Wow, that sounds quite ridiculous. Well, nuts to that armor then... This isn't the first time I've stumbled upon TiCon issues. Thanks for a quick answer, anyway.I have encountered this as well. There seems to be a disagreement between the armor pre and post putting it in the table. Basically a piece of travellers armor pulled from the table has different values than the game is looking for. It is a compatibility issue between ProjectE and Tinkers' Construct. The only thing you can do is start a new world and never put (or at least dont pull out) tinkers' armor in the table.
@Mapmaker. Other encountered weirdnesses:
1) Emerald taken from Transmutation Table appears to be a ghost item. It doesn't stack, it doesn't give EMC back if returned into the table, it DOES suck out the EMC to give you one, though. I've lost like a hundred thousand EMC before I figured it's a bug.
2) Thermal Expansion machines quests seem somewhat broken. The very first one said I already crafted Pulverizer< although I never did before unlocking that quest. Crafting it registered as crafting a Redstone Furnace, and crafting Redstone Furnace registered as crafting an Induction Smelter. And that was it done. Than in the next one out of 5 machines 4 were "done" and I only had to craft the last one, Energetic Infuser (good thing I needed it anyway

3) The pumpkin in the major's tower cellar was not recognized for the quest. I'm guessing it's that stray one of those Mr. MyGoodLooks pointed out.
A very nice map otherwise, keep it up