[1.7.10] Wanderlust Reloaded - Questing Adventure [Magic-Tech] [HQM - over 250 Quests] [Tabula Rasa]

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Also if you're wondering i set up Opis mapwriter together with Journeymap so i could use the mapwriter for deathpoints only :D
Currently enjoying Wanderlust ;D
Cute kitchen xD
I overhauled the loot system quite a bit and it took a good amount of time but the end product seems worth it.
By removing a few loot items I adjusted the balance a bit and made it so that specific loot places (Dungeon, Blacksmith, Stronghold) have appropriate have sensible loot.
Feel free to leave your opinion, here's the script for it (Warning: SPOILER):
  #Music Discs, Biomes o' Plenty
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("dungeonChest", <BiomesOPlenty:record_corruption>.weight(10));
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("dungeonChest", <BiomesOPlenty:record_wanderer>.weight(10));

#Mineshaft Corridor
  #Tiny TNT, Applied Energistics 2
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("mineshaftCorridor", <appliedenergistics2:tile.BlockTinyTNT>.weight(3), 1, 4);
  #TNT, Vanilla
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("mineshaftCorridor", <minecraft:tnt>.weight(2), 1, 3);
  #SDX, Tinkers' Construct
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("mineshaftCorridor", <TConstruct:explosive.slime>.weight(1), 1, 2);

#Pyramid Chest
  #Elemental Shards, Thaumcraft 4
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("pyramidDesertyChest", <Thaumcraft:ItemShard>.weight(10), 1, 2);
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("pyramidDesertyChest", <Thaumcraft:ItemShard:1>.weight(10), 1, 2);
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("pyramidDesertyChest", <Thaumcraft:ItemShard:2>.weight(10), 1, 2);
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("pyramidDesertyChest", <Thaumcraft:ItemShard:3>.weight(10), 1, 2);
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("pyramidDesertyChest", <Thaumcraft:ItemShard:4>.weight(10), 1, 2);
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("pyramidDesertyChest", <Thaumcraft:ItemShard:5>.weight(10), 1, 2);
  #Gold Coin, Thaumcraft 4
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("pyramidDesertyChest", <Thaumcraft:ItemResource:18>.weight(17), 1, 5);
  #Zombie Brain, Thaumcraft 4
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("pyramidDesertyChest", <Thaumcraft:ItemZombieBrain>.weight(10), 1, 2); 

#Jungle Chest
  #Elemental Shards, Thaumcraft 4
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("pyramidJungleChest", <Thaumcraft:ItemShard>.weight(10), 1, 2);
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("pyramidJungleChest", <Thaumcraft:ItemShard:1>.weight(10), 1, 2);
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("pyramidJungleChest", <Thaumcraft:ItemShard:2>.weight(10), 1, 2);
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("pyramidJungleChest", <Thaumcraft:ItemShard:3>.weight(10), 1, 2);
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("pyramidJungleChest", <Thaumcraft:ItemShard:4>.weight(10), 1, 2);
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("pyramidJungleChest", <Thaumcraft:ItemShard:5>.weight(10), 1, 2);
  #Gold Coin, Thaumcraft 4
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("pyramidJungleChest", <Thaumcraft:ItemResource:18>.weight(17), 1, 5);
  #Blowgun Kit, Biomes o' Plenty
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("pyramidJungleChest", <BiomesOPlenty:dartBlower>.weight(15));
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("pyramidJungleChest", <BiomesOPlenty:dart>.weight(18), 1, 7);
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("pyramidJungleChest", <BiomesOPlenty:dart:1>.weight(15), 1, 7);
  #Poison Extract, Biomes o' Plenty
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("pyramidJungleChest", <BiomesOPlenty:jarFilled:1>.weight(14), 1, 3);
  #Vines, Minecraft
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("pyramidJungleChest", <minecraft:vine>.weight(20), 1, 12);
  #Grapes, Growthcraft
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("pyramidJungleChest", <Growthcraft|Grapes:grc.grapes>.weight(17), 1, 4);

#Jungle Dispenser
  #Arrows, Vanilla; Mine & Blade 2
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("pyramidJungleDispenser", <minecraft:arrow>.weight(15), 2, 7);
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("pyramidJungleDispenser", <battlegear2:mb.arrow>.weight(15), 2, 3);
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("pyramidJungleDispenser", <battlegear2:mb.arrow:2>.weight(20), 2, 4);
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("pyramidJungleDispenser", <battlegear2:mb.arrow:4>.weight(15), 2, 3);
  #Harming Potion, Vanilla
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("pyramidJungleDispenser", <minecraft:potion:16396>.weight(10));
  #Poison Potion, Vanilla
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("pyramidJungleDispenser", <minecraft:potion:16388>.weight(10));
  #Slowness Potion, Vanilla
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("pyramidJungleDispenser", <minecraft:potion:16426>.weight(10));

#Stronghold Corridor
  #Ender Eye, Vanilla
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("strongholdCorridor", <minecraft:ender_eye>.weight(7), 1, 2);
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("strongholdCorridor", <ThaumicTinkerer:kamiResource:7>.weight(3), 1, 2);
  #Blacksmith's Hammer, Mariculture
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("villageBlacksmith", <Mariculture:hammer>.weight(3));
  #Blacksmith's Anvil, Mariculture
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("villageBlacksmith", <Mariculture:machines_single_rendered:8>.weight(2));
  #Blacksmith's Anvil, Mariculture
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("villageBlacksmith", <Mariculture:machines_single_rendered:1>.weight(1));
  #Seared Brick, Tinkers' Construct
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("villageBlacksmith", <TConstruct:materials:2>.weight(20), 1, 15);
  #Clay Lava Bucket, Iguana Tinker Tweaks
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("villageBlacksmith", <IguanaTweaksTConstruct:clayBucketLava>.weight(3));
  #Blast Furnace Brick, Railcraft
  vanilla.loot.addChestLoot("villageBlacksmith", <Railcraft:tile.railcraft.machine.alpha:12>.weight(1), 1, 3);

  #Drinking Helmet, Better Storage
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("dungeonChest", <betterstorage:drinkingHelmet>);
  #Nuke Virus/STOP!-Worm, Pneumaticraft
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("dungeonChest", <PneumaticCraft:nukeVirus>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("dungeonChest", <PneumaticCraft:stopWorm>);
  #Steel, Universal
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("dungeonChest", <ore:ingotSteel>);
  #Steel Armour, Railcraft
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("dungeonChest", <Railcraft:armor.steel.helmet>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("dungeonChest", <Railcraft:armor.steel.plate>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("dungeonChest", <Railcraft:armor.steel.legs>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("dungeonChest", <Railcraft:armor.steel.boots>);
  #Steel Tools, Railcraft
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("dungeonChest", <Railcraft:tool.steel.shears>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("dungeonChest", <Railcraft:tool.steel.sword>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("dungeonChest", <Railcraft:tool.steel.shovel>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("dungeonChest", <Railcraft:tool.steel.pickaxe>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("dungeonChest", <Railcraft:tool.steel.axe>);

#Mineshaft Corridor
  #Nuke Virus/STOP!-Worm, Pneumaticraft
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("mineshaftCorridor", <PneumaticCraft:nukeVirus>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("mineshaftCorridor", <PneumaticCraft:stopWorm>);
  #Steel, Universal
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("mineshaftCorridor", <ore:ingotSteel>);
  #Steel Armour, Railcraft
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("mineshaftCorridor", <Railcraft:armor.steel.helmet>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("mineshaftCorridor", <Railcraft:armor.steel.plate>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("mineshaftCorridor", <Railcraft:armor.steel.legs>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("mineshaftCorridor", <Railcraft:armor.steel.boots>);
  #Steel Tools, Railcraft
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("mineshaftCorridor", <Railcraft:tool.steel.shears>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("mineshaftCorridor", <Railcraft:tool.steel.sword>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("mineshaftCorridor", <Railcraft:tool.steel.shovel>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("mineshaftCorridor", <Railcraft:tool.steel.pickaxe>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("mineshaftCorridor", <Railcraft:tool.steel.axe>);

#Pyramid Chest
  #Drinking Helmet, Better Storage
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidDesertyChest", <betterstorage:drinkingHelmet>);
  #Backpack, Better Storage
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidDesertyChest", <betterstorage:backpack>.withTag({ench: [{id: 0 as short, lvl: 5 as short}], display: {Name: "Shielding Backpack", color: 187}}));
  #Nuke Virus/STOP!-Worm, Pneumaticraft 
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidDesertyChest", <PneumaticCraft:nukeVirus>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidDesertyChest", <PneumaticCraft:stopWorm>);
  #Steel, Universal
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidDesertyChest", <ore:ingotSteel>);
  #Steel Armour, Railcraft
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidDesertyChest", <Railcraft:armor.steel.helmet>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidDesertyChest", <Railcraft:armor.steel.plate>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidDesertyChest", <Railcraft:armor.steel.legs>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidDesertyChest", <Railcraft:armor.steel.boots>);
  #Steel Tools, Railcraft
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidDesertyChest", <Railcraft:tool.steel.shears>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidDesertyChest", <Railcraft:tool.steel.sword>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidDesertyChest", <Railcraft:tool.steel.shovel>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidDesertyChest", <Railcraft:tool.steel.pickaxe>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidDesertyChest", <Railcraft:tool.steel.axe>);

#Jungle Chest
  #Drinking Helmet, Better Storage
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidJungleChest", <betterstorage:drinkingHelmet>);
  #Backpack, Better Storage
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidJungleChest", <betterstorage:backpack>.withTag({ench: [{id: 0 as short, lvl: 5 as short}], display: {Name: "Shielding Backpack", color: 187}}));
  #Nuke Virus/STOP!-Worm, Pneumaticraft 
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidJungleChest", <PneumaticCraft:nukeVirus>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidJungleChest", <PneumaticCraft:stopWorm>);
  #Steel, Universal
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidJungleChest", <ore:ingotSteel>);
  #Steel Armour, Railcraft
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidJungleChest", <Railcraft:armor.steel.helmet>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidJungleChest", <Railcraft:armor.steel.plate>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidJungleChest", <Railcraft:armor.steel.legs>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidJungleChest", <Railcraft:armor.steel.boots>);
  #Steel Tools, Railcraft
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidJungleChest", <Railcraft:tool.steel.shears>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidJungleChest", <Railcraft:tool.steel.sword>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidJungleChest", <Railcraft:tool.steel.shovel>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidJungleChest", <Railcraft:tool.steel.pickaxe>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidJungleChest", <Railcraft:tool.steel.axe>);

#Jungle Dispenser
  #Arrows, Vanilla
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidJungleDispenser", <minecraft:arrow>);
  #Mystery Safari Net
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("pyramidJungleDispenser", <MineFactoryReloaded:safarinet.singleuse>.withTag({hide: 1 as byte})); 

#Stronghold Corridor
  #Drinking Helmet, Better Storage
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCorridor", <betterstorage:drinkingHelmet>);
  #Nuke Virus/STOP!-Worm, Pneumaticraft 
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCorridor", <PneumaticCraft:nukeVirus>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCorridor", <PneumaticCraft:stopWorm>);
  #Deathbloom and Glowflower, Biomes o' Plenty
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCorridor", <BiomesOPlenty:flowers:2>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCorridor", <BiomesOPlenty:flowers:3>);
  #Hops and Grapes, Growthcraft
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCorridor", <Growthcraft|Hops:grc.hops>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCorridor", <Growthcraft|Grapes:grc.grapes>);
  #Apple, Vanilla
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCorridor", <minecraft:apple>);
  #Bread, Vanilla
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCorridor", <minecraft:bread>);
  #Steel, Universal
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCorridor", <ore:ingotSteel>);
  #Steel Armour, Railcraft
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCorridor", <Railcraft:armor.steel.helmet>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCorridor", <Railcraft:armor.steel.plate>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCorridor", <Railcraft:armor.steel.legs>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCorridor", <Railcraft:armor.steel.boots>);
  #Steel Tools, Railcraft
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCorridor", <Railcraft:tool.steel.shears>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCorridor", <Railcraft:tool.steel.sword>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCorridor", <Railcraft:tool.steel.shovel>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCorridor", <Railcraft:tool.steel.pickaxe>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCorridor", <Railcraft:tool.steel.axe>);

#Stronghold Crossing
  #Drinking Helmet, Better Storage
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCrossing", <betterstorage:drinkingHelmet>);
  #Nuke Virus/STOP!-Worm, Pneumaticraft 
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCrossing", <PneumaticCraft:nukeVirus>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCrossing", <PneumaticCraft:stopWorm>);
  #Deathbloom and Glowflower, Biomes o' Plenty
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCrossing", <BiomesOPlenty:flowers:2>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCrossing", <BiomesOPlenty:flowers:3>);
  #Hops and Grapes, Growthcraft
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCrossing", <Growthcraft|Hops:grc.hops>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCrossing", <Growthcraft|Grapes:grc.grapes>);
  #Apple, Vanilla
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCrossing", <minecraft:apple>);
  #Bread, Vanilla
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCrossing", <minecraft:bread>);
  #Steel, Universal
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCrossing", <ore:ingotSteel>);
  #Steel Armour, Railcraft
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCrossing", <Railcraft:armor.steel.helmet>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCrossing", <Railcraft:armor.steel.plate>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCrossing", <Railcraft:armor.steel.legs>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCrossing", <Railcraft:armor.steel.boots>);
  #Steel Tools, Railcraft
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCrossing", <Railcraft:tool.steel.shears>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCrossing", <Railcraft:tool.steel.sword>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCrossing", <Railcraft:tool.steel.shovel>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCrossing", <Railcraft:tool.steel.pickaxe>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdCrossing", <Railcraft:tool.steel.axe>);

#Stronghold Library
  #Nuke Virus/STOP!-Worm, Pneumaticraft 
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdLibrary", <PneumaticCraft:nukeVirus>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdLibrary", <PneumaticCraft:stopWorm>);
  #Sacred Rubber Sapling, Minefactory Reloaded
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("strongholdLibrary", <MineFactoryReloaded:rubberwood.sapling:3>);

  #Nuke Virus/STOP!-Worm, Pneumaticraft 
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("villageBlacksmith", <PneumaticCraft:nukeVirus>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("villageBlacksmith", <PneumaticCraft:stopWorm>);
  #Ash, Biomes o' Plenty
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("villageBlacksmith", <BiomesOPlenty:misc:1>);
  #Thorns, Biomes o' Plenty
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("villageBlacksmith", <BiomesOPlenty:plants:5>);
  #Thorns, Biomes o' Plenty
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("villageBlacksmith", <BiomesOPlenty:plants:5>);
  #Oak Sapling; Rubber Sapling, Vanilla; IC2
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("villageBlacksmith", <ore:treeSapling>);
  #Apple, Vanilla
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("villageBlacksmith", <minecraft:apple>);
  #Bread, Vanilla
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("villageBlacksmith", <minecraft:bread>);
  #Steel, Universal
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("villageBlacksmith", <ore:ingotSteel>);
  #Steel Armour, Railcraft
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("villageBlacksmith", <Railcraft:armor.steel.helmet>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("villageBlacksmith", <Railcraft:armor.steel.plate>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("villageBlacksmith", <Railcraft:armor.steel.legs>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("villageBlacksmith", <Railcraft:armor.steel.boots>);
  #Steel Tools, Railcraft
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("villageBlacksmith", <Railcraft:tool.steel.shears>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("villageBlacksmith", <Railcraft:tool.steel.sword>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("villageBlacksmith", <Railcraft:tool.steel.shovel>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("villageBlacksmith", <Railcraft:tool.steel.pickaxe>);
  vanilla.loot.removeChestLoot("villageBlacksmith", <Railcraft:tool.steel.axe>);
Hi there. I'm looking at using this pack with a friend of mine. Had a lot of performance issues at first but seems ok now. One of the big draws for me is the quest system to help learn mods as so much has changed in 1.7 even mods I know fairly well are completely different and my friend is a mod noob! However I've got a creeperhost server and, as this pack is private, I put in the code and it identifies the pack but cannot download the server to install it? Is this by design? Looking at their wiki this apparently usually means the pack wasn't configured correctly to let it download the server automatically? I can see other 3rd party packs are available on their I was just wondering if anyone else has managed to get it installed on a Creeperhost server this way?

Also I can see from a comment earlier today you are making changes to the loot system. Does that mean a new version is due out soon? If so I'll hold off and wait for that before generating the world.

EDIt - ahhh I've scrolled back and read about the 2.0 upcoming. You said no ETA then. anything now? I don't want to start building on a world then have to scrap it all in a week or so :)
Last edited:
Hi there. I'm looking at using this pack with a friend of mine. Had a lot of performance issues at first but seems ok now. One of the big draws for me is the quest system to help learn mods as so much has changed in 1.7 even mods I know fairly well are completely different and my friend is a mod noob! However I've got a creeperhost server and, as this pack is private, I put in the code and it identifies the pack but cannot download the server to install it? Is this by design? Looking at their wiki this apparently usually means the pack wasn't configured correctly to let it download the server automatically? I can see other 3rd party packs are available on their I was just wondering if anyone else has managed to get it installed on a Creeperhost server this way?

Also I can see from a comment earlier today you are making changes to the loot system. Does that mean a new version is due out soon? If so I'll hold off and wait for that before generating the world.

EDIt - ahhh I've scrolled back and read about the 2.0 upcoming. You said no ETA then. anything now? I don't want to start building on a world then have to scrap it all in a week or so :)
Nope, no ETA.
Hi there. I'm looking at using this pack with a friend of mine. Had a lot of performance issues at first but seems ok now. One of the big draws for me is the quest system to help learn mods as so much has changed in 1.7 even mods I know fairly well are completely different and my friend is a mod noob! However I've got a creeperhost server and, as this pack is private, I put in the code and it identifies the pack but cannot download the server to install it? Is this by design? Looking at their wiki this apparently usually means the pack wasn't configured correctly to let it download the server automatically? I can see other 3rd party packs are available on their I was just wondering if anyone else has managed to get it installed on a Creeperhost server this way?

Also I can see from a comment earlier today you are making changes to the loot system. Does that mean a new version is due out soon? If so I'll hold off and wait for that before generating the world.

EDIt - ahhh I've scrolled back and read about the 2.0 upcoming. You said no ETA then. anything now? I don't want to start building on a world then have to scrap it all in a week or so :)

I run a Creeperhost server with the pack and can confirm that it does not work via the private pack code. Instead you have to download the server files and unzip them before uploading them to your server yourself via FTP.
  • Like
Reactions: Yulife
I run a Creeperhost server with the pack and can confirm that it does not work via the private pack code. Instead you have to download the server files and unzip them before uploading them to your server yourself via FTP.
Thankyou kindly. At the moment I'm looking to try this out but then go back to the 1.6.4 pack I've been using occasionally. Do you know if manually updating the server would screw up it automatically installing a pack again without having to go and manually delete all the server items uploaded?
Thankyou kindly. At the moment I'm looking to try this out but then go back to the 1.6.4 pack I've been using occasionally. Do you know if manually updating the server would screw up it automatically installing a pack again without having to go and manually delete all the server items uploaded?

Whenever you use the auto install feature on their control panel it will automatically delete the mod, config, scripts, and library folders as well as any jars. Once they are deleted it will replace them with the ones for your chosen pack. So it should be fine however it mite be a good idea to double check it and to clean up any left overs to save space on your server.
  • Like
Reactions: Yulife
Whenever you use the auto install feature on their control panel it will automatically delete the mod, config, scripts, and library folders as well as any jars. Once they are deleted it will replace them with the ones for your chosen pack. So it should be fine however it mite be a good idea to double check it and to clean up any left overs to save space on your server.
Great thanks. Will try the pack out on the server but might not start playing it in anger until 2.0 as don't want to spend ages building between the two of us only to have to start again a few weeks later
Great thanks. Will try the pack out on the server but might not start playing it in anger until 2.0 as don't want to spend ages building between the two of us only to have to start again a few weeks later
Just make a mystcraft age and dump all of your stuff there when you reset...
Whenever you use the auto install feature on their control panel it will automatically delete the mod, config, scripts, and library folders as well as any jars. Once they are deleted it will replace them with the ones for your chosen pack. So it should be fine however it mite be a good idea to double check it and to clean up any left overs to save space on your server.
Hey can see you are online hope you can help. I'm trying to set the server up now. Have copied everything to the server and generated the world. However I cannot connect to it as it is saying fatally missing some blocks. Normally I'd think it'd be a mod on the server not on my client however I have ALL the mods on my client apart from Eira IRC and OPIS (went for journeymap instead).

Any advise on what might be the issue or how I can check to see what it thinks is missing? Is there a mod in the client not present in the Server download maybe?

Edit: Specifically 6 missing blocks and Items if that helps?
Ok finally found the log that tells me what's mising. It seems to be some AOBD dusts? which is weird as the mod is untouched on both the client and server?

[18:54:43] [Netty Client IO #1/ERROR] [FML/]: Failed to connect to server: there are 6 missing blocks and items
[18:54:43] [Netty Client IO #1/DEBUG] [FML/]: Missing list: [aobd:crushedLead, aobd:crushedIron, aobd:crushedGold, aobd:crushedSilver, aobd:crushedTin, aobd:crushedCopper]
[18:54:43] [Netty Client IO #1/TRACE] [FML/]: $HandshakeAck:{2}->FMLHandshakeClientState$8:ERROR
Ok finally found the log that tells me what's mising. It seems to be some AOBD dusts? which is weird as the mod is untouched on both the client and server?

[18:54:43] [Netty Client IO #1/ERROR] [FML/]: Failed to connect to server: there are 6 missing blocks and items
[18:54:43] [Netty Client IO #1/DEBUG] [FML/]: Missing list: [aobd:crushedLead, aobd:crushedIron, aobd:crushedGold, aobd:crushedSilver, aobd:crushedTin, aobd:crushedCopper]
[18:54:43] [Netty Client IO #1/TRACE] [FML/]: $HandshakeAck:{2}->FMLHandshakeClientState$8:ERROR
You need to enable and disable the exact same optional mods the server has/doesn't have.
You need to enable and disable the exact same optional mods the server has/doesn't have.
Thanks for coming back to me. Yeah I literally just found them in the optional mods folder on the server as you posted that (was just coming back to say) I'm assuming I just copy the Jars out of here into the Mod folder?
As Yulife said you need to make sure the mod lists match between client and server.

Thanks for coming back to me. Yeah I literally just found them in the optional mods folder on the server as you posted that (was just coming back to say) I'm assuming I just copy the Jars out of here into the Mod folder?

Yes, just move them into the mods folder.
Thanks for coming back to me. Yeah I literally just found them in the optional mods folder on the server as you posted that (was just coming back to say) I'm assuming I just copy the Jars out of here into the Mod folder?
There is a README.txt inside. Yes, you just drop the jars in the "mods" folder.
ah thanks I should have read a few pages back so thanks... will enjoy putting speed upgrades into the ae inscriber