[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yep, the farming station works beautifully. I'm thinking of setting up some reinforced watering cans above magical crops using aa's, hopefully it'll work.

You are right, the farming station is very nice so far. It took me a while build, but well worth it.

Did the AA plan work out for you? Now that I have the basic set up, I wouldn't mind speeding it up. So if your idea works and I can steal it...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Forge mod loader has found a problem with you minecraft installation
You have mod sources that are duplicate within your system
Mod Id : File name

se : minecraft.jar

What do I do about this? I'm on a mac, and am trying to add a lot of small mods. I got it to work without anything added, but as I added mods, I'd get double mods errors, so I'd delete them until now, where I only have this.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Some comments about the Magic seeds part of the store. Knowing you are changing that over, these are aimed to be general enough that they might have some bearing on the new system.

With the seeds, the player has a lot less choice about what they buy than with the ores section of the store. That makes the buying of a specific seed more expensive, as the player has to buy a lot of "bad" seeds to get to the ones they want. It is like hockey cards when I was a kid. I had to buy a bunch of extra cards to get the random one I was looking for. With the two systems in place, it is tempting to go to the ore store to get what I want, rather than shopping for the iron or gold seed to farm.

Balancing issue, which is still in the future, but the seeds are rather expensive right now. This is compounded by having to by extra ones. I need to learn how to look at the config, but iron in particular seems very rare. If there is a desire to nudge players to use the seed/crop system, getting the basic seeds at a higher rate than the fancier seeds might be a consideration. In my world, I am chasing the crops for fun, but do not see how I can avoid mining with iron so hard to grow. However, it may just be I am getting bad random results.

Thanks again for the work you put into the mod, it is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2015
the seeds are rather expensive right now.
if they were cheap then there would be less reason to buy from ore store and have u seen a normal play through with magical crops it gets much more out of control much faster

the bags are chance based u can get very lucky and get the seed u want first or get unlucky and get it 10th or 20th


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Maybe I missed this issues a few pages back, but when I try to auto the creature head crates into the the sag mill it does not go into the sag mill nor does it go in manual. My setup is;
better barrel- transfer nod- automation wooden crafter- transfer node-sag mill
It works with the evil twin crate but not the monster one any help would be great got it all setup last night and then sadness no go.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey i put my cleaver in my toolbox and it didn't give me fatigue XP. also i would like to say i'm having way too much trouble finding nether ores and I was wondering what levels people have found iron and coal. There's a million sulfur ores and lead ores and quartz ores but i looked for an hour without finding coal or iron.

also i have a million fruit bowls^^ that bush quest gave me food for life.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
if they were cheap then there would be less reason to buy from ore store and have u seen a normal play through with magical crops it gets much more out of control much faster

the bags are chance based u can get very lucky and get the seed u want first or get unlucky and get it 10th or 20th

Putting it a different way, right now the ore is much cheaper than the seeds. And, right now seeds are chance based and the ores are purely player choice. As Caigan is working on balance in the future, it might be worth looking at it.

I don't worry too much about seeds getting out of control. As long as there is a quarry in the pack, IMO, the player already has an "out of control" option. In my world right now, I have a quarry which I could turn on at any time. Instead, I am trying to use the seeds to supply my needs because I think that would be fun. I am finding it quite slow, which could be that I am a poor player (most likely!) or that the game balance makes getting seeds a fair bit harder than putting a quarry together.

One mechanic in the store which I think is great is that the player's control over seed choice is determined by their reputation. I can get just random seeds of type A at lower levels of reputation, then a choice of two smaller selections of seeds, splitting type A up. I think this is great game design and encourages people to engage with the core mod. I would suggest taking that mechanic and applying it to the ores, making them more random and rewarding people who play the mod. And potentially take it even farther with the seeds, so that as your reputation rises, you get a third level of selection, perhaps even smaller pools to choose from or pure choice. Right now, the system is a bit inbalanced, as it is harder to get research reputation than the other two, but Caigan has written that it is something on the radar, so we need to wait to see how it gets tackled.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2015
As long as there is a quarry in the pack, IMO, the player already has an "out of control"

some products the seeds grow into can not be quarried , (try to quarry wither skulls for example)
also unlike normal quarrys the seeds give u exactly what you setup for nothing else want iron ore only :done , want shiny only :done ,want both only :done want just order shards done want a mixutre of the 3 mentioned only :done , normal quarries give everything and dont guarantee much of anything production wise besides " i will clear out the area u told me too for blocks"

than putting a quarry together.

which quarry? (becuase the buildcraft one is much easier to put together then the ender quarry )
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
With respect, what you are describing is not how Magic Seeds works in this pack, at this time. As you have pointed out, you can not just buy the seed you want, it is random. Then you need to get enough of the needed seed to get a decent volume of essence. That means you need a very substantial number of shinies. Then you actually have to farm it, then craft it.

And that is the point I am trying to make, that it is pretty time consuming to set up a metal farm using seeds in this pack. Sure, once I have sunk a ton of time and effort in to getting all the seeds and have built it up, it will be powerful like you describe, but it is a big investment. In my opinion, quarries are a much easier option and one that many players would take. I bring that up as feedback for the mod pack maker, as I am assuming that they want people to use the mod pack more than just the regular FTB mechanics. But that is an assumption and this might be working exactly how it should.

It could be that the metals are not what Caigan cares about. Perhaps it is the exotic items, like the wither skull, that are of interest and by making it a big job to get to them, it rewards the effort. I am ok with that, end game systems should be powerful and "out of control." However, I think that the metal gathering systems of the quarry and the seeds will be mid game goals for many players and that the cost will be directly compared. My opinion (which is worth exactly as much as most internet opinions) is that the metal seeds should be cheaper than they are to make the choice more balanced. But since the entire magic seeds mod is leaving the pack, the details of pricing will need to be reworked, depending on how the new mod shapes up.
Jul 29, 2019
After reading a whole bunch of these posts I am glad I am not doing the seeds option and sticking to quarries. That looks like a hell of lot more work than I would anticipate, plus with the ore generation jacked with this mod, I would see no reason to do the seeds section. Hopefully the next mod isn't as intensive and luck-based.

"You can totally get shinies!"

Yeah and with enough tree farms I could set up a factory within a chunk loader that can to the same thing running on x64 Solar generators or my efficient Big Reactor.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
With respect, what you are describing is not how Magic Seeds works in this pack, at this time. As you have pointed out, you can not just buy the seed you want, it is random. Then you need to get enough of the needed seed to get a decent volume of essence. That means you need a very substantial number of shinies. Then you actually have to farm it, then craft it.
This sounds like you are unaware of Agricraft's feature to breed new plants, and thus new seeds. You only need to get one seed of any type and then you can grow as many as you want.
Combine that with MFR and Steve's Workbench, and you might as well be in creative for all the resources available.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This sounds like you are unaware of Agricraft's feature to breed new plants, and thus new seeds. You only need to get one seed of any type and then you can grow as many as you want.
Combine that with MFR and Steve's Workbench, and you might as well be in creative for all the resources available.

You are correct, I was not aware of that feature. Thank you for pointing that out and I will have a look at that in game.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2015
That looks like a hell of lot more work than I would anticipate,
setup agricraft spreading area(one crop with the starter seed then cross crops straight away from it ) then go do something else come back later and u got 5or more of the same seed type(how many u setup is the max for that round) ready to use for active farming(with a harvester or something similar) the new seeds also have better stats

i fear the next mod will be more intensive the memories of its use in the modpack "Material Energy 4" hang in mind
it wont be as simple as a simple crafting recipe with just the essence to make material

quarries are a much easier option
again u failed to answer my question which quarry


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Forge mod loader has found a problem with you minecraft installation
You have mod sources that are duplicate within your system
Mod Id : File name

se : minecraft.jar

What do I do about this? I'm on a mac, and am trying to add a lot of small mods. I got it to work without anything added, but as I added mods, I'd get double mods errors, so I'd delete them until now, where I only have this.

Does anyone know what's wrong for me? Or at least some advice on what information I could provide to help solve this problem?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
again u failed to answer my question which quarry

"Fail" is such a strong word. I prefer "derp". Or maybe "neglected to respond" or "overlooked my query." But yes, I fully agree, I didn't answer your question, which was a failure. It happens a lot. I get distracted easily and don't finish the job. Terrible habit of mine, I will do my best to improve.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And to avoid the risk of being called a troll, it is the buildcraft quarry.

Which, returning to my point, is much easier to set up than the seeds, as I was playing them. I will try it out with the new information BLAMM! kindly provided and will see if my opinion changes.