1.7.10 Total Meltdown [HQM][Tech][Space] - ABANDONED

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Use the Sieve. First thing I did was save up resources for an igneous extruder, then used a hammer to break cobble down into gravel, then ran that through the sieve. Used the resources from this to build an autonomous activator followed by a pulverisor. A bit of a grind with the ore berries to get started, but automated infinite resources is worth some effort.
How did I not think of this... I'm already well into the first chapter of quests all just by using ore-berries. (Lots of YouTube videos where watched while MC was in the corner, watering the bushes)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This pack looks sick! I'm thinking about starting a series on it. I love the whole moon biodome-esque starting theme!
Dude you should totallly do a series XD plus i just found your channel the other day you got some good stuff XD
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Never mind, HQM seems slightly bugged. If you shift-click items out of the crafting table, you only get credit for 1 wire instead of the 6 crafted.

original message said:
In the Disaster Recovery quest line, the Rewiring quest seems a bit grindy, maybe it's a bug in HQM or maybe an oversight, but I don't think it's right.

The quest calls for Aluminium Wire to be crafted, and the counter only increments by one per craft, so the wire needs to be crafted 12 times, for a total of 72 wires. I think it's meant that you should craft wire twice for a total of 12 wires. Because 12 times is an awful lot of wool!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Update 1.3.0 is released, and I really think you will enjoy it! :)
  • Agricraft Added.
Agricraft allows you to breed plants together, to form new plants or improve the existing ones. The agricraft system overhauls farming, adding in depth. However I have not disabled vanilla farming so if you don't intend on using Agricraft, don't worry.
  • Open Peripherals Added
Adds ComputerCraft integration with Reactorcraft as well as other mods. Useful if you enjoy computer craft!
  • Random Stuff added.
Random stuff adds in, well, random things. The items are unique and interesting (Lapis lamps that ignore mob spawn rules please) and I feel you can do some amazing setups with some of the blocks in this mod.

  • Crafting recipe for Rubber Sapling
Trying to find a rubber sapling in loot bags early was a bit...tough. This will give you a rubber tree early.(As well as added in a reward)

A lets Play series has been started by Xolan, check it out!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Added by myself:
Aroma1997Core and AromaBackup, never playing modded Minecraft without Backups
and OpenComputers (why always Computercraft?)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • Added Agricraft
  • Added Open Peripherals
  • Added Random Things
  • Rubber sapling recipe
  • Quest changes to reflect mod additions"

oh boy...

quest change...
I didn't even need the reinforced pick for meteorites, bronze picks work better!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
loving this pack.
...having just been playing with ME>4 for weeks, low gravity and chasing after my pickaxe with no magnet, has caused me at least 5 deaths today.
I really need to move the letter Q on my keyboard ;)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
loving this pack.
...having just been playing with ME>4 for weeks, low gravity and chasing after my pickaxe with no magnet, has caused me at least 5 deaths today.
I really need to move the letter Q on my keyboard ;)

I am glad you are enjoying it :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Update 1.4.0 has been released! I suggest backing up your save before updating.

This update targets a few glaring problems in the pack.
  • Added Aroma Backup - World corruptions are sad! This will stop them :)
  • Added Green Thumb - Harvest minecraft crops by right clicking, no replanting necessary.
  • Added Inventory Tweaks - Organize those chests!
  • Added Thermal Dynamics
  • Updated HoloInventory
  • Updated COFH Core, Thermal Expansion/Foundation
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Added Inventory Tweaks - Organize those chests!"


You have NO IDEA how much I missed that mod!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Added Inventory Tweaks - Organize those chests!"


You have NO IDEA how much I missed that mod!

Hey man, can't have a disorganized mess.

A quick update on what is planned next:
Modular Powersuits is ever edging closer to a stable release. When Modular powersuits has become stable, it will replace the combat system of the pack and will have an entire line dedicated to it.
I plan to add more planets and quests for each one respectively.
Still wanting to rework loot bags.

My question for you all is what do YOU want to see? A better food system? Harder mobs? Nether integration?

What would you like a quest line in next, or what have I not touched on thoroughly enough? Looking for some input! Also don't forget to checkout my other modpack, Hubris, which is a flip from the tech heavy into the arcane.
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Reactions: Pudding01


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey man, can't have a disorganized mess.

A quick update on what is planned next:
Modular Powersuits is ever edging closer to a stable release. When Modular powersuits has become stable, it will replace the combat system of the pack and will have an entire line dedicated to it.
I plan to add more planets and quests for each one respectively.
Still wanting to rework loot bags.

My question for you all is what do YOU want to see? A better food system? Harder mobs? Nether integration?

What would you like a quest line in next, or what have I not touched on thoroughly enough? Looking for some input! Also don't forget to checkout my other modpack, Hubris, which is a flip from the tech heavy into the arcane.
In the computer craft line, how about a quest or two that talks about some basic coding? Like walking through how to code a mining turtle to go and mine, then when it's inventory is full, head back and drop the stuff off at the chest it started by?

Also, I can't wait till I can go all Iron Man on those mobs! They'll never know what hit them...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My question for you all is what do YOU want to see? A better food system? Harder mobs? Nether integration?

What would you like a quest line in next, or what have I not touched on thoroughly enough?

Harder mobs! Or more variety,although I'm not sure how that would work with no oxygen. With the addition of Modular Powersuits a difficulty increase would be a good idea.

Nether integration to me just doesn't feel needed, building portals to hell doesn't exactly fit the science/tech feel. It would add variety, but so will the extra planets you want to add.

I'ld also like to see some hording quests added, gives people a reason to automate things ;) as it stands right now i could turn my farm off and never lack for food again. Chests full of juice FTW! Ok a maybe better food system is in order, or tweak spice of life slightly to increase the difficulty.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was considering adding infernal mobs as it is is not possible to add more mobs since they suffocate on the moon.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi DrasticDemise,

gotta say I'm enjoying this pack!
just an idea but what about having space stations,wrecked or overrun with mods (experiments gone mad)

Thumbs up to Xolan for the lets play series also!
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Reactions: Pudding01


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The space station was actually where the pack was going to take place. However it posed a problem with how galacticraft handles it's space stations. Each person has their own and has to grant permission for anyone to access it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am ATM bussy with the rewiring quest. to complete this quest you need to craft some aluminium wire. you can craft aluminium wire 6 at a time but when you craft 12 it only counts as 2(couse i did two crafting actions) enyone a idea how this is posible?