[1.7.10] TolkienCraft II - Adventure Awaits! - v2.9.5[QUESTS][ADVENTURE][NORMAL MODE]

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I've been having strange dreams when I lay down after a hard day of excavation.

Dreams of being in Draconis again. Of starting afresh. Of having a feeling of being more balanced out this time. Its busier in Draconis in my dream. Others appear to have shown up to take the king's requests. To slay monsters and hold the bandits at bay.

My dream self tried to play it safe this time. To recruit one of the others to assist me in barricading off the hoards of monsters in the dungeons. I got knocked out a few times, making the walk back to retrieve my things. For being knocked out and waking up in your bed, it still leaves a gravestone. I'm personally thankful, because they hold your things. If things in Draconis, no, in MInecraftia are loose too long, they vanish. I'd rather not lose these new leather bags of storing. 'Back packs'.

I used fences and gravel to hold off the impending doom of hoarding monsters. Even the spiders wear armor down there. Its terrifying. I can smell the troll from downstairs as I work. Its safer now... for anyone else to come down and slay their monster quota. I might be a Dragon Knight who has been alone a very long time, but having communal comrades is helpful.

The king took pity on my arrow-ridden condition after I arrived with his quota complete. Of my strained facial expressions as I dragged each and every arrow out of my flesh. Some deeper, others, barely clinging to my armor. Clad in the shreds of leather and a barely held together circlet of chain to protect my head... I'm a mess. "The troll is a difficult fight." he told me. "Take yourself out of Draconis for a bit... get stronger armor. A stronger weapon." He gives me a key and an orb. Similar to that old man I met outside my dream. Is this... its only a dream.

I received a backpack that is linked to a strange spacial box that I feel extremely drawn to. Its called an 'ender chest'. If you pair this bag with the chest, the contents appear in both. I feel the ender presence in this box... the gold latches are peppered with powdered fire, it is warm to the touch. I paired my bag, and now everything seems to link together. It is... unusual.

I"m thinking I will scout the troll without taking anything. I know he will knock me out... but it might prove beneficial. For I only received more tasks AFTER killing the troll. Or at least possessing his mace. I remember its knockback so vividly, it already hurts.

In this dream realm... where will I strike out on my own this time? What new land do I want to explore? Should I try to find my old home, to see if it still exists? Or do I wish to go out to Middle Earth first?
I've been accepted on the whitelisted official server, and I am tempted to continue my tale from there.
So How are players handling the beginning loot you get. From what I remember you do not get transported to a random spot until you complete the coven quest. So what do you guys do with the loot you get up until the point you can build your own base?
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So How are players handling the beginning loot you get. From what I remember you do not get transported to a random spot until you complete the coven quest. So what do you guys do with the loot you get up until the point you can build your own base?
Put it in the bank. The king rewards you with a stack and a half of silver, and you can almost open fully four slots in the bank.
Its the after the troll that you get the random tp out. I hear it might change around though, now that Tyltran is much harder then before. there's also backpacks.
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Reactions: GreatOrator
Put it in the bank. The king rewards you with a stack and a half of silver, and you can almost open fully four slots in the bank.
Its the after the troll that you get the random tp out. I hear it might change around though, now that Tyltran is much harder then before. there's also backpacks.

Thank you. How about the getting more coins? Is the only way to get more is to sell stacks to the npc at the lumber mill?
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Reactions: GreatOrator
Thank you. How about the getting more coins? Is the only way to get more is to sell stacks to the npc at the lumber mill?
Once you complete 'thinning their numbers' with the king, you unlock middle earth. Doing work for any NPC in Middle Earth earns you silver coins.
The vegetable merchant buys certain vegetable stacks for 2 coins each, the choco breeder buys chocopedias and red gysahls... and the junk man takes stacks of mob drops.
Thats all I can think of.
I dreamed again tonight.

I allowed the troll to send me back to my bed. With a bruised shoulder from being smashed into the wall of his lair. Being unable to build defenses, makes for an epic battle indeed. Very clever of that two-brained troll. Dragon knights are not so easily damaged, but I will feel this for a while.

Gripping this broadsword is difficult. I should invest in a lighter, stronger weapon. This sword gained some powdered fire upon it, lighting the target on fire. It assisted slightly with roasting the bandits alive. Nothing compared to the phosphate gasses that fuel our dragon's famed fire breath. It has a jewel of lapis on the hilt as well. If I slay a chicken, it might drop more then usual. Interesting. The smith told me, after throwing another pickaxe at me, that there were different types of swords to create. A rapier might do the job I want. If only I could remove the guard, and swap it out on this sword.

I took the key's teleport today. It dropped me in a forest by the beach. One thing the End does not have... is grizzly bears. Tanklike monsters with fur, claws and teeth. No tail, how stupid. Wait, they can climb trees with that bulk?! Ow. I wake up on the beach where I pitched a tent. Every boat I take ends up crashing into the sandbar. I must be near the tropics, for I see wood palms, a giant vined jungle, volcanoes... feels very tropical. I'm not so keen on hot temperatures. Makes me itchy. This body sweats. I don't like it. I smell. My armor is coated in salt water from every boat crash. It will take a great amount of time of burnishing it to remove the salt. Perhaps I should locate a hot spring to rest... Not without grabbing a few bits of flora. I have a slight... collector's desire to gather a great deal of choices of wood. Of trees, saplings. Even the cocoa beans. That human... Kittana. I owe her a cake, and it needs chocolate to make it. Cocoa only grows in jungles, on jungle wood. I even found apricots and almonds. Can you eat these?

I found a coniferous forest behind the jungle. The trees stretch up into the sky. Bears would have a difficult time trying to scale those. There is a castle here. Its deserted, upon exploration. I have nowhere to go, and according to this map of my dream, I am very far away from my home. Personally. I would rather dig out a hole in the wall. Its what dragons- er, dragon knights do. We don't live in luxury. A hoard, a den to sleep in, and a place to keep food. Dens for a singularity are rather small.

Perhaps I could eat some Hobbits.... loot their home, and build my own... The king warned me not to lay claim too close to town. At least two thousand meters from town. That's a ways away, but some kind of... mystical barrier prevents one from laying claim. Around certain places... I still like the shape of a hobbit home...

A citizen by the name of Val walked past me while I was in Draconis. She told me that others in search of fame and fortune have a 'community exchange', and told me how to access it. To distort the space of an 'ender chest' by coloring the wool on top in a certain combination, and removing the diamond from the latch. convenient. And then a vampire dropped out of the sky. He bit me. I hit him with my sword. He didn't seem to flinch... what an unusual monstrous creature. I am not afraid of it. Of its shining scale armor of neon green. Eye-burning green. He cannot go out in the sun. Perhaps there is a way to drag him into the sun, naked of his armor and watch the demon bat burn... Muahahaha. I did hear of a teleposition ritual... But you need the blood of the target. I should find its coffin.
I think I am becoming ill.

Barely had I opened my eyes this morning without wanting to roll over in my wool pelts and go back to sleep. This reality feels more dreamlike every time I wake up. The dream... feels more like reality every time I see it. Every time I find myself in this busier Draconis. Humans sleep more when ill... but I just feel... separated. Perhaps the seal on me is coming undone?

A stranger came to me as I plodded across Minecraftia, seeking the same place I dwell in reality. He gifted me, the gift of flight. I am very grateful to the stranger. I must be careful though. If I am knocked out with them, It is a very long journey to find them again.
I have been flying most of the way since. It makes journeying across the surface so much easier. I traveled day and night. I discovered artifact towers. Infiltrating from above, I found a helm of iron. It allows me to see in the dark. Oh how I have missed this ability. To see as well at night as I do in day. I also discovered a chestplate of gold. It gives a bit of magical resistance, fortifying this body a bit. If I am injured, I turn invisible briefly. It makes it almost impossible to see until the invisibility wears away. If I discover another chestplate, I will get rid of this one.

The Sunflower Plains. I found it again. The wall, the plains... its all here. My things of reality, they are not though. That is fine. For I have new things. More ways to control the hoards of items. The horses are donkeys. There are sheep and pigs... I am tempted to chase them. To eat them. The village is there too... but instead of the dark floating altar... a dungeon looms. Similar to the dungeon of Draconis. I do hope I am not the dream neighbor of a troll.

I took the orb back to the castle I had found in a previous dream. I had befriended wolves. I must bring them to the plains. I need to figure out a way to move them... For a 7k distance jump is rather far for four dogs to take.

Once I have settled in this dream land... I shall focus on rebuilding what I once had.

In my travels, I have been satisfying my inner flora hoarder. I brought exotic breeds of trees to the plain. A mangrove tree, that only grows with powdered bones. The roots run deep into the ground. Towering, spindly redwoods that yield great amounts of wood. Even a strange, glowing sapling that grew an enormous oak tree. It sheds these shining saplings as if rain. I can use the wood for a good bit of building. I will make a lumber axe again. And a hammer.

The only thing I cannot do in this dream world, is take on the troll. Not yet. I don't feel... that even ethereal, I could take him.

Maybe... I don't know yet.

I should investigate middle earth once I am settled. I want to eat, er, make friends with some hobbits. To gather their trees. The maple wood is in Bree. It is a distance from the Shire. I want maple. MAPLE.... and tiger wood. /not a flora hoarder. Nope.

The coven of Draconis has met. Loleitha stands before her sisters, and the grandmaster, explaining what she has done.

"You cannot keep this soul bound to this dimension as easily as you think." the grandmaster states.
"The ritual of binding worked successfully, grandmaster. I am sure of it."
"Yet, they are drawn further and further from this reality of Draconis..." Loleitha bit her lip, pacing up and down before the central coven's meeting table. Such a doubter, the grandmaster witch. "That 'hero' is not even of this dimension. You made a bad choice of who to try and save your king's land."
"A bad choice you say. Grandmaster, no other hero has caught my attention in terms of their internal powers then this one." Loleitha pointed out. "Countless 'heroes' have tried and failed. This one at least took on the troll." A horrible, cackling laugh from across the shadowed table.
"The troll is a simpleton. strong of body, weak of mind. Any halfwit could defeat the troll with the right preparations." the grandmaster witch declared.
"Fine then, but my chosen hero is not weak. What would it take to change your mind." Loleitha sighed, taking her seat once more.
"They must defeat me in a one-on-one battle to the death."
"Grandmaster, are you sure?" a chorus of the rest of the coven chimed in. "To fight a weakling to the death?"
"If they are the hero that Draconis so desperately needs, they should be able to defeat a witch." the grandmaster witch replied, tossing an icy look at the rest of the coven. Most shrank back in their chairs, silenced. Loleitha glowered at her higher-up.
And so, the arrangement is made for a hero to defeat the grandmaster witch in a fight. When is up to them. Where, surprisingly out in the fields around the castle?
I can't wait anymore.

I've done it. I've gone to Middle Earth at last.

Its so green here. So lush. Fertile, do the humans call it? Plant life is so abundant here. So much food to grow.
I remember what I saw in the Other Middle Earth. Of the gluttonous hobbits, and their great love of food and pipeweed and alcohol.
I want maple wood. In order to get there, its... -consults map- 14k meters from Waymeet, the central town of the Shire. I procured myself a pony after a short flight to get my bearings. They do not take lightly to strangers on their backs. I got tossed off many times.

Once the horse had been broken and saddled, I have been traveling. I swapped my horse for a wild boar to ride instead. Horses and boars possess different speeds and jump strength. The boar is much faster, and a bit more comfortable for this body to ride. I don't become hungry as often riding. If I find a better boar, i.e. better jump and speed stats, my present mount can go free, or be dinner.

Getting the boar back to the overworld would be difficult though.

The idea is to get a feel of the land without flying. I don't run across the land when I have access to my wings. Gripping the ground with your hands, reveling in the feel of dirt and sand underfoot. Much more interesting then cold, porous end stone.

Once you leave the fertile Shire, heading east, there are many cloaked humans about. And these... can you call them monsters? They are 'gundabad orcs'. Rather disfigured, and almost animallike. They pay for deeds done, such as the Hobbits do. They differ a bit though, as a number of these orcs and 'rangers' want me to kill another race of creatures.

How about no? I'd rather not make enemies in this Middle Earth. The orcs and rangers alike have asked for my iron stores. I overmade the iron daggers for an oversight, and now my pack is full of pointy knives. Rather painful for both the boar and I.

The journey to Bree is long, hard, and rather painful to the butt-bones. The road from the Shire is not an easily traversed path. The boar handles most of the trip just fine. I have to get off every now and then though, to get the blood flowing back in my legs.

I must keep in mind, I owe some cider to a ranger back in that wild outland.

Perhaps I can find hobbit holes to live in where Bree is. Unlikely.

A thaumaturge would find Middle Earth very tempting. I see the dust of nodes everywhere, as well as Greatwood trees. This land is very fertile with them. Some even have treasure...

I should have emptied my bags before this trip.
  • Update! - v2.5.0 - Using Forge 1389
    • Mods Added
      • Better Loading Screen
      • ExtraTiC (Now with more Draconic Evolution compatibility!)
      • Lolnet Pack Identifier (This mod is ONLY for players who wish to play on the lolnet servers so you will be able to join the lobby rather than get booted if the server crashes)
    • Mods Removed
      • RedGear Core
      • BrewCraft
    • Mods Updated
      • AsieLib
      • BDLib
      • CodeChicken Core
      • CofH Core
      • Forge
      • Multipart
      • iChun Utilities
      • OpenModsLib
      • SlimeVoid
      • MrTJP Core
      • Antique Atlas
      • Applied Energistics
      • Aquaculture
      • Artifice
      • Aura Cascade
      • BiblioCraft
      • Biomes O' Plenty
      • Blood Magic
      • Botania
      • BuildCraft
      • Carpenter's Blocks
      • Chisel
      • Crafting Manager
      • Deco Craft
      • Dense Ores
      • Draconic Evolution
      • Ender Storage
      • Extra Cells
      • Extra Utilities
      • Jabba
      • Logistics Pipes
      • Lord of the Rings
      • Magic Bees
      • Mystcraft
      • NEI
      • NEI Add-ons
      • Node Tracker
      • Open Blocks
      • Ore Dictionary Converter
      • Pam's HarvestCraft
      • Project:Red
      • RailCraft
      • Redstone Arsenal
      • Refined Relocation
      • Resource Loader
      • Storage Drawers
      • Thaumic Energistics
      • Thaumic Tinker
      • The Camping Mod
      • Thermal Foundation, Dynamics and Expansion
      • TiC Tooltips
      • Tinker's Construct
      • Wawla
      • Witchery
      • Witching Gadgets
    • Configs changed/updated
      • Finally think I have the ore spawning fixed so shiny metal will spawn in new terrain
      • A Few other config tweaks
    • PHEW! that was a heck of a list!
Things to note:
  • The reason for the jump to 2.5.x is because of the huge number of changes, notably the update to railcraft 9.6 AND to Chisel 2 AND the new update to the LotR mod. You will most likely need to update your save from the map download that should be available shortly (probably before this is available on the launcher)
  • I have changed the Ancient Quest, you now SHOULD get the key and orb before having to kill the troll, making it easier to go out and buff up before continuing the questline.
  • Content Packs will start to be available shortly, overwhelmingly Minas Tirith and Isengard were the chosen ones. I will link the main map to the content downloads once I get a video together explaining how to use them.
Hi GO, awesome update! I can't wait til we get it on the server I'm on! :)
Since we are still using 2.4.10 here, I'm not sure if you fixed this in the new update, but if not, here's a bug report for ya. :)

The Botania mage at the tower gives a quest (duh hehe) and asks for the Petal Apothecary but if you press "L" and look at the quest, it says "Altar of Light". This confused my teammate on the server until last night when he made another Petal Apothecary and it said he was done with the quest. lol I accepted that quest today and sure enough, it wasn't just a 1 time bug. Thought you might wanna know about that in case it wasn't fixed already. :)
Hi GO, awesome update! I can't wait til we get it on the server I'm on! :)
Since we are still using 2.4.10 here, I'm not sure if you fixed this in the new update, but if not, here's a bug report for ya. :)

The Botania mage at the tower gives a quest (duh hehe) and asks for the Petal Apothecary but if you press "L" and look at the quest, it says "Altar of Light". This confused my teammate on the server until last night when he made another Petal Apothecary and it said he was done with the quest. lol I accepted that quest today and sure enough, it wasn't just a 1 time bug. Thought you might wanna know about that in case it wasn't fixed already. :)
That is a known issue and is due to something in botania coding that calls the petal apothecary an altar of light. I dont believe that there is anything that Great Orator can do about really.
Hi GO, awesome update! I can't wait til we get it on the server I'm on! :)
Since we are still using 2.4.10 here, I'm not sure if you fixed this in the new update, but if not, here's a bug report for ya. :)

The Botania mage at the tower gives a quest (duh hehe) and asks for the Petal Apothecary but if you press "L" and look at the quest, it says "Altar of Light". This confused my teammate on the server until last night when he made another Petal Apothecary and it said he was done with the quest. lol I accepted that quest today and sure enough, it wasn't just a 1 time bug. Thought you might wanna know about that in case it wasn't fixed already. :)
Right, as lbjodom said, it is a part of the localization and apparently botania calls it that internally so not much I can do about it. I changed the text awhile ago to state in the flavor text it is the petal apothacary, similar to a few other quests where the names don't show properly.