[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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Wait..you can MAKE spawners? :O :D
I really need to get into EIO ^^
Ender IO spawners take a good investment. I'll brief you.

Break spawners in dungeons to get Broken Spawner, specific to a type of monster (the one that was spawning in it normally)
you need a Powered Spawner, which involves a fancy head made from Enderman Head, and it also requires a crystal involving emerald.
(OPTIONAL)The Broken Spawner's monster type can be changed with a Soul Vial, containing the soul (shift right click a monster to capture it), in a..thing..Soul Binder. I think it costs 10 levels of experience.
ok, painful part..you need to smith, using an Anvil, the broken spawner and powered spawner together to "tie" the monster type, to the spawner..this takes 30 levels of experience.

Good luck, have fun.
Hello Caigan,

I just downloaded the modpack from FTB and im having an issue. When i create the world, the game starts with the 'esc' options on screen then when a click 'return to the game', the game crashes. The message shows up "fatal error occuried".

I tried to redownload, change location, disable aura cascade, fluxe crystals, rftools because i saw some errors with this mods on log screen, but nothing works.

Can you help me to fix this? i really don't know why its not working and this modpack looks awesome, i wanna try it. This is happening in my desktop and in my notebook, same error.

Thanks for the help.

Here is the full log from lastestlog.txt

Here is full log from FTB launcher log.
Once you go black, you never go back!
Wait, er, Enderman black I mean, not... nevermind

I always skip to ender energy conduits in ender IO. Really powerful for relatively cheap with more possibilities than TE ducts with the option of multiple kinds of conduit in one block, 100% hidden conduits (FACADES ARE AMAZING), You can paint glowstone and WAILA thinks it is whatever block but it is 100 hidden and still produces mob-stopping light, and about a billion other epic things. EnderIO>TE any day, in my opinion. TE has it's place, but EnderIO excels at what it excels at.
Once you go black, you never go back!
Wait, er, Enderman black I mean, not... nevermind

I always skip to ender energy conduits in ender IO. Really powerful for relatively cheap with more possibilities than TE ducts with the option of multiple kinds of conduit in one block, 100% hidden conduits (FACADES ARE AMAZING), You can paint glowstone and WAILA thinks it is whatever block but it is 100 hidden and still produces mob-stopping light, and about a billion other epic things. EnderIO>TE any day, in my opinion. TE has it's place, but EnderIO excels at what it excels at.
Thermal Expansion is cute. It also handles liquids and infusing a bit better. It's also not AS heavy on resources like ender pearls..plus TE batteries are cool for carrying backup energy. But capacitors take up a lot of gold early on :/ still..

yeah the multi conduit on a single block is amazing. such a clever idea. it's also cool once you get the last level of fluid conduit, if you're using MFR to breed animals on a sewer..sewer collects breeding xp and sewage, well, ender fluid conduit moves TWO liquids, teleports them, at once. lovely.
I do think Thermal Dynamics has its place though. As it takes up more space, it requires more effort and planning to incorporate (and hide) in your builds, and at least some decisionmaking with what ducts to use. While that's not for everyone, I do see the appeal. Kinda like people who enjoy playing with buildcraft pipes instead of itemducts and conduits, though that's a much more distinct example.

Ducts are also much more better looking than the conduits (arguably.. ;) ).

For me, who don't enjoy to fiddle with advanced pipe systems (anymore), EIO is the best choice imo.
Hmm this doesn't seem to have the crash report in it.
Check your crash-reports directory instead. =)
Alright, I think this is something you are looking for. The strange thing is that my crash-reports folder is empty..? This is fml-client-latest.log:
I had to remove a bit because I'm not a pro user, but I think this is where the error is, it's the latest part of the log.
I saw this 'If this was an unexpected exit, use -Dfml.debugExit=true as a JVM argument to find out where it was called' in the last line but I don't know where to enter it..
Did anyone used the five DirtChests 9000! from one of the rewards? I've placed them in such a way, that after using the RFTools teleportation I had all five in sight (or at least one) and it crashed the game after the first teleport there and on each subsequent login.

I've made a bug report [1] (logs included there), but I do wonder if it's repeatable beyond my two instances.

[1] https://github.com/progwml6/ironchest/issues/66
I may or may not have found an issue (I'll explain before submitting to bug report in case it is user error).

I seem to have difficulty 100% filling supply crates with low FMC items (<100). For example, I want to create a tier 1 food supply crate (1,000 FMC). At first it only allows me to make a 1% full tier 1. Then 10%, then 50%. After that I can't fill it to 100% without having to use more than the 8 empty slots allotted in the vanilla crafting UI. Putting two 50% tier 1s together also does not work. It appears you can't use stacks when filling a supply crate, which makes filling a food supply crate near impossible unless you have rare high-FMC food (i.e. meat pies). Is this true? Is there a work around, or is this a bug?
I may or may not have found an issue (I'll explain before submitting to bug report in case it is user error).

I seem to have difficulty 100% filling supply crates with low FMC items (<100). For example, I want to create a tier 1 food supply crate (1,000 FMC). At first it only allows me to make a 1% full tier 1. Then 10%, then 50%. After that I can't fill it to 100% without having to use more than the 8 empty slots allotted in the vanilla crafting UI. Putting two 50% tier 1s together also does not work. It appears you can't use stacks when filling a supply crate, which makes filling a food supply crate near impossible unless you have rare high-FMC food (i.e. meat pies). Is this true? Is there a work around, or is this a bug?
Known issue. The whole system is getting a workover as soon as the pack creator has time to do so.
Also, I should point out that meat pies aren't so rare if you use Pam's soybean stuff instead. ;)
I do think Thermal Dynamics has its place though. As it takes up more space, it requires more effort and planning to incorporate (and hide) in your builds, and at least some decisionmaking with what ducts to use. While that's not for everyone, I do see the appeal. Kinda like people who enjoy playing with buildcraft pipes instead of itemducts and conduits, though that's a much more distinct example.

Ducts are also much more better looking than the conduits (arguably.. ;) ).

For me, who don't enjoy to fiddle with advanced pipe systems (anymore), EIO is the best choice imo.
Mekanism pipes look much better than ducts imho
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not sure if known issue..but i planted some Pam's Harvestcraft blueberry seeds and I'm using an MFR Harvester to pick them, a 3x3 field (the seeds are in Agricraft sticks)..it randomly gives either Natura blueberries or Pam's Harvestcraft blueberries. kinda awkward.
Known issue. The whole system is getting a workover as soon as the pack creator has time to do so.
Also, I should point out that meat pies aren't so rare if you use Pam's soybean stuff instead. ;)

Thanks for the tip! I'm trying to find a renewable resource for early game to ship and mass farming was my first thought but the bug sort of put a damper on that... having some trouble finding a source of steady income, any suggestions welcome.
Thanks for the tip! I'm trying to find a renewable resource for early game to ship and mass farming was my first thought but the bug sort of put a damper on that... having some trouble finding a source of steady income, any suggestions welcome.
Early game, you can do just about anything.
Thaumcraft aspect shards, those diagonal colored crystals, are 7,500 FMC each..and can be grown by FluxedCrystals2 stuff..yeah. That's a lot. So it's decent early game if you don't plan on doing Thaumcraft before you can strip mine the world, or grow them through FC2
Heho....have a Question just for Understanding...
On the first Questseries are Quests wich unlock several Quests elsewhere....It unlooks a few Questsseries with a WIP before....and there are no quests in it...
So for my understanding...all of these WIP Questline (around 6 oder so) are empty in moment because you work on it and they come in later?

I will only be sure i dont have missing somewhat yet :)
Alright, I think this is something you are looking for. The strange thing is that my crash-reports folder is empty..? This is fml-client-latest.log:
That's super odd. Its only crashing when you change language? I've checked the line and stuff its erroring on, and there's no issues with that json file.

I just downloaded the modpack from FTB and im having an issue. When i create the world, the game starts with the 'esc' options on screen then when a click 'return to the game', the game crashes. The message shows up "fatal error occuried".
Hm, cursory glances and searches through both logs there, I can't find what would be causing this.

See if disabling Morph will let you play.

Did anyone used the five DirtChests 9000! from one of the rewards?
I'll add this to my trello to try replicating myself.

Looks like its some odd crash with the library mod for Project Red.

I seem to have difficulty 100% filling supply crates with low FMC items (<100)
Yeah, known issue I'm hoping to fix this week before my surgery. Sorry!

.it randomly gives either Natura blueberries or Pam's Harvestcraft blueberries.
That's...super odd. Added to the trello to investigate when I can.

ll of these WIP Questline (around 6 oder so) are empty in moment because you work on it and they come in later?
Yep, right now those are just placeholders while I work on new quests and pack mechanics. =)
@Caigan The blueberries thing has been around in various packs for a while, and usually hits all three of the duplicate berries from Natura. I think it has to do with the fact you can use either in Pam's recipes. Assuming barrels and drawers can OreDictionary them, it shouldn't cause issues beyond basic chest storage though.
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Could someone playing with the complete modlist see if setting B:betterAchievements=false in endercore.cfg removes the achievement fireworks?
@Caigan The blueberries thing has been around in various packs for a while, and usually hits all three of the duplicate berries from Natura. I think it has to do with the fact you can use either in Pam's recipes. Assuming barrels and drawers can OreDictionary them, it shouldn't cause issues beyond basic chest storage though.
basic JABBA barrels cannot OreDict them, it seems. Had this problem, so went with a chest instead of two barrels. As for drawers..maybe. Or, if the JABBA barrels require an oredict upgrade of some kind.