[1.7.10] TolkienCraft II - Adventure Awaits! - v2.9.5[QUESTS][ADVENTURE][NORMAL MODE]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Waiting for push to the launcher, but if you are multiMC saavy, you can get the latest release at github:

V2.8.0 - The Deepening Shadow Update
  • Core Mods Updated
    • AromaCore
    • BDLib
    • BrandonsCore
  • Mods Updated
    • AgriCraft
    • Ancient Warfare
    • Aroma Backup
    • BiblioCraft
    • BuildCraft
    • Draconic Evolution
    • Forestry
    • Gendustry
    • Hardcore Questing Mode
    • JourneyMap
    • Logistics Pipes
    • MadHelp
    • Magic Bees
    • Not Enough Keys
    • Project:Red
    • Refined Relocation
    • Storage Drawers
    • Tinkers Construct
    • TolkienTweaks
  • New Mods Added
    • RedGear Core
    • BrewCraft
  • Other Changes
    • 8 New locations
      • Forochel
      • Carn Dum
      • Rhosgobel (Radagast)
      • Tom Bombadil
      • Bree
      • Archet
      • Grey Havens
      • Staddle & Comb
  • Over 100 new CustomNPC quests and 200 Dialogs
  • More than 30 new shopkeepers
  • Some areas improved/remodeled
  • HQM Restructure
  • Job Boards
  • Improved Fast Travel
  • Main Quest line now allows for choosing Good or Evil
  • New music for different areas as well as new boss music
This update is strongly encouraged to start a fresh map unless you are experienced in modifying existing worlds in order to take advantage of all the new content.
This was the combined effort of Teagan75, Sn0wShepherd and brandon3055


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are there slime islands in the overworld? I haven't gone exploring too much and wanted to check beforehand so I don't waste time if they're disabled.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
They will spawn naturally, yes. I did not disable them, just if they interfered with a build I would remove it from that area typically.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Bugfix v2.8.1
  • Mods Updated
    • Buildcraft
    • HQM
    • Logistics Pipes
    • RailCraft
  • Configs Fixed
    • HQM editmode changed to false
Just a reminder, if you are a server admin, the idea is to download the maps in your client first, then upload the world to your server. The map is now a total of 1.6GB and just does not make sense to add it to every release of the pack
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is it still necessary to separately download the content packs, or are they included in the main map download?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
They are still a separate download as the entire map is 1.6GB, the download & Install button on the main menu makes that easy


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
this dosent seem to be working for me i downloaded the 2.7.3 version and when it got to 7/7 it took me back to the ftb lancher then when i tried again its said their was an update so i udated it but it is still not working.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I understand that the map is a download, but is it a single download? It's been a few versions since I've played. It used to be that we had to download the map and then we also had to download "content packs" (for things like isengard). Are these content packs now part of the 1.6 GB map download?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
this dosent seem to be working for me i downloaded the 2.7.3 version and when it got to 7/7 it took me back to the ftb lancher then when i tried again its said their was an update so i udated it but it is still not working.
What part is not working? If it is the FTB launcher itself, you will need to send a request to them, (do not recall there being any kind of counter other than a % calculation for downloading the maps)
I understand that the map is a download, but is it a single download? It's been a few versions since I've played. It used to be that we had to download the map and then we also had to download "content packs" (for things like isengard). Are these content packs now part of the 1.6 GB map download?
Did you click on the download and install button? the answer is there.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What part is not working? If it is the FTB launcher itself, you will need to send a request to them, (do not recall there being any kind of counter other than a % calculation for downloading the maps)
when it gets to 7/7 it just goes back to the ftb lancher


  • crash-2015-10-24_08.22.37-client.txt
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
when it gets to 7/7 it just goes back to the ftb lancher
It looks like something in Project Red: Integration is not loading correctly. I'm able to run the current version, so try to reinstall the current version of the modpack. You can do this by opening the FTB launcher clicking "Options" at the top, then the "Force Update" button and then running Tolkiencraft II. This should pop up the window as if an update were available. select yes or ok and let it reinstall.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi Great Orator,

I am playing the new updated version.
There is a recipe conflict between the JABBA Barrel Hammer and the LOTR Iron Battleaxe

Thanks for an awesome Modpack, it is a lot of fun to play.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi Great Orator,

I am playing the new updated version.
There is a recipe conflict between the JABBA Barrel Hammer and the LOTR Iron Battleaxe

Thanks for an awesome Modpack, it is a lot of fun to play.
yup, that is why I use no more recipe conflicts, look in a vanilla crafting table and you will see a little arrow, use that to choose between recipe options


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sorry for the really stupid and probably annoyingly recurring question, but I can't figure out how to get this to run anymore. The automatic map download for the basic map only creates a savegame called "world". If I load that, I get the initial MCA-questions and start in Draconis, minus the HQM book (but you can ask Elm for that). Is this how it's supposed to work now? The old "dump the files from the download in the template folder" from when I first had a look at this modpack doesn't seem to do anything anymore -- I just get a random world if I try to start a new game.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
yup, that's how it works, no more template. You simply use the download & install feature to download the main map and all of the extended content and the mod that makes that possible keeps a copy of the archives for you if you want a clean world. And yes, the hqm thing has been a thing for awhile, that is why elmn helps you turn it on. Side effect is now you can create a random new world if you simply want to play with the mods and not the content of the pack (which is something people asked about)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just started playing your pack a couple days ago, downloads went fine, started right up. I had a little bit of a learning curve with the customNPC questing, but figured that out too.

Problem.. I am up to the quest to kill Tyltran the troll chieftan, and we just sit around and chit chat, you know he is big into crocheting? He offered to make me some "Puny Pants".. I took a bath in his cooking pot, and he helped do my back with his special soap, it really works! It boosted my hearts... He is immune to damage, I can hit him when he is on fire, and it will say 'critical', but he takes no damage. He is also not attacking me, very friendly guy actually.. should have an option to let him live, maybe fake his death?

So the big problem is I would like to goto middle-earth and see all the great work you have done, but I cant progress. The ancient guy sends me to a new dimension to 'make my home' but I accidentally came back before I setup my thingy, so I cant get there again,, that guy should always send you there after you agree to go, so if you lose or forget to set the charm there, you can still get back. The monk guy only sends me to the nether or dark. So I cant get to middle-earth..

I spent ALOT of time around Tyltrans new home at the bottom of the pit. New, as in not the one I see him in on youtube. I like the new digs.. but how does he get out? I assume he climbs up the shaft, but then what? Those spiral staircases would seem impossible to me for him to squeeze through. Also, the disguised door of his pantry (prison/torture chamber filled with corpses) doesnt work, so if you fall down there you have to dig through the walls. I can see a player able to get out if he either uses the thingy to teleport, or digs until he finds the old room.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
oh.. gravestones cant spawn on 'protected' blocks? After making it all the way through the dungeon without dieing.. That last room had 12 spawners? 12? really? So Tyltran and I were hanging out, and I was doing research on this that and the other and a slime killed me.. got all the way back, and no gravestone.. Well it was a good thing he wasnt hostile, because the armor, weapons, and other stuff I expected to be there when I got there wasnt there. So I suspect because you cant put cobble on the floor of his room, that a gravestone wouldnt work either..