[1.7.10] Void World HQM Map [270+ Quests|ProjectE|CustomNPCmod|Second place of JampackedII]

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I have encountered this as well. There seems to be a disagreement between the armor pre and post putting it in the table. Basically a piece of travellers armor pulled from the table has different values than the game is looking for. It is a compatibility issue between ProjectE and Tinkers' Construct. The only thing you can do is start a new world and never put (or at least dont pull out) tinkers' armor in the table.
Wow, that sounds quite ridiculous. Well, nuts to that armor then... This isn't the first time I've stumbled upon TiCon issues. Thanks for a quick answer, anyway.

@Mapmaker. Other encountered weirdnesses:
1) Emerald taken from Transmutation Table appears to be a ghost item. It doesn't stack, it doesn't give EMC back if returned into the table, it DOES suck out the EMC to give you one, though. I've lost like a hundred thousand EMC before I figured it's a bug.
2) Thermal Expansion machines quests seem somewhat broken. The very first one said I already crafted Pulverizer< although I never did before unlocking that quest. Crafting it registered as crafting a Redstone Furnace, and crafting Redstone Furnace registered as crafting an Induction Smelter. And that was it done. Than in the next one out of 5 machines 4 were "done" and I only had to craft the last one, Energetic Infuser (good thing I needed it anyway :p). I can't remember what were the others and I can't check now because world's not loading.
3) The pumpkin in the major's tower cellar was not recognized for the quest. I'm guessing it's that stray one of those Mr. MyGoodLooks pointed out.

A very nice map otherwise, keep it up :)
I have a problem with Max quest. I've got 4 electrum block, 4 electrum ingots and I have no idea what is yellow dye. I've got Dandelion Yellow but I'm not able to finish this quest
You are playing on version 1.0.0 or 1.0.1? Because I made a fix in version 1.0.2 (or at least it should have been fixed) I accidently typed the wrong items in the chat which you need to gather. Instead of the 4 electrum ingots you need 4 blocks of fluxed crystal

I have encountered this as well. There seems to be a disagreement between the armor pre and post putting it in the table. Basically a piece of travellers armor pulled from the table has different values than the game is looking for. It is a compatibility issue between ProjectE and Tinkers' Construct. The only thing you can do is start a new world and never put (or at least dont pull out) tinkers' armor in the table.
Next patch there will be a lot of mod updates, I will look myself if this issue is still happening, otherwise I am gonna remove all emc values on the tinkers armour and weapons to prevent crashes
You are playing on version 1.0.0 or 1.0.1? Because I made a fix in version 1.0.2 (or at least it should have been fixed) I accidently typed the wrong items in the chat which you need to gather. Instead of the 4 electrum ingots you need 4 blocks of fluxed crystal

Next patch there will be a lot of mod updates, I will look myself if this issue is still happening, otherwise I am gonna remove all emc values on the tinkers armour and weapons to prevent crashes
That would be a good idea even if they do work because the transmutation table is like pulling them out of nei. They have no nbt data on them at all which causes crashes and other issues (see the stone pick from tinkers in the table).
Next patch there will be a lot of mod updates, I will look myself if this issue is still happening, otherwise I am gonna remove all emc values on the tinkers armour and weapons to prevent crashes
Umm, then what if the player loses Dark Matter pick (~650k EMC) and Tinkers stone pick, e.g. in the Nether when trying to complete zombie pigmen quest (I died twice there recently)? Or do they all give crashes? Maybe equip shelter with starter tool stations from TiCon then? 'Cause there's no ability to make tools otherwise until after the mayor -> greenhouse quest line.

Another question is about Charm of Life. The tier one has no EMC, quest only gives 1. The crafting of tier 2 for next quest requires 4. How is the player supposed to get tier 2? Tier one is not craftable, and not EMC'able!
Umm, then what if the player loses Dark Matter pick (~650k EMC) and Tinkers stone pick, e.g. in the Nether when trying to complete zombie pigmen quest (I died twice there recently)? Or do they all give crashes? Maybe equip shelter with starter tool stations from TiCon then? 'Cause there's no ability to make tools otherwise until after the mayor -> greenhouse quest line.

Another question is about Charm of Life. The tier one has no EMC, quest only gives 1. The crafting of tier 2 for next quest requires 4. How is the player supposed to get tier 2? Tier one is not craftable, and not EMC'able!

Dark Matter pick isn't from TiC, it's from ProjectE and therefore unlikely to have the same crash.

Agreed on the Life Charm, since Keeping has a EMC I'd assume this is just an oversight.
Dumb question time... How on earth do I get clay? lol
I remember getting it either from some quest or in a crate in someone's cellar.
Since it's needed for Smeltery quests you shouldn't be able to miss it. Just need to find that Smeltery building and secure it.
I had hard time figuring out that buildings with square "holes" in the floor actually have Elevator blocks which also lead downstairs.
So after building a dark matter suit and clearing every building (I think)... The only mobs that spawn now are endermen and slimes... I still couldn't find clay. I cheated a piece in, sorry not sorry lol
Might I suggest adding the AutoPackager mod. I would be way easier for us to farm EMC with that rather than a Cyclic Assembler.
So after building a dark matter suit and clearing every building (I think)... The only mobs that spawn now are endermen and slimes... I still couldn't find clay. I cheated a piece in, sorry not sorry lol
Slimes will always spawn, even when you have your area lit up. I think there are actually some slimechunks in the map itself so the slimes will always spawn there (have to check)
And there should be a quest in the ProjectE questline that tells you how to get clay (I am checking it right now)
Hey guys an update about the new patch. I have almost updated a lot of mods already. This means that I have to update some of my minetweaker scripts and some of my ProjectE EMC (I have to redo all of them) I will do that later. You can find a changelog about what I have done so far (no bugfixing yet) If you think another mod should be updated tell it to me in a private message (that is easier for me too see then this forum :D)
-Updated Forge to newest recommended version
-Updated ProjectE to newest release version
-Updated all mods from the COFH team to the newest release versions (thermal expansion(+dynamics and foundation), minefactory reloaded, Redstone Arsenal
-Updated HQM to the newest release version
-Updated ProjectRed to newest release version, which includes Frames now
-Updated Forge multipart to newest release version
-Updated Redstone Arsenal to newest release version
-Updated AromaCore to newest release version
-Updated CodeChickenCore to newest release version
-Updated NotEnoughItems to newest release versin
-Updated Translocator to newest release version
-Updated Chisel2 to newest release version
Hey guys an update about the new patch. I have almost updated a lot of mods already. This means that I have to update some of my minetweaker scripts and some of my ProjectE EMC (I have to redo all of them) I will do that later. You can find a changelog about what I have done so far (no bugfixing yet) If you think another mod should be updated tell it to me in a private message (that is easier for me too see then this forum :D)
-Updated Forge to newest recommended version
-Updated ProjectE to newest release version
-Updated all mods from the COFH team to the newest release versions (thermal expansion(+dynamics and foundation), minefactory reloaded, Redstone Arsenal
-Updated HQM to the newest release version
-Updated ProjectRed to newest release version, which includes Frames now
-Updated Forge multipart to newest release version
-Updated Redstone Arsenal to newest release version
-Updated AromaCore to newest release version
-Updated CodeChickenCore to newest release version
-Updated NotEnoughItems to newest release versin
-Updated Translocator to newest release version
-Updated Chisel2 to newest release version

Question, is the ProjectE version 1.7.2? They just released 1.7.2 a day or two ago that has a few more bug fixes. :) Just making sure you didn't grab 1.7.1 in case you downloaded it a couple days ago.
You can craft the clay by using 2 peices of slag produced from an induction smelter. To get clay you should be able to use 2 slag, 1 dirt and 1 bucket of water.

Where I was stuck was not having the smeltery to make invar with... I cheated a piece of clay in then felt bad so I deleted it. Then I made a mob farm and used XP and the uncrafting table to break down some of the seared blocks from the smeltery building. After I made the needed blocks to complete a smeltery I was able to make the induction furnace, then literally 2min later I got invar from a quest after I had made it the hard way...
Where I was stuck was not having the smeltery to make invar with... I cheated a piece of clay in then felt bad so I deleted it. Then I made a mob farm and used XP and the uncrafting table to break down some of the seared blocks from the smeltery building. After I made the needed blocks to complete a smeltery I was able to make the induction furnace, then literally 2min later I got invar from a quest after I had made it the hard way...
Weird, I managed to find a piece long before I reached the town smeltery or Alice and Simon's house. Before I had cleared more than the mayor's residence even, I just can't remember where I got it from. I know I got sand from the philosopher's stone, and gravel from sandstone via the same method.....
Weird, I managed to find a piece long before I reached the town smeltery or Alice and Simon's house. Before I had cleared more than the mayor's residence even, I just can't remember where I got it from. I know I got sand from the philosopher's stone, and gravel from sandstone via the same method.....

I cleared jetpack house>mayor>smeltry>greenhouse.... And that is where I was "stuck" while building an emc flower. If I found it from a quest it's possible I deleted it by accident but not very probable because every quest item I have gotten I've taught my table and then put in a chest for safe keeping.

Currently I am rebuilding the city block by block and I have 6 emc flowers above the mayors tower lol
You get clay when you make gravel and you get gravel by using the philosophers stone on sandstone. It is a reward for the third quest in chapter 9. Transmutation.
hello guys. small problem here.

i started this pack yesterday (btw great pack! loving every pixel of it). played about 1-1.5 hrs and turned it off. later last night wanted to play and tried to open the game, launcher was working and was loading the game (but it was taking so long), but when i tried to open my single player world, it would load about 2-3 mins. and then directing to the main menu in MC. tried to restart the launcher, pc, game. didn't work. http://pastebin.com/wcyA2RsK here is the link.

appreciate all the help. thank you ^^
Just got my first firefly. Oh damn that is a lot of emc!

EDIT: I opened a reward bag and it said A LOT OF EMC!!! but it gave me a Quadruple-Layer Capacitor Pack which can not be put into the table. Not sure if it should have an emc value or if it should have said the line about Tools

EDIT: Rubber Saplings do not have an EMC value. Maybe this is intentional. I don't know lol
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You get clay when you make gravel and you get gravel by using the philosophers stone on sandstone. It is a reward for the third quest in chapter 9. Transmutation.

Oh my lord I am dumb lol... I didn't even notice you can scroll down on the quest window, just never paid attention. I have a crapton of quests to go ><