[1.7.10] The Sky is the Limit [291 Mods] [stable] [sidequests] [alternated balancing]

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(As already said via PM, once again for the public:)
I should be able to fix it in the next update, for now I recommend TC Golems, EnderIO, RotaryCraft or Chromaticraft (all these should be working) :)

(Please don't ask for an eta, I have to do some massive work as I'm working on getting some things (mainly ProjectE) completely and finaly balanced, trying to start finishing touches on the modpack core (the pack should still be considered as stable Open-Beta (end-stadium) as there will be massive changes to mostly everything) and don't have much time avaible currently)
Anyone know how to collect Chromaticraft info fragments?
They're available in loot chests, although it took me days just to locate a few.
Tried killing a number of different mobs and players with pylons, seems they just don't drop in this version or something?
If anyone has any info, I'd love to know.
Anyone know how to collect Chromaticraft info fragments?
They're available in loot chests, although it took me days just to locate a few.
Tried killing a number of different mobs and players with pylons, seems they just don't drop in this version or something?
If anyone has any info, I'd love to know.

Info Fragments are in fact extremely rare...the best source are ChromatiCrafts own structures (namely the crystal shrine) as thay often contain 4-7 Fragments.
If resources aren't an issue you can try locating them with Distortion Flames (DraconicEvolution).
Otherwise...heavy dungeon farming will be in order (If you know how MFFS-Quarries work - they're extremely effective if you blacklist all stone types) ;)
(I found most Fragments I needed whilst searching those damn ocean temples and secret burrows...took me about 40 hours alltogether and I still haven't found an ocean temple, whilst another player on our dev-server found 2 already XD )
Info Fragments are in fact extremely rare...the best source are ChromatiCrafts own structures (namely the crystal shrine) as thay often contain 4-7 Fragments.
If resources aren't an issue you can try locating them with Distortion Flames (DraconicEvolution).
Otherwise...heavy dungeon farming will be in order (If you know how MFFS-Quarries work - they're extremely effective if you blacklist all stone types) ;)
(I found most Fragments I needed whilst searching those damn ocean temples and secret burrows...took me about 40 hours alltogether and I still haven't found an ocean temple, whilst another player on our dev-server found 2 already XD )

Actually, since posting that, I found a fantastic alternative.
Runic dungeons apparently spawn a metric crapton of loot chests, many of which have info fragments. I got about 30 in just over an hour.
It's frustrating that killing mobs to get them has been disabled, but whatever.
Thanks though!
I just started playing this pack, and I'm loving it so far! I've had so much trouble in the past trying to add Reika's mods to other packs, and it's nice to finally be able to play them.

Unfortunately, I also come here with a problem I've found in version 1.5... I use the Highlands world type because I really love the highlands biomes, but I've recently discovered that caves do not spawn at all for some reason. I've tested this with multiple worlds in multiple biomes, using a flame of distortion to make sure I'm not insane. I've used Highlands before and this wasn't a problem, so I'm very confused. There must be some awkward incompatibility somewhere, and I have no idea where to start looking. Any ideas?

EDIT: I spoke too soon, and a bit of intuition helped me find the solution which I will post here for anyone else who may have the same problem:

If you are using the Highlands world type and caves are not generating, you need to remove the Enhanced Biomes mod. The two do not like each other, apparently.
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I just started playing this pack, and I'm loving it so far! I've had so much trouble in the past trying to add Reika's mods to other packs, and it's nice to finally be able to play them.

Unfortunately, I also come here with a problem I've found in version 1.5... I use the Highlands world type because I really love the highlands biomes, but I've recently discovered that caves do not spawn at all for some reason. I've tested this with multiple worlds in multiple biomes, using a flame of distortion to make sure I'm not insane. I've used Highlands before and this wasn't a problem, so I'm very confused. There must be some awkward incompatibility somewhere, and I have no idea where to start looking. Any ideas?

EDIT: I spoke too soon, and a bit of intuition helped me find the solution which I will post here for anyone else who may have the same problem:

If you are using the Highlands world type and caves are not generating, you need to remove the Enhanced Biomes mod. The two do not like each other, apparently.

Thanks for the info :)

Also, one thing everyone who reads this might want to know: We're currently working on v2.0.0.0
[The version numbers always followed a schematic but I never explained it so here you are: a.x.y.z ;
a ^= Prime number, only changed on really massive changes like a complete overhaul ;
x ^= "Version" number, changes whenever there's a bigger update (heavier balancing, mod changes etc.) ;
y ^= Build number, contains bugfixes and minor mod updates ;
z ^= Dev-Build number, used for hotfixes only (gamebreaking bugs that are mostly the result of some stupid derp on our side xD ) ]

I can't tell you much yet but I can say: v2 will be a LOT harder and it really is a complete overhaul, wich will most likely break every single world save you have :p
[v1.x will only recieve fixes for massive bugs from now on, as we're concentrating on v2 currently (So, v1 is STILL SUPPORTED! We're only no longer actively developing on v1, but if you find bugs, still: just post them)]

(I think I'll give you some development sneek peaks every now and then just to tease you :p )(Yep I'm evil ^^)
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What's that doing in my Thaumonomicon? o.O

Sneek Peak #1 :)
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We are having an issue where Iron isn't smelting in the TC Smeltery. I saw back in early September that this problem would be fixed in an update. I was wondering if it was fixed and this is a new problem?
One other question, we are not familiar with Magical Crops. We made some minicio seeds and planted the crops (BTW must be done in vanilla dirt). The crops hurt us when we stop on them. Is that normal?
We are having an issue where Iron isn't smelting in the TC Smeltery. I saw back in early September that this problem would be fixed in an update. I was wondering if it was fixed and this is a new problem?

That issue was fixed ages ago o.O Are you sure you're using the latest modpack version? (
(It was a problem withthe oreDict not recognising Ore variations with MetaData wich we temporarily fixed with a hotfix and made impossible to happen again 1 version later).
Can you check if the ore does have the "oreIron" oreDict tag? If it doesn't please try the command /mt reload (It forces minetweaker and modtweaker to reload their scripts (if you altered them try undoing your changes))
If that doesn't help please post the full minetweaker scripts (.minecraft/scripts) (Use a spoiler).

One other question, we are not familiar with Magical Crops. We made some minicio seeds and planted the crops (BTW must be done in vanilla dirt). The crops hurt us when we stop on them. Is that normal?

Yes that's normal. That feature was added in MagicalCrops 4.0 (you can disable it in the configs if you wish to do so).
That issue was fixed ages ago o_O Are you sure you're using the latest modpack version? (
Yes that's normal. That feature was added in MagicalCrops 4.0 (you can disable it in the configs if you wish to do so).

1) Yeah, definitely 1.5. I will try the reload to see if that fixes it. If not I will send you the script.

2) The plants really didn't hurt, though it looked like a DOT was in effect. My health never went down. Just a slight irritation:) But. . . When I put the same plants in the crop sticks they didn't hurt anymore plus you get the benefit of 10/10/10 crops. In the end, it worked out.

Thanks for your reply. I will keep you updated on issue #1. Awesome mod pack BTW! We are having a blast with it.
After reloading nothing changed.

Probably a silly question. . . I know how to put spoilers in, I even was able to open the script files (I have a MAC), but I past stuff into the spoiler and it says I am posting too many characters. Is there a way to get the actual files to you?
After reloading nothing changed.

Probably a silly question. . . I know how to put spoilers in, I even was able to open the script files (I have a MAC), but I past stuff into the spoiler and it says I am posting too many characters. Is there a way to get the actual files to you?

You could add them as attatchments (Upload File Button right next to 'Post Reply') ;)
Hm... nothing wrong with the scripts...MineTweaker is also working otherwise the reload command would have returned some kind of error message...
Can you tell me if the ore does have the "oreIron" oreDictionary Tag?
(The extra Tags can be activated via NEI/pressing F3)
Hm... nothing wrong with the scripts...MineTweaker is also working otherwise the reload command would have returned some kind of error message...
Can you tell me if the ore does have the "oreIron" oreDictionary Tag?
(The extra Tags can be activated via NEI/pressing F3)

Here is a screenshot. Does this help?

Screen Shot 2015-11-30 at 8.56.33 AM.png
Also, we didn't make any changes to the pack. We didn't add anything or change any config settings.
Okay the data Tag is exactly as it should be...are you sure there isn't any issue with the processing machines?
(Smeltery: sufficient amount of lava and constructed correctly? There isn't any other reason for this to happen I can think of... Can you confirm if the machines are working with other ores/materials?)
Ok. . . this is really strange. On a hunch I grew iron essence through Magic Crops and got enough essence to make iron ore.

That ore works in the smeltery.

The ID is 15 (the one that smelts fine from Magic Crops)
The ID of the ore that doesn't smelt (except in vanilla furnace) is 15:8

Not sure that helps. Seems, so far, to only be iron that won't smelt.