and i seem to be unable to get out of the stupid bat morph that i only wanted to explore around in a bit
I appreciate the donations from everyone. I make it a point to be as open as possible with other peoples money, comes with the job of managing millions of the US taxpayer's dollars. To those who have sent me requests for invites, I will be contacting 5 of you shortly.
- Current Donation Status
- Total Received - $114.92
- Server Upkeep - $39.29
- Remaining Balance - $75.63
- Basic Server Information
- Hosting Service Provider -
- Server Stats
- RAM - 4GB
- HDD - SSD 20GB
- Future Plans
- Increase in slot availability from 10 to 15
- Implementation date: 23DEC2014
- Migrate to new hosting company
- The server is hitting a data cap with the SSD limit of 20GB. With the backup routines in place and expansion/exploration of all dimensions, the server quickly reaches the cap nearly every day. I regularly download the backups to my PC and erase them on the server, but I cannot maintain this activity. Especially if I go on travel or are deployed. Therefore it has become necessary at this point to begin looking at other hosting companies with higher or unlimited storage caps. There is one I found that may be worthwhile, They are also cheaper, so I can upgrade the server further for the same upkeep costs. If anyone has any experience with them, I'd love to hear it. Otherwise:
- Implementation date: 15JAN2015
Thank you.
Very awesome! Glad to see donations coming in!SERVER NEWS - 23DEC2014
Thank you.
Its part of Ars Magica. There's an Armor infusion or something or other table in there, and thats how you infuse your armor. Its in the Arcane Compendium.Hi, Where do I go to find out how to use the weapons and armor that are infused with xp like the wizard armor and ninja armor?
Awesome Mod Pack btw!!!
The end portal is there, found it in a few interations of the map, about 3k blocks from spawn.
On a side note... I wanted to use McEdit to spawn in Minas Tirith and some other places but other dimensions other then the overworld show up empty. any ideas?
I was trying to place them in there places on the middle earth map. I have been to those spots on map, so I know that they are generated but in MC edit it says that dimension is empty.Spawn them in the overworld and dump them into a Mystcraft portal.
I was trying to place them in there places on the middle earth map. I have been to those spots on map, so I know that they are generated but in MC edit it says that dimension is empty.
I've used it before with MystCraft ages.MCeddit can't really handle extra ages.
I've used it before with MystCraft ages.
Brandon3055 said:Regarding 1.8
I would like to get some input regarding 1.8. I have started the update to 1.8 but it is massive and will take a long time to finish in which time i will not be able to work on 1.7.10. So what im wondering is should i continue the 1.8 update or delay/skip it to continue working on 1.7.10?
Let me know what you all would prefer in this poll but keep in mind if i do delay the update to 1.8 there will be a prety big delay when i do continue the update.
Not without going back, I used ender eyes to locate it and then set a waypoint so I wouldn't have to search again. @Vals NoisyToys has located it in one of her videos so you might be able to get the coords there, but not sute if it will be the same for you since it is outside already genned chunks.Anymore hints then that? thats still a pretty big search area.
I voted (for the postpone option of course!Decided to post this here as well since this is the biggest pack currently using my mod.
Not without going back, I used ender eyes to locate it and then set a waypoint so I wouldn't have to search again. @Vals NoisyToys has located it in one of her videos so you might be able to get the coords there, but not sute if it will be the same for you since it is outside already genned chunks.
I voted (for the postpone option of course!)
well a question i would like to know is that if you continue with 1.7.10 will the work you do there beable to transfer to 1.8 or is 1.8 a complete rewrite.Decided to post this here as well since this is the biggest pack currently using my mod.