[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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is it nessesary that the config option is set to false?
# Negative nodes like hungry, tainted or dark nodes will have additional, much nastier, effects.

Hungry nodes destroy blocks, but they neither attract nor eat them...
You can not make a really good node for your thaumcraft setup...
Would it break anything if I set it to true?
Hmmm, i don't know if this has happened to other people but just a few minutes ago i started the game as usual but it went back to the menu. I ignored it and tried again and it loaded but i spawned in the respawn point instead of where i logged out yesterday, with 3 books (openblocks, aura cascade and tconstruct ones) and my inventory was gone.

The strange thing is that i "only" lost my inventory (so, the 40 slots (armor, 3 rows and hotbar)) but i still have my backpack from backpacks mod and my flying ring from extra utilities mod (i had it on my baubles slot).

I restored my inventory since my last death with openblocks command, but my last death was 3 days ago... and you know how much things you can do in 3 days..xd

Is there any way to restore my real inventory?

P.S: Yesterday i enchanted all my items with soulbound to avoid losing them even if falling into the void (some bugs do that), but it seems i got rekt by the worst of all deaths, the reset xd
P.S.2: I'm not native english, so you may find some mistakes.

EDIT: I didn't even lose my HQM progress. It seems i just lost my main inventory and the respawn point.

EDIT 2: I found out that i lost my Morph data too.
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Will the next version have the Magical crops and other mods removed, or wll it be like the beta with temporary recipes?
Guys, I've encountered an issue where my and ALL other mob hands/legs are spinning at high speed and if I move, my camera goes crazy. Anyone has an idea what could be a cause for this?

Tried restarting pc - didn't help.

Oh wow, lol. Isn't it some item / mod related problem? Did you try removing completely everything from your inventory and gear? Even the additional slots for extra hearths etc. ? Just an idea
Would it break anything if I set it to true?
Nope, feel free to set this to true. Default for the pack will be false, but the only thing it'll break if you turn it on is your heart when it eats your inventory for breakfast. =)

mmm, i don't know if this has happened to other people but just a few minutes ago i started the game as usual but it went back to the menu.
This sounds like, somehow, your player.dat got corrupted and reset. I haven't heard of this happening to anyone else with the pack beta, but I have heard it happen before with other packs, but not what caused. Morph, Backpack, baubles, HQM are all separate files, so thats why you didn't lose those.

If you are playing the Beta, you have a folder called /backups/ in your minecraft directory. A few folders in will have the last 5 backups of your world (These are taken by AromaBackup). It will look something like this :


Revert to the latest one in this folder (usually the last one)

  1. Close minecraft or go to the main menu (make sure your world is not loaded!)
  2. Open your /saves/ folder and rename the save for your world
  3. Unpack the latest backup zip from the folder I mentioned above into your /saves/ folder
  4. Load your world again.

Guys, I've encountered an issue where my and ALL other mob hands/legs are spinning at high speed and if I move, my camera goes crazy.
That is...really really weird, not seen it before.

Does this happen on a new world as well? If not, try removing all your equipment, TiCon equipment, and Baubles into a chest, and then put them back on one at a time.
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This sounds like, somehow, your player.dat got corrupted and reset. I haven't heard of this happening to anyone else with the pack beta, but I have heard it happen before with other packs, but not what caused. Morph, Backpack, baubles, HQM are all separate files, so thats why you didn't lose those.

If you are playing the Beta, you have a folder called /backups/ in your minecraft directory. A few folders in will have the last 5 backups of your world (These are taken by AromaBackup). It will look something like this :


Revert to the latest one in this folder (usually the last one)

  1. Close minecraft or go to the main menu (make sure your world is not loaded!)
  2. Open your /saves/ folder and rename the save for your world
  3. Unpack the latest backup zip from the folder I mentioned above into your /saves/ folder
  4. Load your world again.

Oh, forgot to mention i'm playing 0.1.0, not 0.1.1, so, i don't have Aroma Backup. I really don't know how to play the beta version with FTB Launcher. I'll take a look right now, i'll do a backup before updating to beta (if i find how to) because i'm really interested on changes.

My inventory didn't matter at all, this time i wanted to play only with EnderIO tools so i didn't lose a TConstruct leveled tool, for example. I just /give my lost weapon@enchants, pickaxe@enchants and armor@enchants and crafted again the items i remembered i was carrying. Afterall, with magical crops and agricraft you know how much ressources you can have in less than 10min...xd (that's why you changed it to fluxed-crystals in beta xd)

But well, thank you very much for your answer. Gonna try to update to beta like i said before.
Ok, the issue was somewhat related to OptiFine (and maybe BetterFPS). Removed both, launched, quit and added back just OptiFine - now everythings working fine.
Anyone knows how to convert wheat into seeds?
This recipe
shows you just put it in left top corner, but wherever I put it , it only converts it into wheat flour from Natura mod.
Hi Caigain, you've done some great progress recently! It's really nice to see this modpack moving along. I have to ask can we expect the beta to be pushed to the launcher this week? I mean assuming no major bugs pop up.
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When trying to open the OMT - Turrets Master Good Blind Bag, it won't open and just stays in my hand. This is what the console is saying:

[12:28:48] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.wolfretbusiness.ferretshinies.items.BlindBag:func_77659_a:124]: Blind bag OMT-TurretsMasterGoodBlindBag configuration file not found at C:\MultiMC\instances\Ferret\minecraft\config\ferretshinies\blindbags\OMT-TurretsMasterGoodBlindBag.cfg
When trying to open the OMT - Turrets Master Good Blind Bag, it won't open and just stays in my hand. This is what the console is saying:

[12:28:48] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.wolfretbusiness.ferretshinies.items.BlindBag:func_77659_a:124]: Blind bag OMT-TurretsMasterGoodBlindBag configuration file not found at C:\MultiMC\instances\Ferret\minecraft\config\ferretshinies\blindbags\OMT-TurretsMasterGoodBlindBag.cfg

If I am not mistaken, this is due to the OMT mod getting some updates Caigan didn't have time to implement in the 0.1.1 release; think they were mentioned in a post or in the changelog.

I get a rendering crash whenever I try to turn to page 9 of the crate guide...

What's on page 9!?

There's a message at the very start telling you not to go beyond page 8. ;)

Hmmm, i don't know if this has happened to other people but just a few minutes ago i started the game as usual but it went back to the menu. I ignored it and tried again and it loaded but i spawned in the respawn point instead of where i logged out yesterday, with 3 books (openblocks, aura cascade and tconstruct ones) and my inventory was gone.

The strange thing is that i "only" lost my inventory (so, the 40 slots (armor, 3 rows and hotbar)) but i still have my backpack from backpacks mod and my flying ring from extra utilities mod (i had it on my baubles slot).

I restored my inventory since my last death with openblocks command, but my last death was 3 days ago... and you know how much things you can do in 3 days..xd

Is there any way to restore my real inventory?

P.S: Yesterday i enchanted all my items with soulbound to avoid losing them even if falling into the void (some bugs do that), but it seems i got rekt by the worst of all deaths, the reset xd
P.S.2: I'm not native english, so you may find some mistakes.

EDIT: I didn't even lose my HQM progress. It seems i just lost my main inventory and the respawn point.

EDIT 2: I found out that i lost my Morph data too.

I've had this happen to me in 0.1.0 (there's a couple of posts a few pages back) and the errors I've been getting were related to some mod (very hard to find which though) throwing null pointer exceptions, and JABB didn't like that. For 0.1.0, you can use OpenBlocks' inventory backup functionality which saves your inventory on every death: the command is ob_inventory restore <playername> <backup file name, after removing the leading "inventory-" and ".dat" parts of the name>. The backup file is located in the data folder under the world save in the MC folder.
There's a message at the very start telling you not to go beyond page 8. ;)

Yeah, I saw that the next time I logged in. There are so many messages when you log in, I never noticed it. Kind of seems like something that should be on the list of "known issues," seeing that it's, well, an issue that is known.

I still want to know what's on page 9, though. :p

Also, if you go backwards from 1, you can see page 10. Protip.
Ok, the issue was somewhat related to OptiFine (and maybe BetterFPS). Removed both, launched, quit and added back just OptiFine - now everythings working fine.
Glad to see the issue was resolved.

Anyone knows how to convert wheat into seeds?
Ah, this just means another mod has overwritten that recipe. I'll add in a way to convert wheat into seeds again.

When trying to open the OMT - Turrets Master Good Blind Bag, it won't open and just stays in my hand. This is what the console is saying:
Whoops, for some reason I named the OMT Master Bags "OMT - Turret Master" instead of OMT in the configs, but not the files. So it caused an "ATM Machine" repeat situation in a way. Already fixed on my end.

When the update comes
Planning for today or tomorrow to send it to the FTB team. Tracking down fixes for one or two more things.

Yeah, I saw that the next time I logged in. There are so many messages when you log in, I never noticed it. Kind of seems like something that should be on the list of "known issues," seeing that it's, well, an issue that is known.
Yeah, I'm somewhat bad about keeping that up to date. That's definitely my fault, sorry!

Only thing on those pages is about the various supply crates you can make.
Ancient staff not working. The promised land disabled. It is true, or am I mistaken?
I take it you mean in the 0.1.0 version on the launcher? Promised Land was removed quite a while back from Biomes o Plenty itself, but they left the Ancient Staff in. I had recreated the recipes and made it an item you can turn in for coins and reputation.

In 0.1.1, Biomes O Plenty will be removed, keep in mind.
Not sure how submitting to the Curse Launcher works, but.... are you aware that it has beta and even alpha branches for packs?

Maybe for the next big beta you could use that as well? MultiMC really hates me for some reason.
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