[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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I need help with AE2

I am having an issue where I cannot auto craft more than one step. It always gets stuck on "Scheduled", it's the same if I try to auto craft storage units (although image shows annihilation cores). I've tried interfaces on the crafting unit, molecular assemblers with the interfaces directly on them with the pattern, 17 co-processing units (I have no idea what they do, I just assumed they would increase the number of steps the machine can use) I have no understanding of this mod whatsoever and every "guide" has confused me beyond comprehension.

I'm hoping someone can tell me what's wrong or give me an extremely simplified explanation on how auto crafting works). Thanks.
Hello Caigan,

First of all we love your modpack and enjoy it deeply (Me, Wide and Kids), Thank you very much from all of us.

I have a request regarding MCEdit as our first Ferret Business world has some corrupted part (huge black holes to the void, non crossable, neither by flying).
I did export our 'base/house' schematic to a new map generated with the last version of the modpack but everytime we launch it, it crashes (fatal error...connection lost).

Would you kindly have a look at the crash log to see what's going on ? I tried but I can't undertand why it wouldn't work correctly as everything from MCEdit goes fine.

In advance, thank you for your help.

Note : HQM deleted or not, same issue.


I need help with AE2

I am having an issue where I cannot auto craft more than one step. It always gets stuck on "Scheduled", it's the same if I try to auto craft storage units (although image shows annihilation cores). I've tried interfaces on the crafting unit, molecular assemblers with the interfaces directly on them with the pattern, 17 co-processing units (I have no idea what they do, I just assumed they would increase the number of steps the machine can use) I have no understanding of this mod whatsoever and every "guide" has confused me beyond comprehension.

I'm hoping someone can tell me what's wrong or give me an extremely simplified explanation on how auto crafting works). Thanks.

It looks like it is getting stuck on crafting the logic processor. Did you automate the crafting of processors through the inscribers? It is sort of a pain, and I've had my inscribers completely stop working for no apparent reason.

I think these two videos explain automation of AE2's foundational materials well:

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I need help with AE2

I am having an issue where I cannot auto craft more than one step. It always gets stuck on "Scheduled", it's the same if I try to auto craft storage units (although image shows annihilation cores). I've tried interfaces on the crafting unit, molecular assemblers with the interfaces directly on them with the pattern, 17 co-processing units (I have no idea what they do, I just assumed they would increase the number of steps the machine can use) I have no understanding of this mod whatsoever and every "guide" has confused me beyond comprehension.

I'm hoping someone can tell me what's wrong or give me an extremely simplified explanation on how auto crafting works). Thanks.
its waiting to get the "gold ae chip"(cant recall the name off the top of my head ) but it seems to not be getting the gold chip its waiting for, so it still thinks its being made , do u have enough storage on the network ? (i had a strange issue before where ae kept trying to craft more of them becuase it could not store the chips as they were made which was fixed by adding more space for them) there is a error/break in what is supposed to handle the processing recipe ,
backround on processing recipes with ae : all it knows is place the inputs here(what ever the interface is touching besides another interface) and somehow the output will arrive to the network .
the normal ae inscribers are Not Smart about what they accept they will accept a diamound into an inscriber that has the silicon press
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Would you kindly have a look at the crash log to see what's going on ? I tried but I can't undertand why it wouldn't work correctly as everything from MCEdit goes fine.
It looks like a specific block got corrupted, which is causing the crash.

In your crash log, there is a section :
Block location: World: (272,64,657), Chunk: (at 0,4,1 in 17,41; contains blocks 272,0,656 to 287,255,671), Region: (0,1; contains chunks 0,32 to 31,63, blocks 0,0,512 to 511,255,1023)

You can find this block in MCEdit and delete it and hopefully it'll fix the crashing (unless other blocks are corrupted too).
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It looks like it is getting stuck on crafting the logic processor. Did you automate the crafting of processors through the inscribers? It is sort of a pain, and I've had my inscribers completely stop working for no apparent reason.

I think these two videos explain automation of AE2's foundational materials well:

Edit: Turns out I goofed the processing patterns and crafting patterns, thanks for the help though! :D
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Please do not try messaging me on the Changelog's chat feature. Even though I have it loaded, I do not have that tab on my screen 95% of the time, and I rarely hear the message beep.

It's better to put issues and whatnot either in here, or in the Discord chat.

I'm having issues combining 500 fmc crates into 1000 ones. I've tried multiple configurations but they won't stack :<
You are including an empty crate with any items under 1,000 FMC correct? (This includes any partially crated items as well)
Please do not try messaging me on the Changelog's chat feature. Even though I have it loaded, I do not have that tab on my screen 95% of the time, and I rarely hear the message beep.

It's better to put issues and whatnot either in here, or in the Discord chat.

You are including an empty crate with any items under 1,000 FMC correct? (This includes any partially crated items as well)

Yeah, turns out I was having a derp moment. I figured it out now! Gosh, I have to find a good way to automate packaging!
I've run into another AE2 issue, I left the chunk thinking I chunkloaded it, came back after 10 minutes or so and found the system to be offline. It seems as if the system ran out of power and somehow can't start back up, despite the ME controller being full of power. I've broken and replaced the ME controller but nothing happened and I'm not sure how to start it back up. Can someone tell me how to start it back up?


Power supply is fine, it just happens my ME system is the only thing not in my chunkloader's range.
I've run into another AE2 issue, I left the chunk thinking I chunkloaded it, came back after 10 minutes or so and found the system to be offline. It seems as if the system ran out of power and somehow can't start back up, despite the ME controller being full of power. I've broken and replaced the ME controller but nothing happened and I'm not sure how to start it back up. Can someone tell me how to start it back up?

Power supply is fine, it just happens my ME system is the only thing not in my chunkloader's range.
Hmm breaking and place should have fixed it'self...
I've run into another AE2 issue, I left the chunk thinking I chunkloaded it, came back after 10 minutes or so and found the system to be offline. It seems as if the system ran out of power and somehow can't start back up, despite the ME controller being full of power. I've broken and replaced the ME controller but nothing happened and I'm not sure how to start it back up. Can someone tell me how to start it back up?

Power supply is fine, it just happens my ME system is the only thing not in my chunkloader's range.
Could be a WAILA error tbf. Try breaking all the power lines feeding the controller after you restart the game.
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Could be a WAILA error tbf. Try breaking all the power lines feeding the controller after you restart the game.

That worked, thanks. I've been having way too many issues with my world recently I didn't even think of restarting. My BC quarry was deleting blocks in the specified area instead of building the frame or mining the blocks and now, after the restart, it's decided to put a frame and completely ignore the specified area. Technology, eh?

Yeah, extremely odd o_O

Here's a little teaser for you folks, haven't done this in a while


A little peek at the new Shop Token system, which works much like the Trader Chit system.

I wonder who here is going to get fired...:p
the frame needs space around it to be be built so the quarry clear some space for it

Deleting the whole 64x64x10 area before building the frame* It started acting as a filler, unfortunately I destroyed it to try and fix it before I got a screenshot.
When I relogged, the frame was magically back there but it was digging past the boundaries of the frame (downwards).

As it turns out, I actually have a video recorded.
But I don't have a screenshot/video of it afterwards when it was digging past the frame.

It's odd though. even though it "fixed" itself after the relog I'm not sure what happened to all the items before that.
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Deleting the whole 64x64x10 area before building the frame* It started acting as a filler, unfortunately I destroyed it to try and fix it before I got a screenshot.
When I relogged, the frame was magically back there but it was digging past the boundaries of the frame (downwards).

As it turns out, I actually have a video recorded.
the bc quarry by default considers the area below its frame as the place to mine it will mine to bedrock layer(+in some bugged versions it mined past that ),this is part of the quarrys design ,all i see from the video is the bc quarry is being more through in cleaning up space for its frame (more then i remeber it doing so as well ) the red particles are voiding the blocks they hit, when the drill arm appears thats what actually slides around the frame and actually harvests the materials
the bc quarry by default considers the area below its frame as the place to mine it will mine to bedrock layer(+in some bugged versions it mined past that ),this is part of the quarrys design ,all i see from the video is the bc quarry is being more through in cleaning up space for its frame (more then i remeber it doing so as well ) the red particles are voiding the blocks they hit, when the drill arm appears thats what actually slides around the frame and actually harvests the materials
Not quite, I have experience with BC quarries and they do not mine outside of the border, unless the Y level is not specified. Based on the video you can see where the black/yellow lines are marked. In fact, after the relog, I found out it had built the frame around the specified area, and the drill arm was back, however, it was mining within the center of the border, below the specified level.

This is also my third time using the same BC quarry in my current world (to do the same thing) and this is the first time it happened.

I don't really understand how being more thorough includes not breaking out the frame area (as you can see at 0:05 the left side is still intact with the marked border line going through it) but also deleting the ores in the wide area. It's almost as if it turned into a filler.

Edit: Based on further testing, I have not been able to replicate my initial 2 results. You're right, it does clear out the entire area before building the frame. Though I'm more curious now on how to make it not mine below a certain height... (I know it's possible because the first two times I did it, it stopped mining after the specified height, any torches I tried to place would be hunted down immediately by the drill so I know it was working, as reference, I'm trying to clear out a flat 10 block high area)
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I have a logistics question to ask about .25 FMC items. If I wanted to crate those up, how do I do that? I can only make 10 FMC crates at best. Is there a way to combine those together to make more full crates? It says you need to use the same number for under 100 FMC items. So I'd put 5 10FMC crates together in the workbench? Do I need an empty crate along with those 5?

It's rather infuriating that I can't even figure out how to combine two 400FMC crates and a 200FMC into a 1000FMC.... I put all three in the packer and an empty crate...nothing happens.
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