[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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Just use the DE Mob Grinder outside some witherproof blocks from EIO. It'll one shot anything, even the wither.
slight problem with that the de grinder is not in the current batch of de quests aka "its still being researched " so unless u cheat it in/write a recipe for it ur self (which can be considered cheating ) your not getting de's grinder till a later version
@Caigan is 4x and 5x ore processing in with mekanism in the modpack? ...thought it was with a salination plant thingy but I cant find it at all..its there on other modpacks so dunno

EDIT: name of it has changed...kk
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slight problem with that the de grinder is not in the current batch of de quests aka "its still being researched " so unless u cheat it in/write a recipe for it ur self (which can be considered cheating ) your not getting de's grinder till a later version

Welp, there's my problem. I reenabled worldgen, although I have been avoiding making the staff, armor, and such, unless they're in the quests. I just want some things like the grinder and the weather controller(Whatever it's called).
Protip for those that follow this path. STAY WAAAAAY AWAY from the Chaos Dragons. Oneshotted me with all 20 extra tinkers hearts, through the fluxed armor, with the jetpack plate (in another pack).
@Caigan is 4x and 5x ore processing in with mekanism in the modpack? ...thought it was with a salination plant thingy but I cant find it at all..its there on other modpacks so dunno
well i already have 4x ore processing up for a while so the machine that takes the does the 4xing with hydrogen chloride works normal so do all the machines to convert brine to hydrogen chloride

Welp, there's my problem. I reenabled worldgen, although I have been avoiding making the staff, armor, and such, unless they're in the quests. I just want some things like the grinder and the weather controller(Whatever it's called).
Protip for those that follow this path. STAY WAAAAAY AWAY from the Chaos Dragons. Oneshotted me with all 20 extra tinkers hearts, through the fluxed armor, with the jetpack plate (in another pack).
over 540 dmg per hit does not sound to high consider its supposed to be an end boss for that mod
fluxed armor normally is around 90%(or was it diamound lvl) protection adding a jetplate apparently weakens the protection it gives apparently .the people that did not re-enable all the disabled parts of dragonic evolution dont face this problem . on side note obsiden armor from mekism is 133% armor protection so unless the chaos dragon does special dmg u dont get killed near insta before the armor falls apart
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People need x4 processing? Ore spawns are so jacked I am not even thinking about using any of the oreberries!

I don't even know what to do from the 2000+ iron ores from my quarry except for pulverizing them into 4000+ iron dusts to smelt and send off to the Ferret Business!
People need x4 processing? Ore spawns are so jacked I am not even thinking about using any of the oreberries!

I don't even know what to do from the 2000+ iron ores from my quarry except for pulverizing them into 4000+ iron dusts to smelt and send off to the Ferret Business!
one reason to use 4x processing is becuase u get even more material from each ore and in ur case would double your profit(+100% trader chits +100% coins) , plus it works on shiny ore which is valued as precious mineral 4 shiny ingots from 1 ore does not sound good from a profit stand point ?

ore berries loses quickly anyways to magical crops/fluxed crystals why grow nuggets when u can grow raw ore
@Caigan is 4x and 5x ore processing in with mekanism in the modpack? ...thought it was with a salination plant thingy but I cant find it at all..its there on other modpacks so dunno
Mekanism renamed it in v8 to something like the solar evaporation plant, can't check the actual name at the moment but just look through NEI for the right blocks as they still look the same.
I have a crystal chest filled with bags of coins. I can't wait for that auto-turnin. It's going to be great.

I must confess that when I realised that I needed 17,000 shop vouchers to but the Draconium ingots to upgrade the energy storage I added two recipies to turn coins into vouchers and bags of coins into vouchers. I do not get the reputation points, but I am off the scale on shop and trader reputation already.
Umm, hello? Do people normally get this ignored at this forum?

I'm having problems trying to get this pack to launch. No one said anything that could actually help me.
Umm, hello? Do people normally get this ignored at this forum?

I'm having problems trying to get this pack to launch. No one said anything that could actually help me.

Your post was the last on a page, probably coincidentally didn't get read by all the helpful people.

Which launcher do you use? Any problems with other packs or just this one? Do you get a crash report?
Umm, hello? Do people normally get this ignored at this forum?

I'm having problems trying to get this pack to launch. No one said anything that could actually help me.

So turn on the ftb cosole and take a look at what's happening on startup. Can you get other ftb modpacks to run? I suspect not and if that is the case the ftb support forums maybe be a better place for that particular question.

I must confess that when I realised that I needed 17,000 shop vouchers to but the Draconium ingots to upgrade the energy storage I added two recipies to turn coins into vouchers and bags of coins into vouchers. I do not get the reputation points, but I am off the scale on shop and trader reputation already.

That is not a bad idea...
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Super sorry for being very quiet lately! Been slightly busy, Air Conditioning finally repaired (they had to order in a completely brand new one and shipping took forever, during one of the hottest weeks so far...), working through some RL issues with sick family members and working out some scheduling stuff for my surgery in a few months (don't ask yet, I'll explain some other time).

I'll keep this and my reply posts separate to keep things clean. I've been discussing with a few folks in private, and with some internal considerations on my part, I need to rework a few things with the pack. I'm, for sure, going to be pruning a couple mods out of the way, and put a slight more focus on the pack. This will lower the amount of quests I'll need to make, and also slightly help lessen the amount of cross-mod issues that can crop up. It will, also, help ease issues with how much you need to run the pack.

Its honestly better I do this now in early beta than later down the line, closer to release. Part of my current delays is trying to track down some of the new lag issues I've hit myself, and some various crashing issues while working on quests and updating mods. Any mod I remove you can freely add back in yourself, but I'm going to do my best to keep mods in the pack to functionality + ones I'm writing quests for.

So, here is the list of changes I'm planning on to start with. This includes stuff I've already discussed :

    • Pneumaticraft - I've discussed this one off and on before, but I think I'll have to bite the bullet on this one. This is one I can definitely shift over to [Project Alpha], which is currently on hiatus until I get a bit more of this pack worked on, and probably after my surgery.
    • Antique Atlas - I originally added this due to JourneyMap issues, but the newest versions of JourneyMap are decently more system friendly.
    • Headcrumbs - As much as I like occasionally meeting a random youtuber/minecrafter and killing them, this is another one that's going to have to be axed.
    • Lycanites Mobs - Buggy and ignores spawn rules and spawn cap. I love it but it has so many issues. Being replaced with Better Overworld - Project Zulu.
      • NOTE : There is a small issue with Project Zulu that will prevent the use of COFHTweaks. I'm looking for a workaround.
    • Magical Crops - Various issues abound with this. It will stay in for an update or two so people can transition over to its replacement mod, Fluxed Crystals 2. There WILL be crafting recipes to convert Magical Crop seeds to Fluxed Crystal seeds.
    • Binnies Mods (Extra Trees, Extra Bees, etc) - This one causes various issues with NEI, crafting, etc, and with Magical Bees being in the pack now (and one I like slightly more), it might be a good time to nix it.
    • Dense Ores - A nice bonus but not quite necessary. Given its size its debatable to me on whether to keep or remove.
    • Recurrent Complex - While this isn't in the pack for real yet, I'm still on the fence on whether to add it or not. The main use for it was going to be treasure chests scattered around the world, but I might be able to do some custom shenanigans using COFH ore generation settings.
    • Open Modular Turrets - This is a nice mod, but has a few little issues of its own. Proper enemy tracking and whatnot, though that is partially due to Lycanites. On the fence with it currently.
    • OpenEye - While originally a very useful mod, I've been hearing lately its just not as utilized by folks as it should be. Its not exactly a big mod, though.
    • Biomes O Plenty - While not bad, the landscape can easily end up odd and chaotic. It also gets hard to find certain biomes, as well as a lot of the items aren't totally useful. My consideration would be replacing it with something like...ExtraBiomesXL + ATG or something similar. Need more thought into this one though.
    • Better Overworld: Project Zulu - Lot more normal and interesting creatures than outlandish. Plays nicer than Lycanites mobs with spawning rules and enemy detection.
    • Fluxed Crystals 2 - A nicer, bit more balanced version of growing resource crops.
    • OpenComputers - Much requested alternative to ComputerCraft, and it has given me a very good idea for the questlines for BOTH.
    • Computronics - Adds things for both ComputerCraft and OpenComputers.
    • OpenPeripherals - Another much requested one, adds things both ComputerCraft and OpenComputers.
    • Steve's Addons - Adds some extra functionality to Steve's Factory Manager and addresses a few bugs
    • Cart Fixes - Fixes bugs in Steve's Carts with some of the blocks.
    • Storage Drawers - Another often requested mod, a good balance between Iron Chests and JABBA Barrels
    • Aroma Backup - Another highly requested mod, backs up your world in case of catastrophic events.
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I would really love to play this pack, that is, if it will launch! It won't even launch! If it's something like a memory problem, then I don't how to fix those. I looked everywhere, practically no one else is having this problem.
If it won't even start, this is more likely a failed download and install of the modpack.

In FTB Options, click Advanced, then change your download location.
Then click Force Update in the basic options page and launch the pack again. It will redownload the entire pack.

Make sure you have between 3 and 4 gigs set in the FTB Options menu as well.

is 4x and 5x ore processing in with mekanism in the modpack?
It is. Latest versions of Mekanism changed the name of some of the blocks you use for it.

So i got this crash report, when was looking at Contract Guide
Yup. Log in message I have warns about this. Not sure what caused it to break either, its kind of annoying.

e I added two recipies to turn coins into vouchers and bags of coins into vouchers.
I already have part of this issue automatable in the next version. You won't get reputation from just converting coins into vouchers (each purchased item is worth more reputation instead to make up for it).