With Mekanism, you can...
Also with just MFR, although it's *much* more efficient to also throw in carrots, melon seeds, pumpkin seeds, wheat seeds, oak saplings, birch saplings, sakura saplings, ghostwood saplings, ink sacs, bonemeal, gray dye, light gray dye, cactus green dye, lime green dye...
At least, I assume the dyes still work. Haven't tested in a while.
Hmm... I wonder if Botania flower dyes work. If so, you could get a lot of power out of one of those flowers that generates flowers...
*boots modified Infinity instance*
Edit: Aaand nope. Vanilla dyes don't work (cocoa beans do, but nothing else), floral powder doesn't work, other mod-added dyes don't work... A little disappointing, but understandable. Producing biofuel from squids and skeletons never really made much sense anyway, and might've been a bit OP. Still, six types of vanilla saplings, wheat, melons, and pumpkins are nine types, and that's not even considering carrots, potatoes, or a whole bunch of saplings from Natura (Sakura works well, I've heard), Thaumcraft, and Twilight Forest. Agricraft seeds and BoP saplings don't seem to work, for some reason. Most of the products of single-block Harvestcraft plants work, as do the seeds, but neither the tree products nor their saplings do. The BioReactor treats all different Forestry saplings as the same thing (so if you've bred one tree that gives lots and lots of saplings, it'll work, but then you can't use any other Forestry saplings), but won't accept fruits or nuts from Forestry or ExtraTrees.