Still in 2.0.3 Launcher hasn't opened up 2.0.4 yet on my list.
Mostly mining tonight though i got to play around a bit with Flaxbeards steam mod - one i've never toyed with (General question to anybody: Is there any fast way to make brass ingots, while the casting was neat the first few times, it gets kinda monotonous)
Couple of things i noted while mining
Seem to be some random voids in the stone -- 2-6 blocks, looks like a ore view that disappeared. Sometimes has zombies spawned in them. I've taken to calling them Zombinium. Wonder if a mod spawned an ore and got overwritten -- might want to check if any expected ores aren spawning.
Speaking of spawning ores. There seems to be a lot of duplication on spawning copper ore -- Think i counted three mods at least spawning it -- might make sense to turn two of them off and just up the rate a bit on the one you want to use.
Maybe its luck of mining -- but Tin seems have a very low spawn rate, as done Zinc. There where a couple of mods spawning Sulfur and that seemed to be everywhere
Had some oddness with the Tconstruct mining level -- couple times tool said it gained a mining level but didn't seem to change what it could mine. Noticed it especially with my iron pick when i was trying to get it up enough to mine diamonds.