was dl TP from GitHub repo. Well, I work with various vcs all day long, so it was most natural way for me. But, since most ppl were paying attention to website downloads, I think I will make a basic website in this weekend. I did send a message to glow, but didn't get any response. I will treat that as silent green light to launch a website for John Smith TP.

PS. If some have (even WIP) textures that match JS style, please post it. Here, to me on priv, anywhere where I can find it. I will make proper commit to git repo (and bundle it into semi-offical release).
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Glowstrontium did say in the JS forum (before it went down) that the site hosting was up for renewal in March but host pulled the site early due to over excessive bandwidth usage and the said the site was used for file sharing.

I did offer to host the site but Glow never got back to me, rather than let this wonderful thing die I decided to host the pack myself.

I'm the main person looking after the vanilla John Smith Legacy Resource Pack and I'm hosting the files (including my own edition of the pack), my plan is as long as Mojang keep bringing out updates to Minecraft then I will keep the vanilla pack up to date.

Just to keep all the stuff in one place I'm prepared to host the Technicians Remix pack but due to little time and interest in modded Minecraft at the moment I don't want to look after the Technicians Remix pack and all the support that goes with it.

Just maintaining the vanilla pack, which currently has over 2500 files in it is almost a full time job, the JSTR pack is probably more than ten times that size and with mods continually been updated it's a lot of hard work to keep on top of everything.

It gets to the point that all you're doing is making and maintaining the pack rather than enjoying the game.

Anyway the offer stands on hosting if you need it.
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That's the nice thing about having the pack download on the page, If you wish to ask your user base's opinions on something they are more likely to see it when they check for an update
Agreed. This was one of the problems with the otherwise amazing, for the time it was necessary, JS patcher - we didn't receive any news or information about the pack. Just use the patcher every couple weeks to check for updates and continue to play and enjoy while having no contact with the pack authors. With the current model of resource packs, I don't foresee the JS patcher being necessary. You know, for future reference and stuff.

Whomever decides to pick up this project in the meantime, I will do my darndest to spread the word amongst my circles and encourage that they do the same amongst theirs.

As it is, I'm regularly checking on Glow's github for any updates, and I would contribute if I were worth a darn in artistry.
Over the last few days I've had a little change of heart and have decided to take on this monster project as the Vanilla pack (John Smith Legacy) is pretty much ticking along nicely.

My plan is to audit the pack to see what's currently there and see where that takes us, I've added a holding page for the Technician's Remix but not much else at the moment apart from links to this thread and the GitHub.

Being a perfectionist, I'm going to try to bring some sort of order, control and consistency to the pack.
Over the last few days I've had a little change of heart and have decided to take on this monster project as the Vanilla pack (John Smith Legacy) is pretty much ticking along nicely.

My plan is to audit the pack to see what's currently there and see where that takes us, I've added a holding page for the Technician's Remix but not much else at the moment apart from links to this thread and the GitHub.

Being a perfectionist, I'm going to try to bring some sort of order, control and consistency to the pack.

I'll look forward to what you'll come up with - What I would suggest though is to go back to the old way of handling the pack (as how Lazdude, Zica and I used to back in 2012) hosting it on Google Drive. The current complete download can be found at (https://docs.google.com/folderview?id=0B0lw1gngOTGnX1JCbEFWZ2V4REU&usp=docslist_api#). If you don't already have access to it, PM me your email and I'll invite you to it.

The patcher/github system is great when you have multiple people regularly making updates as it reduces the risk of files being overwritten, however with only one person really working on the pack occasionally (as I did towards the end of last year), it just adds yet more steps to pushing an update. We used to keep a rolling_changelog.txt file to record what had been added/changed prior to the Github integration.


As for the reason why I decided to stop working on the pack, there are various ones, but the main one is just that I just don't have the motivation to continue. When I first started working on JSTR, the only public modpacks that existed were Technic/Tekkit, and people that didn't play those still tended to use a similar range of mods that it included. With that, the attitude towards contribution was a lot more casual (at least that's how I felt it). Now, we have so many different modpacks, which all include a vast variety of mods, some of which are huge in comparison to the biggest popular mods back in the 1.2.5 days, and trying to keep such a large amount of mods not only textured, but updated is simply impossible without a room of typing monkeys. Between us, the amount of work required to keep every single mod in FTB supported would mean that we would never get to actually play and enjoy the mods.

Other reasons include my laptop being pushed to its limits with modded MC, playing it with a texture pack only makes the situation worse, and playing at 0-10 fps isn't much fun :(

I do hope to once again contribute to JSTR but at the moment I don't feel it's something that will happen in the near future.
I would say that github is better way to keep collaboration on any kind of projects. I did already forked repo on github and made some textures. For now, just starting easy. I am doing metallurgy/extraTiC support for this tp. I do even have next changes already stated for commit (they need some more love). Someone did fork my repo. Please give chance for community to contribute more. Google drive will just close TP for most of ppl, since it can start only from modifying the textures for own motives, but eventually ppl will start making contributions. Make it a community TP.
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Agreed, git is better that way people can just pull the mods they need rather then downloading the whole .zip

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In that respect, the github is a better soloution - however it makes things slightly harder for the end user to download what they need. If keeping the GitHub system is popular, I'll see if Jim would be able to host the Patcher on his webserver.
Right I've looked thought the pack and so many mods are not in the later FTB packs, I played the Mindcrack 8.3.2 on Minecraft 1.4.7 last year and it was good fun (apart from the GregTech slog), so much has changed with game speed and stability.

The sooner the Plugin API is made the better, modded Minecraft is a mess, the game just falls out of memory and sometimes doesn't work at all, how can I develop textures if a game that's so flaky.

When it does work it's good fun (I've been playing the FTB Monster 1.1.0 pack).

There are so many mods that are textured but are no longer in the newer packs, all that work for nothing.

Right onto the pack, I've started with the mods that are in most of the mod packs and are some of the main GUI for the game.


Not a huge amount of changes, just double checking the GUI positioning and tweaking some textures like the Chunk Loader and added the Dirt Chest.

My version of the pack is missing a lot, best to stick with the current GitHub version and think of mine as just a rebirth.

I'm not too keen on using the patcher myself, also I find GitHub is just a little too clumsy for my taste and does slow down texture development, but then I have been running web sites for a number of years and hosting my own stuff just has more control than relying on another service like Googledrive, Onedrive (Skydrive) or Github.
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Indeed, compared to Ultimate (and the old Mindcrack pack), the Monster pack is totally different - lots of new mods, some removed, and some existing mods have changed completely (ie. Thaumcraft, IC2, Thermal Expansion). Also, there was the change from texture sheets to individual textures back in 1.5, which set the whole project back due to the amount of tedious work to convert everything.

As for the performance of the 1.6 packs, I have also experienced issues on that front. My 4 year old laptop wasn't ever great for modded MC, but Monster won't even load up a world unless I allocate it at least 2.5 gb, and even in a new world it often maxes out my i5.
I feel like I'm the only one who prefers Technic over FTB lol. I started playing the same version of MIndcrack along side my Vanilla world but got distracted from both ever since Attack of the B-Team got released so I've been on GIT pulling out the textures from JSTR of the mods that are included in that modpack. Its not the same playing in the default but JSTR covers a good portion of the mods I'm using so I'm happy with that.

As to hosting it on your site well I'm all for it, already go there for the Vanilla and Snapshot textures (which by the way I love the textures for the new blocks) so having the JSTR textures on there as well is just convenient and easier for you.