Shouldn't be. I believe they are detection quests now so try using the manual detect button.The Iron/Steel tank quests are still broken.
To be fair that was based off the wiki which is probably severely datedAlso, Several of the quests make mention that coke is supposed to be 4x as efficient as coal, and only one should be needed to turn iron to steel, but it's actually only 2x as good as coal and you need 2 to make steel.
Guess I'm going to have to crack down on this one, it's eluding me for too long.The Iron tank quest is broken for me as well
Early on this can hurt a bit, but if you have the materials, look into making a market block.Pams harvest seems to be limited fairly badly on the random world spawns (ie ground harvest, various berry bushes, ect)
I think the problem might lie in that when I tested and made the quests, I used NEI spawned tank blocks, which I know worked. I'm going to get the resources from NEI and craft the blocks and use those to make the quest. My guess is that the NEI blocks for these don't have the same data stored as the crafted blocks (TE machines also had this problem which I had fixed earlier).Thanks for the Tip! The iron tanks quest, I crafted each block type twice and tried spawning it in with creative and neither has worked. Tried manual detect after each craft, with all being crafted and after assembling the tanks.
Any chance it has to do with the all the different recipes to color each of those blocks differently? It seemed very strange that shapeless crafting list has all the odd-ball coloring options listed first and the base "normal" color block list at or near the last page.
Well a delayed answer beats no answer. If I can even recall, I removed having to increase mining level on tools (Just annoying when you want a new tool). You should just need a pickaxe with a copper head, so you will need a smeltery or luck out in a village.Cool pack- but how to level up pick to mine iron?
Yeah, I'm lazy. I think I'm going to rework the whole main post anyways.The changelog in the first page is not updated
How do you find the flower for the stean generation quest????