[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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Try typing "/hqm edit" and look into the creative book if it shows anything you're looking for. Though I don't think there's tiered contracts for trader rank, you unlock stuff from shop/quest rep.
that wont show anything u cant already see ,there is a way to see it all though its just not 1 simple command
Sorry folks for not being around much last few days. Been kinda sick and busy at the same time, so took a short mental break from the pack. Starting to feel better now, so let me catch up on things.

Also trying to check the stats of all materials for TiCon tools with NEI crashed my game twice. Does that also happen to anyone else ?

Random idea : a list of public servers in the front page under the videos ?
Not tried it via NEI, so unsure what the cause is.

Is the HQM source on a git host anywhere?
For HQM itself or for my quests specifically?

no the ithems in that pair of slots literally used to be chain armor chestplate and pants from the vanilla game
That was before the last update. I then wanted to add Tinker's Tailor, but it doesn't have public permissions, and I had some armor that was similar to the tools you get ("Field Pick" etc), that was roughly leather/chain in stats.

At what Trader Rank are new Contracts unlocked? I got mine over 100 and no new contracts yet
There aren't many contracts currently, and the only things really locked to trader rank are the Draconic Evolution questline. I held off on adding a lot more until I could redo the contract system (hopefully this update).
sounds interesting ,any chance we could hear the current ideas ?(we cant give feedback on ideas we dont know about )
My plan is four-fold :
1) Give items more of a 'point value' per item, instead of breaking them into tiers. The tiers were a temporary thing I came up with initially until I could come up with something better, as items in the same tier could vary WILDLY in difficulty and resources.

2) Shipping crates of items will work off an overall value of the items added. This one is more difficult to do, as what I WANT is a custom set of machines, but my partner doesn't quite have as much time lately to code something that heavy due to work. I plan on

3) Reduce the payout for mass producing and shipping items somewhat. Not drastically, but enough to make #4 more enticing to do. Because, no matter how low I cut the payout on mass producing items, an automated farm and machine will still net you tons of coins in the long run.

4) Add in a Bulk Order Contract(BOC) system. If you've ever played Ultima Online, you might know what this is. Basically, you get an item with a list of various things it wants. You make the items and combine it with the BOC, and then turn it in. This would give you a bigger payout than just mass producing the same items.
For HQM itself or for my quests specifically?

Your quests specifically. It's not important, I was just curious if you were going that route. Some people feel that it's just another thing to keep track of and isn't worth the additional effort. There's merit to both possibilities.
Your quests specifically. It's not important, I was just curious if you were going that route. Some people feel that it's just another thing to keep track of and isn't worth the additional effort. There's merit to both possibilities.
I may at some point, but when I have more quests and solid stuff down. A lot of things are still in flux, so to speak.
Cool. QQ: Why do I only get one shop loyalty point for buying rare ores? Why is the payout 1 for every ore purchase besides precious ores? It's tedious to gather all those vouchers atm and I don't see a better way to increase SLP. It doesn't really balance anything because I can just buy redstone at 5 per. I actually kind of need the gold but it's not worth purchase imo.
My guess is is that the texture packs got removed from their server and so it is unavailable. What version do you use and do you think you can upload it somewhere and give us the link?

I am not entirely sure which version of the main pack I'm using, it's just labelled as "Sphax Pure BDcraft 64x MC17", but the Ferret Business patch is apparently v1.0.0... as for uploading, the main pack says that I'm supposed to direct people to http://bdcraft.net/sphax-purebdcraft-texturepack if they want to download it. The patch doesn't have anything listed in it about whether or not it can be distributed, but I don't have a very good way of uploading it even if I have permission. At best, I could possibly send just the patch to @Caigan, and perhaps he could figure out a way to put it out there... I'm not terribly good at this, I'm afraid c.c;;
Cool. QQ: Why do I only get one shop loyalty point for buying rare ores? Why is the payout 1 for every ore purchase besides precious ores? It's tedious to gather all those vouchers atm and I don't see a better way to increase SLP. It doesn't really balance anything because I can just buy redstone at 5 per. I actually kind of need the gold but it's not worth purchase imo.
Well, its supposed to be 1 loyalty per 20 vouchers spent, roughly. I'll need to double check these payouts.

At best, I could possibly send just the patch to @Caigan, and perhaps he could figure out a way to put it out there... I'm not terribly good at this, I'm afraid c.c;;
That pack I know is fairly out of date, having textures for mods no longer in the pack, and missing textures from newer mods. I might see, after the next update, about compiling a sphax texture pack for the newest version.
So, a little sneak peak, getting some new stuff working that will be used for the bulk order system and MAYBE the contract system as well.


He might need to get with the times though... (If the link doesn't load, click HERE )
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So, a little sneak peak, getting some new stuff working that will be used for the bulk order system and MAYBE the contract system as well.


He might need to get with the times though... (If the link doesn't load, click HERE )
i find some of the other things in caigan inventory more interesting and a piece of the tool tip on the contract
, am i seeing things or is there a dire crafting table in the inventory
then theres a sword i dont recognize and some tinkers bow tests
(the bit of the tool tip i find interesting is "matter:None")
i find some of the other things in caigan inventory more interesting and a piece of the tool tip on the contract
, am i seeing things or is there a dire crafting table in the inventory
then theres a sword i dont recognize and some tinkers bow tests
(the bit of the tool tip i find interesting is "matter:None")
  1. Correct. Aviritia Dire Crafting Table. 95% of the mod is disabled (it has a simple config file option for this, and overall has a very small loading footprint when this is enabled) and only the crafting table and maybe some of the cool looking materials will be used.
  2. Sword is from Random Things, creative only that kills 90% of things in a single hit.
  3. Yep, bow testing materials for tinker's construct material balancing.
  4. I believe that tooltip is part of Matter Overdrive, which I'm in the middle of testing.
Thing about bows is that nobody uses them due to drawback, which is slowing you down while drawing the bow. Whereas for the crossbow to be OP you need 0.5/0.25 draw speed, this is where crossbow and materials like Signalium are overpowered, 1st - crossbows do not have a single drawback, 2nd - Signalium offers 0.25 draw speed right off the bat.

Same problem is with Enderium for tools/weapons. It outshines everything by a huge margin. Imo, these two materials should be disabled or heavily "balanced" (nerfed).
Thing about bows is that nobody uses them due to drawback, which is slowing you down while drawing the bow. Whereas for the crossbow to be OP you need 0.5/0.25 draw speed, this is where crossbow and materials like Signalium are overpowered, 1st - crossbows do not have a single drawback, 2nd - Signalium offers 0.25 draw speed right off the bat.

Same problem is with Enderium for tools/weapons. It outshines everything by a huge margin. Imo, these two materials should be disabled or heavily "balanced" (nerfed).
Mhmm, I'm balancing across multiple factors. I had crossbows and other tinker weapons in my inventory, but I had cleared out most of them to test out some other items working on some bugs.
Hi. I'm new to this pack and was wondering if it was normal that i have for example the "so many tools" questline open but it shows "no description" and 0 quests. Will I just unlock them later or is something wrong? I'm playing on my own server in a party of 3.
Hi. I'm new to this pack and was wondering if it was normal that i have for example the "so many tools" questline open but it shows "no description" and 0 quests. Will I just unlock them later or is something wrong? I'm playing on my own server in a party of 3.
when u did the tinkers quest it said in the description incomplete questline
Thing about bows is that nobody uses them
last i remember the difference in the end was personal preference
last i remember the difference in the end was personal preference
No, the difference is clear. Bows have a drawback, which is slowing you down while the bow is being drawn, this is how bows are balanced. There is no reasonable argument why one would choose bow over crossbow, if the person has access to both.

Crossbows auto-reload and all you need is to just shoot. There is not a single drawback for them. Get 0.25 speed crossbow and it's over.
No, the difference is clear. Bows have a drawback, which is slowing you down while the bow is being drawn, this is how bows are balanced. There is no reasonable argument why one would choose bow over crossbow, if the person has access to both.

Crossbows auto-reload and all you need is to just shoot. There is not a single drawback for them. Get 0.25 speed crossbow and it's over.
who ever said personal preference was reasonable i never said it was . some people just like an actual bow and instead of click and shoot (im not one of them )