A tiny bug report for WLR 1.2.3. On server, scripts/railcraft.zs should contain this line instead:
mods.thermalexpansion.Pulverizer.addRecipe(16000, <Railcraft:ore:5>, <minecraft:netherrack>, <Railcraft:firestone.raw>, 20);
If you're logged into the game as op and do an '/mt reload' with the pack as-is you'll see the script fail as it can't find the firestone ore - the token given is wrong - It's just <Railcraft

Oops! Another bug. The EnderIO capacitors have an uncompletable quest as they depend on the old uncraftable deprecated capactitor. A workaround was to create scripts/enderio-cap-revert.zs as such:
val oldCapBank = <EnderIO:blockCapacitorBank>;
val newCapBank = <EnderIO:blockCapBank:2>;
recipes.addShapeless(oldCapBank, [newCapBank]);
As it was, you could craft the old one into the new one with a shapeless recipe, but you had no means to do the reverse (which the quest would require). This just adds the reverse. Ideally, update the quest to require the new block instead (I don't have the quest details handy, though)