Did you try remove the update checker mod? It certainly seems like its just what is erroring out and isn't actually required for anything to work.I've a slight problem, the world I started with gets stuck converting with the line on the console been
[atomicstryker.updatecheck.common.UpdateCheckMod$UpdateCheckThread:run:68]: Now reading data segment for mismatching mcversion: Minecraft 1.8
Not a huge deal really, I'll start another world, hqm edit the quests I've done and make a RP story to cover the new world...an attempt to teleport myself back home went wrong ;D
I've a slight problem, the world I started with gets stuck converting with the line on the console been
It certainly seems like its just what is erroring out and isn't actually required for anything to work.
I also had my world hanging, with multiple errors occurring after some time, but MC did not crash. The update checker errors were among them, but removing it did not help.
When it starts to lag, could you use /opis and have it scan and look over the tabs, specifically Entities and Timing?After a while I've got a big lag spike (60 FPS to 1 FPS) and finaly the game crash to desktop.
If it gets stuck on that for more than 10 minutes, check the logs before those and see if theres a java error for hardcore questing.I updated my world any when I load up my old world it gets stuck on this thread.
It both drops from tall grass and is in the Weak Essence Seed Bag, but I realized I forgot to update the quest text to match.Is it possible to get essence seeds now? I didn't see it added to any of the essence seed bags. Is it only by drops from tall grass?
Okay thats strange. I have a hunch on what that might be.Tracking tab show me 1145 entities with no type.
Yeah, this will happen when something with tinkers construct or its addons change. Since I put the harvest levels back to normal, tinker construct tools need to be 'recrafted' in any crafting table to update their stats properly.inkers items got unregistered, we put the item back in the crafting window and I think that may have fixed it
Unfortunately, thats another thing with the HQM quest reset that can happen. I'm hoping a lot of these issues are fixed with the new HQM...when it comes out, but no word on when that will be.the update removed us from the party...is there a file somewhere to more from the old server dir to fix that?
I plan on adding something like this to the Known Issues and Troubleshooting document I'll be working on soon. Real Life has gotten in the way today unfortunately, so I'm behind on my modpack stuff.By the way a "nice to have" would be a server update wiki specific
Very strange, I made one by hand and tested it and it worked. Let me think....So just tried to turn in a Leadstone Flux Capacitor that was fully charged and deactivated. Not accepting :C Went through the trouble of making an Energetic Infuser just for this too XD Any ideas what it may be though? Would I possibly need to craft a Quest Delivery System and send it through that?
Yeah just found that out. Cheated the Capacitor back in then the quest accepted it which I find strangeVery strange, I made one by hand and tested it and it worked. Let me think....
Don't use a QDS, as it'll just eat the item if its not the proper item you need to turn in.