[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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I'd like to do this, but it'd take a whole lotta time. Mostly cause each blind bag has up to 30 different things in it, and theres over a hundred blind bags at this point x3.

Hm, do you mean the Legendary Blind Bag of Blind Bags?
yep. It seems like all Legendary Blind Bag of Blind Bags are typed as Lgndary Blind Bag of Blind Bags

And also, have some plan to quick convert more coins into bags?
it is pretty tedious to click submit claim reward submit claim reward, as some times it will cause crash when the quest is submitted twice
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yep. It seems like all Legendary Blind Bag of Blind Bags are typed as Lgndary Blind Bag of Blind Bags

And also, have some plan to quick convert more coins into bags?
it is pretty tedious to click submit claim reward submit claim reward, as some times it will cause crash when the quest is submitted twice

The former, I believe, is something to do with character limits. The latter has been brought up multiple times and addressed, and I believe there's currently something in the works for that. Also, you're likely crashing because you're hitting the buttons too quickly, which is another documented and discussed issue.
4 vibrant capacitors will hold all the power 1 nether star will make. But ya it's a pain to set up. But easy power

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And I'm just sitting here with my free 64x Nether Star generator I'm trying to figure out how to fuel effectively.

Hah, one of my long term goals is to build one of those. I got the x64 redstone generator but I haven't even used it. I went from stirling engine, to stirling engine with octatic capacitor, to big reactor that outputs about 8k/tick. Yesterday I did the second activation ritual to get the pseudo inversion sigil, and nearly all of my magical crops are leveled up to 10/10/10, so making a 64x nether star generator is actually feasible.

On another modpack I was using draconic bees to fabricate dragon eggs, and use the eggs as fuel in a nether star generator. My "blinding" speed bees in an industrial apiary with 8 production upgrades was using a little under 7m rf/hour, and producing about 7 eggs per hour, and each egg generates 96m rf.
Hey, I'm one of the players on Aknotsdeath's follower server using this pack...and we were talking about ways to automate coin turn-ins for shop vouchers, and I had an idea that wouldn't involve anything you haven't already done for the pack. If you want automation for all tiers of coin turn-ins, what you could do is have a default SAG Mill recipe that you input a coin bag, and you get 5 shop vouchers in return. Then, as you gain shop reputation and are unable to do better trades, it also unlocks a repeatable quest where you can purchase a shop token...ie a "Tin Shop Token" for Tin Exchange rate, "Diamond Shop Token" for the diamond exchange rate, etc. Then have recipes where you can box that token up with 2 bags of coins in a supply crate, and SAG Mill that crate for the appropriate number of shop vouchers and the corresponding token in return. It'll cost a little more to automate receiving vouchers, but it'd be well worth it.

And on a side note, it'd be nice to also be able to unlock a way to purchase blocks of draconium to reduce the clicker-hero grind on getting large amounts of those...since 1 draconium ingot is 75 vouchers, you should be able to purchase a block of draconium for 675...
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If you want automation for all tiers of coin turn-ins, what you could do is have a default SAG Mill recipe that you input a coin bag, and you get 5 shop vouchers in return. Then, as you gain shop reputation and are unable to do better trades, it also unlocks a repeatable quest where you can purchase a shop token...ie a "Tin Shop Token" for Tin Exchange rate, "Diamond Shop Token" for the diamond exchange rate, etc. Then have recipes where you can box that token up with 2 bags of coins in a supply crate, and SAG Mill that crate for the appropriate number of shop vouchers and the corresponding token in return. It'll cost a little more to automate receiving vouchers, but it'd be well worth it.

This is something I might have to do, as its sort of work crunch time for my partner and we don't know when he'll be able to dedicate a bunch of time to coding up a nicely working supply machine like we were planning.

Glancing at EnderIO github and stuff, it looks like tis open source, so I'm going to see how feasible it is to use some of the Sagmill / Alloy Smelter code, since they both work similarly to how I wanted already.

d on a side note, it'd be nice to also be able to unlock a way to purchase blocks of draconium to reduce the clicker-hero grind on getting large amounts of those
That's a very good idea. Added to the trello.

Crash on trying to open/render page 8+ of the enchiridion crate book
Yep, this is why I have a log-in warning for all pack players about it. =) I'm reworking the crate guidebook for 0.1.1 as well.
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This is something I might have to do, as its sort of work crunch time for my partner and we don't know when he'll be able to dedicate a bunch of time to coding up a nicely working supply machine like we were planning.

Glancing at EnderIO github and stuff, it looks like tis open source, so I'm going to see how feasible it is to use some of the Sagmill / Alloy Smelter code, since they both work similarly to how I wanted already.
I don't know if it was you or your partner, but it's essentially the same thing you've already done with all the other supply crates (as far as adding recipes to the SAG Mill and having "cosmetic" items that don't do anything but work in recipes like the empty supply crates).
I seemed to have found a not-so-friendly-friendly-face.


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ive been playing for a decent bit(and reading your running change log) yes replacing lycanites with project zulu seems fine . but then theres a more recent bit about removing infernal mobs . what is the point of strong weopons if the only things that can really hurt u can spawn only in specific places (twilight forrest bosses for example) or other monsters u have go out of ur way to get to (like end of the progession ladders ) or both (thaumcrafts outer lands ) even mid game when u get some thing that deals 10+ most of the normal creatures become a non issue this be all creatures if there 0% chance for them to be " special " (thaumcrafts champions mobs dont count) . then there is really very little threat.for the people that want peace around there home base or other bases there is always the magnum torch

infernal mobs adds that nice little chance that monsters that randomly spawns is actually a real threat to be dealt with or to be avoided
infernal mobs adds that nice little chance that monsters that randomly spawns is actually a real threat to be dealt with or to be avoided
This is a good point. Its one of those mods we have issues with occasionally, but mostly in a server environment. I'll leave it in for now, but I'm going to look into using MobProperties for random mini-bosses at some point (since you can set it up for a rare chance a monster spawns with special stats/abilities). Its only a possibility for now though.
I am also in the party of "keep infernal mobs" because Vanilla mobs, and even Lycanite mobs, are pretty easy.

Sometimes you just need a TNT exploding, launching, webbing, withering, poisoning, slowing and ninja creeper.
Whilst infernal mobs is cool, MobProperties CAN do the same or similar things, but it takes more setup and work. Infernal mobs is rough on servers though I've found.
When it comes to infernal mobs, I'm kind of teetering on the edge of the line between keeping it and getting rid of it.
Infernal mobs is cool for more combat-oriented players, who are used to minecraft's combat system. For others, like those who favor a less combative game, who aren't as good at minecraft's combat, it can be pretty down-casting. And for those who are on the edge, such as myself, it can sometimes be a cool thing, or it can sometimes be incredibly annoying. Especially when some of those mobs are skeletons with a wither effect and a large amount of health. As skeletons can be hard to avoid, such enemies usually become rather annoying very quickly, as they can easily make or break your game, even with grave stones involved.

Also, I would like to report a glitch I found while in the nether:
So, I made my nether portal, went into the nether, and was immediatly attacked by one of those floating skull things. No big deal the first time, and I dispatched it with realtive ease, but when I came across the second one, it finished me off. So, I spawned back at base, put on my back-up armor, and other back-up gear, and went back to the nether. Unfortunatly, I was ambushed right from the get go, and instantly died because I had already lost half of my health by the time my game decided to render what was around me. And I died again. The third time, it wasn't there (apparently it had gone through my portal the moment I had gone through it myself). Yet, when I broke my grave, only a small portion of my stuff was there. I was on fire at the time, but the fire didn't appear on any blocks, meaning my items wouldn't have caught fire or been destroyed. Also, I somehow had some of my items split between two different grave stones, and even then my stuff wasn't all there. I was missing some of my boots (which was in very good condition mind you), my tinker's construct pick, my backpack (and all it's contents), as well as my plastic bags, and several other key items I had kept on me. Also, when a ghast destroyed my portal after I came in a fourth time, only 5 out of the 6 portal blocks were destroyed, and I was unable to relight the portal to get those back. So yeah, that wasn't fun.
Infernal mobs is cool for more combat-oriented players, who are used to minecraft's combat system. For others, like those who favor a less combative game, who aren't as good at minecraft's combat, it can be pretty down-casting. And for those who are on the edge, such as myself, it can sometimes be a cool thing, or it can sometimes be incredibly annoying. Especially when some of those mobs are skeletons with a wither effect and a large amount of health. As skeletons can be hard to avoid, such enemies usually become rather annoying very quickly, as they can easily make or break your game, even with grave stones involved.
This is another reason I want to shift it to Mod Properties/SpecialAI custom stuff. I can better control what kinda 'mini bosses' show up and whatnot. This would also enable me to have random 'rare special' passive mobs.

For now the plan is to leave in Infernal Mobs for this update, and then look into starting the custom MobProperties entities for the next update.

Also, I somehow had some of my items split between two different grave stones, and even then my stuff wasn't all there.
Ouch, this can happen, especially with some of the wonkiness of teleporting between dimensions and danger of the Nether.

One good thing though : OpenBlocks Graves saves a file of every Death and Gravestone you ever make, so that you can use a command to restore your items in case something like this happens.

in saves/(your world)/data there will be a list of files starting with : inventory-(name)-(date)-death-0.dat and inventory-(name)-(date)-grave-0.dat.

1. Empty your entire inventory, worn armor, and baubles into a chest. Be carrying NOTHING.
2. Use the command /ob_inventory restore (minecraft name) (filename)
FOR EXAMPLE, /ob_inventory restore caigan inventory-caigan-2015-06-29_09.59.48-grave-0.dat
Having some trouble with the bags of coins. I've bagged up a whole bunch of coins, but I don't see a task for turning in the bags. Am I missing something? Is there a prerequisite for that that I've missed?
Having some trouble with the bags of coins. I've bagged up a whole bunch of coins, but I don't see a task for turning in the bags. Am I missing something? Is there a prerequisite for that that I've missed?
Be sure you do the initial Tin/Iron etc exchange rate quests when they become available.

I'll be restructuring those turnins sometime soon, I'm just not sure how yet.
Be sure you do the initial Tin/Iron etc exchange rate quests when they become available.

I'll be restructuring those turnins sometime soon, I'm just not sure how yet.
You mean the Common Metal Contract? I've done that and the Uncommon Metal Contract several times. There still is no task for turning in bags, only for bagging them. It should be under the General Store, right?