Edit: This project is currently abandoned and will no longer be supported. Progress may be broken or unstable, play at your own risk.
Hey everyone! I would like to finally announce the beta release of our new mod pack Total Meltdown. Total Meltdown is a tech centered mod pack that focuses on lunar survival and galactic domination. You must advance your tech fast as you battle with the lack of oxygen and available food. Mobs have evolved to be stronger than their over world counterparts, can you match them in strength?
The uniqueness of this mod pack stems from the many options available to the players. There are a variety of mods at each players disposal so that gathering resources is no longer a chore. Favor ex nihilo? Really like mine chem? Do you like programming turtles to complete complex tasks? Do you gain joy in murdering a legion of mobs? Any way is viable for nearly every resource and the player is not restricted to a single play style.
With over 120 quests and growing, can you reestablish society in the most hostile environment known to man?
Author Inspiration:
TheLargeCactus and I were inspired to create this mod pack because of how much we enjoy playing quest-based, objective-based mod packs.Tech mods often get a bad reputation due to their repetitive nature, but we feel that with this thematic set and a core objective, tech mods can come away from the resource tripling that they are known for and instead focus on the roots of minecraft, survival.
For the sake of loot bag balance, it is recommended to play on Hard.

The mods:
Pack Code: TotalMeltdown
Planned Features:
Change Log:
Sieve Spoiler:
If you come across a bug or broken quest please post here so that I may update it as soon as possible 
If you create a video of this mod pack please message me so that I may include it in the post!
Lets Play Series!
World Fix:
Hey everyone! I would like to finally announce the beta release of our new mod pack Total Meltdown. Total Meltdown is a tech centered mod pack that focuses on lunar survival and galactic domination. You must advance your tech fast as you battle with the lack of oxygen and available food. Mobs have evolved to be stronger than their over world counterparts, can you match them in strength?
The uniqueness of this mod pack stems from the many options available to the players. There are a variety of mods at each players disposal so that gathering resources is no longer a chore. Favor ex nihilo? Really like mine chem? Do you like programming turtles to complete complex tasks? Do you gain joy in murdering a legion of mobs? Any way is viable for nearly every resource and the player is not restricted to a single play style.
With over 120 quests and growing, can you reestablish society in the most hostile environment known to man?
Author Inspiration:
TheLargeCactus and I were inspired to create this mod pack because of how much we enjoy playing quest-based, objective-based mod packs.Tech mods often get a bad reputation due to their repetitive nature, but we feel that with this thematic set and a core objective, tech mods can come away from the resource tripling that they are known for and instead focus on the roots of minecraft, survival.
For the sake of loot bag balance, it is recommended to play on Hard.

The mods:
Applied Energistics 2
Big Reactors
Computer Craft
Ender IO
Ex Nihilo
Extra Utilities
Iguana Tinker Tweaks
Inventory Tweaks
Iron Chests
Lava Monsters
MineFactory Reloaded
Spice of Life
Steves Factory Manager
Perfect Spawn
Simply Jetpacks
Tinkers Construct
Thermal Expansion
Advanced Genetics
Loot Bags
Holo Inventory
Big Reactors
Computer Craft
Ender IO
Ex Nihilo
Extra Utilities
Iguana Tinker Tweaks
Inventory Tweaks
Iron Chests
Lava Monsters
MineFactory Reloaded
Spice of Life
Steves Factory Manager
Perfect Spawn
Simply Jetpacks
Tinkers Construct
Thermal Expansion
Advanced Genetics
Loot Bags
Holo Inventory
Pack Code: TotalMeltdown
Planned Features:
- Third tier space travel quest line(Galacticraft add-ons and asteroid belt)
- Automation Quest line
- End game quest line
- Storage quest line
- Focus down weapon/armor progression
Change Log:
V 1.2.0
- Added Agricraft
- Added Open Peripherals
- Added Random Things
- Rubber sapling recipe
- Quest changes to reflect mod additions
- Updated Minechem, EnderIO, Extra Utilities, Simply Jetpacks, COFH Core/Thermal Expansion/Foundation/MFR, Downgraded Big Reactors
- Added Holo Inventory
- Fixed Advanced Genetics quest
- Can now find quartz crystals in moon rock
- Added Sieve recipe for Diamonds, Lapis and Raw Silicon in moon rock
- Hot fixed a config error not allowing sieves to be automated.
- Added Advanced Genetics Quests
- Fixed the sieve automation bug
- Added ways to obtain earth life on the moon
- Can no longer craft canned food due to it ignoring Spice of Life diminishing returns.
- Nerfed the amount of times you can eat a specific food wayyy down.
- Lowered the starting amount of ore berry bushes (Won't affect current maps)
- Added Steves Factory Manager
Sieve Spoiler:
Moon Dirt:
- Stone
- All Saplings
- Wheat Seeds
- Melon Seeds
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Potato
- Carrot
- Clay
- Nickel
- Platinum
- Silver
- Lead
- Diamond
- Lapis
- Raw Silicon
- Quartz Crystals
- Spores
- Glowstone Dust
- Bonemeal
- Bone
- Flint
- Redstone
If you create a video of this mod pack please message me so that I may include it in the post!
Lets Play Series!
Credit to Xolan for this awesome video that give insight on what you can expect in Total Meltdown!
World Fix:
If you are stranded on anywhere but the moon without a rocket you may use /cofh tpx (yourname) -28
If a crafting quest isn't detecting your craft, use /hqm edit to force complete it
If a crafting quest isn't detecting your craft, use /hqm edit to force complete it
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