Er...I don't remember Quarries ever staying within bounds with 4 landmark box vs 3 landmark designation. 4 Landmark Designation is for the quarry frame, but after that it mines to bedrock. 3 landmark designation builds a default...5 block high frame iirc, but still mines down to bedrock within the bounds of the frame.Not quite, I have experience with BC quarries and they do not mine outside of the border, unless the Y level is not specified.
You basically can combine 0.25 items in the Ferret Business Workbench(FBW) in amounts up to 10 FMC Crate.I have a logistics question to ask about .25 FMC items. If I wanted to crate those up, how do I do that? I can only make 10 FMC crates at best. Is there a way to combine those together to make more full crates? It says you need to use the same number for under 100 FMC items. So I'd put 5 10FMC crates together in the workbench? Do I need an empty crate along with those 5?
You can then combine 5 of those crates + 1 empty crate in the FBW or a regular crafting table to get a 50 FMC Crate. Or 10 of them + 1 empty crate in the FBW to make a 100 FMC crate.
Then up higher from there.
Next update, crafting Crates will no longer cost a Silver Coin(You'll get it back), which should make these types of combinations a little more viable.
Odd? I just tested this myself and it works.It's rather infuriating that I can't even figure out how to combine two 400FMC crates and a 200FMC into a 1000FMC.... I put all three in the packer and an empty crate...nothing happens.

Try typing /mt reload if something like that happens again. Occasionally MineTweaker or something will flub some recipes until you reload the world or reload minetweaker files with that command.