[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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i do find it strange how i have gotten miniture red hearts but 0 blind bags from mob killing anymore(not even low quality ones ) they(hearts and blind bags) both have killed by a player tags i thought .(what cursed earth for a mob farm ive been using essence berries for all my mob essence needs i dont even have an activated sigil )

Bah..MFR Spawners..I rarely mess with those outside of getting pink slime for laser drills, mostly because I've found essence berries to be rare. NOW that I use RFTools Builder with Quarry card, I'll take your route and start using them more..
The Draconic Evolution quests in his modpack, what prequisite exactly do they have? Quest completion, Trader Rank or Job title? Or a mix of all?
he Draconic Evolution quests in his modpack, what prequisite exactly do they have? Quest completion, Trader Rank or Job title? Or a mix of all?
mix of all 3 reputations after a certain shop loyalty tier(i think its that one) it will show you exactly what you need for DE just not in that section of the book it will mention where in the book it is in the quest text
are u sure thats what the thaumcraft lamp of growth does ? i remeber mention of a magical crops config on whether to let the lamp of growth speed them up and magical crops reject bone meal as useable to speed up there growth .
so are u sure the lamps do bonemeal effect and not growth ticks , as a side note u forgot that the green grove ritual from bm does growth ticks to what is planted on the area 2 blocks above the master ritual stone in a 3x3 area on that pt (before regent)
Basing this all off a wiki article: http://ftbwiki.org/Ender-Lily_Seeds
Admittedly things have likely changed since in all the mods mentioned, but this is one of the best explanations of how the code works (in layman's terms) that I've encountered, so I go with it.
Basing this all off a wiki article: http://ftbwiki.org/Ender-Lily_Seeds
Admittedly things have likely changed since in all the mods mentioned, but this is one of the best explanations of how the code works (in layman's terms) that I've encountered, so I go with it.
Indeed, things have changed.

I tested on lamp of growth, versus none. Then I surrounded a 3x3 of Ender Lilies with Lamps, fed from a crucible with infinite fuel and seeds to burn..the surrounded one was a practical wildfire of ender pearls, grew incredibly fast.
The multiple berry thing is a config option in Pam's, @Caigan has it enabled.
Er, it is? I don't see an option controlling berries in the configs, other than Berry Gardens.

Anyone else have the problem of getting Molten Tritamium out of their Smeltery?
Known issue with ExtraTiC and other various added smeltery materials. The fluids are added but not proper ways to cast them yet.

Grimoire of Gaia 3 has added "Creepers" that are multi-headed ABOMINATIONS TO ALL THAT IS HOLY...

that destroy terrain.
to the trello list, maybe.
Yep, added to Trello.

Hey is this modpack still being worked on?
Sure is. Development and replies from myself are going to be much slower for a couple weeks due to major surgery stuff. I'll try to pop my head in here or in the Discord when I can. =)

do find it strange how i have gotten miniture red hearts but 0 blind bags from mob killing anymore(not even low quality ones ) they(hearts and blind bags) both have killed by a player tags i thought .
Blind Bags were only a reward from mob kills for Infernal Mobs boosted creatures, back when the pack had that mod. They weren't in the normal loot table.

When I can get around to figure out Mob Properties configs more than just drops and do the planned 'rare creature' type spawn (similar to infernal mobs/special lycanites mobs variations), they'll have a chance of dropping blind bags again.

We are having issues when our server restarts the Matter Overdrive anomalies seem to be eating part of the fusion reactor until all of the stabilizers are gone and then it eats all the things. Reported this on the mod authors page but thought it might be a pack problem. https://github.com/simeonradivoev/MatterOverdrive/issues/495
Hm, that shouldn't be happening if its in a chunk loaded area.

If it continues to be a problem for multiple people, I can disable gravity anomolies from destroying blocks. For now, if it persists, you can change this in the Matter Overdrive configs on the server.
Blind Bags were only a reward from mob kills for Infernal Mobs boosted creatures, back when the pack had that mod. They weren't in the normal loot table.

When I can get around to figure out Mob Properties configs more than just drops and do the planned 'rare creature' type spawn (similar to infernal mobs/special lycanites mobs variations), they'll have a chance of dropping blind bags again.
Funny thing: I've added Infernal Mobs myself, as I thought that the game is too easy on me ;) and I didn't knew that it was in the pack.
Along with Monster Swarm and Apocalypse Mod (but the latter quite nerfed to start with).

Also thought about Special AI, and Epic Siege Mod.
I'm seeing (I think) odd behavior with the Extra Utils Item Filter. Its text is cut off on the third line where it says "Craft with" and then nothing further, instead of "Craft with a redstone torch to create an inverted filter."

And I can't seem to craft it with a redstone torch to create an inverted filter. Is this a corruption problem which somehow tactically hit both the crafting pattern and the fluff text...Or is this a deliberate "No, for arbitrary reason you don't get to use inverted item filters." mod?
I'm seeing (I think) odd behavior with the Extra Utils Item Filter. Its text is cut off on the third line where it says "Craft with" and then nothing further, instead of "Craft with a redstone torch to create an inverted filter."

And I can't seem to craft it with a redstone torch to create an inverted filter. Is this a corruption problem which somehow tactically hit both the crafting pattern and the fluff text...Or is this a deliberate "No, for arbitrary reason you don't get to use inverted item filters." mod?
It seems disabled; I cannot invert the basic one. Advanced one can be inverted, which is just another four lapis lazuli.

edit: @Caigan, I'd just like to voice my point on one Mekanism object..the electrolytic separator. Since you mentioned looking at RFTools, since power was a bit harder to get, would you please look at that machine, Electrolytics Separator? It takes a LOT of power to generate enough O2 to purify a single ore. I know, ore multiplication should be power intensive, but..it's a lot. A full 2,500 O2 takes 10 million RF, read from a full and decreasing Vibrant CApacitor bank...WITH FULL ENERGY UPGRADES. This'll process about 10 ores, but still..that's..a million RF per 3 ingots? Eh, maybe I'm whining. (Note: no gas upgrades used on purifier.)

edit 2: with full gas upgrades in a purifying chamber, it took 13 oxygen to process one iron ore. these..seem to be inaccurate at times, as i've had the osmium compressor consume 110% of an osmium ingot per refined obsidian. it's odd.
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A full 2,500 O2 takes 10 million RF, read from a full and decreasing Vibrant CApacitor bank...WITH FULL ENERGY UPGRADES.
that machine does not lower have its cost per operation lowered by energy upgrades all energy upgrades do is give that machine a bigger internal battery

someone forgot u can burn the hydrogen produced to reclaim some of the power cost 1 gas generator is about 800 rf/t so the cost per tick is alot (50%?) cheaper Before you speed upgrade it
dont worry caigan the cost of producing the hydrogen by the seperator can never excede the output u can get by burning it , without additional ingredients and processing
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that machine does not lower have its cost per operation lowered by energy upgrades all energy upgrades do is give that machine a bigger internal battery

someone forgot u can burn the hydrogen produced to reclaim some of the power cost 1 hydrgen generator is about 500rf/t so the cost per tick is alot (50%?) cheaper Before you speed upgrade it
I was setting up hydrogen gens to burn the hydrogen. I had eight running, don't remember the upgrades on the electrolytic separator, and it was maybe 1/10 the power cost. at most. EIGHT gas-burning generators. or hydrogen generators. I had to set up a x64 culinary gen with beef wellington and lots of solar power to even come close to taming the beast..still inefficient.
I was setting up hydrogen gens to burn the hydrogen. I had eight running, don't remember the upgrades on the electrolytic separator, and it was maybe 1/10 the power cost. at most. EIGHT gas-burning generators. or hydrogen generators. I had to set up a x64 culinary gen with beef wellington and lots of solar power to even come close to taming the beast..still inefficient.
i always had a problem with storing excess hydrogen away to the point i had to resort to storing excess hydrogen in ae this was before we had gas storage cells for ae i had to liquefy the hydrogen before i could store it in bulk. my current issue is i dont have enough oxygen backlog i might need to have ae help out more or move around some machines

hmm maybe hydrogen made by the seperator is =to the energy used to make it (the mek author seems to mention hydrogen being an energy carrier )
(the mekinism wiki seems to say that u get 200 j worth from each unit of hydrogen and 400j/t is needed to run the sperator prior to speed upgrades ) this would mean that the separator is making 2 hydrogen an operation ,
a side note despite the wiki mentioning it in j and the machines telling us the numbers in rf the ratio's are the same. there is something about near 2.5 mutiplier between rf and j
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I noticed that the quest tablet still has quests in it for Progressive Automation when that mod is no longer in the pack
And I can't seem to craft it with a redstone torch to create an inverted filter.
Added to Trello to look into, that's odd.

I'd just like to voice my point on one Mekanism object..the electrolytic separator. Since you mentioned looking at RFTools, since power was a bit harder to get, would you please look at that machine, Electrolytics Separator? It takes a LOT of power to generate enough O2 to purify a single ore. I know, ore multiplication should be power intensive, but..it's a lot. A full 2,500 O2 takes 10 million RF, read from a full and decreasing Vibrant CApacitor bank...WITH FULL ENERGY UPGRADES. This'll process about 10 ores, but still..that's..a million RF per 3 ingots? Eh, maybe I'm whining. (Note: no gas upgrades used on purifier.)

Hmm, not messed too far into ore multiplication with Mekanism myself. I'll prod at things and see what I can find, added to the Trello to at least investigate later.

I noticed that the quest tablet still has quests in it for Progressive Automation when that mod is no longer in the pack
Yeah, I forgot to hide them before the last update. They're already hidden in the next update (Theres HQM issues with deleting quests, they'll be repurposed later down the line).

Unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to get the update ready before my surgery. Especially when I have little confidence from not having a short beta period at least for it (There's a reason I implemented the beta periods for new updates). While these betas don't catch all the bugs (as is obvious from this latest updates various issues), they do tend to catch big ones that slip by me.

What I do have finished :
  • The Supply and Demand system has been reworked a bit. It's a bit less reliant on thousands of permutations, at the cost of being less versatile (You can't combine a 50 and two 25 point items for a 100 point crate, but you can combine two 50s or four 25's).
    • This honestly took a bit longer than I was expecting it to, I had to figure out some workarounds and deal with a LOT of very odd crashes constantly.
  • Supply Crates, for now, will allow all item types to be combined. We'll see how this works out, and keep the 'specific' crate types for Bulk Order Contracts
  • The Guidebook returns in a new form, via FTB Utilities. Instead of an inventory item, its accessible at any time via the inventory. This should also make it much less prone to crashing.
    • Enchiridion will still be used for smaller books that are meant to only be unlocked when you do those quests, like the Draconic Evolution books.
  • Some quest fixes, not all of them though.
  • Fluxed Crystals 2 is fixed. Many thanks to TheBlueTroll.
  • Removed Aroma Backup and replaced it with FTB Utilities' backup function.
To keep folks up to date and candid on current status : I've been doing my best to work on the modpack, but I've been running into crashes both with reworking the mechanics and fixing issues (for example, using placeholders to fix the cycling items, adding them to ore dictionaries via minetweaker. HQM will crash on one, but not another when added.). The crashes are one thing, but I'm also getting random computer freezes that I'm afraid I've narrowed down to my CPU or my mobo malfunctioning.

I've been switching between working on the modpack and playing Overwatch or something else when the other becomes too frustrating with my mental state right now (Major surgery is on Monday, and the prep time leading up to it has been tiring, especially mentally...not to mention the hurry up and wait when I'm not prepping for it)

So my apologies lately for being less responsive here than usual, as well as on the Discord. I don't like leaving you all in the dark for too long, so I wanted to post this just so folks know what is going on. =)

If I get enough fixed up by Saturday, I'll put up a beta for people to break while I'm in surgery. Otherwise, when I'm in recovery back home after my week or so stay, I'll definitely be working on the update to get it out as soon as I comfortably can.

Unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to get the update ready before my surgery. Especially when I have little confidence from not having a short beta period at least for it (There's a reason I implemented the beta periods for new updates). While these betas don't catch all the bugs (as is obvious from this latest updates various issues), they do tend to catch big ones that slip by me.

What I do have finished :
  • The Supply and Demand system has been reworked a bit. It's a bit less reliant on thousands of permutations, at the cost of being less versatile (You can't combine a 50 and two 25 point items for a 100 point crate, but you can combine two 50s or four 25's).
    • This honestly took a bit longer than I was expecting it to, I had to figure out some workarounds and deal with a LOT of very odd crashes constantly.
  • Supply Crates, for now, will allow all item types to be combined. We'll see how this works out, and keep the 'specific' crate types for Bulk Order Contracts
  • The Guidebook returns in a new form, via FTB Utilities. Instead of an inventory item, its accessible at any time via the inventory. This should also make it much less prone to crashing.
    • Enchiridion will still be used for smaller books that are meant to only be unlocked when you do those quests, like the Draconic Evolution books.
  • Some quest fixes, not all of them though.
  • Fluxed Crystals 2 is fixed. Many thanks to TheBlueTroll.
  • Removed Aroma Backup and replaced it with FTB Utilities' backup function.
To keep folks up to date and candid on current status : I've been doing my best to work on the modpack, but I've been running into crashes both with reworking the mechanics and fixing issues (for example, using placeholders to fix the cycling items, adding them to ore dictionaries via minetweaker. HQM will crash on one, but not another when added.). The crashes are one thing, but I'm also getting random computer freezes that I'm afraid I've narrowed down to my CPU or my mobo malfunctioning.

I've been switching between working on the modpack and playing Overwatch or something else when the other becomes too frustrating with my mental state right now (Major surgery is on Monday, and the prep time leading up to it has been tiring, especially mentally...not to mention the hurry up and wait when I'm not prepping for it)

So my apologies lately for being less responsive here than usual, as well as on the Discord. I don't like leaving you all in the dark for too long, so I wanted to post this just so folks know what is going on. =)

If I get enough fixed up by Saturday, I'll put up a beta for people to break while I'm in surgery. Otherwise, when I'm in recovery back home after my week or so stay, I'll definitely be working on the update to get it out as soon as I comfortably can.
Take as long as you need, Caigan. Surgery ain't fun.


Fluxed Crystals 2 is fixed. Many thanks to TheBlueTroll.


Unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to get the update ready before my surgery. Especially when I have little confidence from not having a short beta period at least for it (There's a reason I implemented the beta periods for new updates). While these betas don't catch all the bugs (as is obvious from this latest updates various issues), they do tend to catch big ones that slip by me.

What I do have finished :
  • The Supply and Demand system has been reworked a bit. It's a bit less reliant on thousands of permutations, at the cost of being less versatile (You can't combine a 50 and two 25 point items for a 100 point crate, but you can combine two 50s or four 25's).
    • This honestly took a bit longer than I was expecting it to, I had to figure out some workarounds and deal with a LOT of very odd crashes constantly.
  • Supply Crates, for now, will allow all item types to be combined. We'll see how this works out, and keep the 'specific' crate types for Bulk Order Contracts
  • The Guidebook returns in a new form, via FTB Utilities. Instead of an inventory item, its accessible at any time via the inventory. This should also make it much less prone to crashing.
    • Enchiridion will still be used for smaller books that are meant to only be unlocked when you do those quests, like the Draconic Evolution books.
  • Some quest fixes, not all of them though.
  • Fluxed Crystals 2 is fixed. Many thanks to TheBlueTroll.
  • Removed Aroma Backup and replaced it with FTB Utilities' backup function.
To keep folks up to date and candid on current status : I've been doing my best to work on the modpack, but I've been running into crashes both with reworking the mechanics and fixing issues (for example, using placeholders to fix the cycling items, adding them to ore dictionaries via minetweaker. HQM will crash on one, but not another when added.). The crashes are one thing, but I'm also getting random computer freezes that I'm afraid I've narrowed down to my CPU or my mobo malfunctioning.

I've been switching between working on the modpack and playing Overwatch or something else when the other becomes too frustrating with my mental state right now (Major surgery is on Monday, and the prep time leading up to it has been tiring, especially mentally...not to mention the hurry up and wait when I'm not prepping for it)

So my apologies lately for being less responsive here than usual, as well as on the Discord. I don't like leaving you all in the dark for too long, so I wanted to post this just so folks know what is going on. =)

If I get enough fixed up by Saturday, I'll put up a beta for people to break while I'm in surgery. Otherwise, when I'm in recovery back home after my week or so stay, I'll definitely be working on the update to get it out as soon as I comfortably can.

Good luck with the surgery Caigan, take care and please don't worry about us.. concentrate on getting on with your recovery and wellbeing.