Changelog Version 1.1.0
Mod Updates(newest release version on 13 july)
Forge to newest recommended version
ProjectE to newest release version
This is a big one, A new overhaul on how the EMC looks and all rings work now on a pedestal every ring will display on their tooltip what happens when you put the ring on a pedestal
-Updated all mods from the
COFH team to the newest release versions
(thermal expansion(+dynamics and foundation), minefactory reloaded, Redstone Arsenal)
HQM to the newest version
ProjectRed to newest release version, with some extra addons of ProjectRed
Forge multipart to newest release version
AromaCore to newest release version
CodeChickenCore to newest release version
NotEnoughItems to newest release versin
Translocator to newest release version
Chisel2 to newest release version
AE2 to the newest stable version
EnderIO&EnderZOO to the newest release versions
EnderTech to newest release version
SimplyJetpack to newest release version
Tinker's Mechwork to newest version
The main point of bugfixing in this patch was making sure all the updated mods were working and fixing the bugs in the quest system/npc quests. I have not updated/fixed the pumpkin quest line, I will do that later with my partner SpiritofMC when we check on every pumpkin and make sure every one of them is in the world. Then the pumpkin quests which are bugged will be fixed
-Readded the missing charms of life EMC
-Fixed an issue with the NPC quest that you were given the wrong item and so you couldn't complete the story line. This also fixes the bug that people had Note#2 still in their NPC quest line even though they already handed it in in another quest
-Fixed some quests not having rewards
-Fixed make one machinery from the thermal set and then complete the next 4 quests with it
-Fixed a problem after the update that certain items would not have a icon to display
-Removed EMC from the tinker armor set because sometimes when you pull one piece out the world got corrupted, this will hopefully fix it otherwise i have to remove them from the game so this doesnt happen anymore
-Fixed that the second part of the klein star quest is not able to be handed in if it had some EMC value in it, I made it a detection task where the NBT or metadata should not matter so you can complete that quest
-Fixed the swiftwolfs ring and lifestone not able to be handed in the rings of everything quest
Balance update
-Increased the cost of the dark and red matter armor since I cant modify how much damage they negate. And that is a big bunch of mitigation
-Sorry guys, nerfed the EMC flower by making the cost to make them much higher, this way you have to grind a little more till you can get an up and working EMC flower (I wont touch the Rate it produces EMC, for now MUhahaha

-Updated the rings of everything quest to have EVERY ring there is now with the new update of ProjectE
-Gave a guide how to do the last part of the story for those who don't have a clue what to do or to finish the parts before the fight itself