[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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odd the activation ritual wont start if there are natura clouds above it but when u right click with inactive sigil at midnight it says "everything is ready preform the sacrifice" then when u kill the sacrifice with a melle weopon on the enchanting table (matter overdrive guns dont count i found out) it will then say"activation ritual failure the altar cant see the moon" weird discrepancy

Probably the mod uses a different check between the two types, which is odd. I'll update the quest text on it to mention clearing out any 'solid' clouds.

strange u cant craft the deep dark portal with mobuis ingots(yes i did do the pseudo ritual,shame the discs got destroyed during it<-not issue) even if u try to do the recipe in a vanilla crafting table , u literally have to use one of the 2 other ingot types
I'll see about adding a recipe to use mobius ingots for this as well.

i was looking around grimlore of gaia and apparently the creep (the 3headed creeper snake i think is a proper description for the creep like thing )has a drop called spawn creeper girl its a rather rare drop, the item spawns a trader npc from the mod however there is no other way to get this item without killing a creep in the first place as far as i'm aware so if the creep is disabled then the item becomes apparently unobtainable , a simple solution to this could be adding the spawn creeper girl drop to a normal creeper at around a 1% drop rate there are probably other ways
I'll add this as a very rare drop to creepers, or as a shop item you can buy, unsure which yet.

when you will launch the next version of the modpack? THIS MODPACK IS VERY AWESOME!!!! :D:)o_O
In the next week or two. I'm putting up a post after this one detailing my current progress to the update. =)
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So I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things, stimied slightly by the fact that with the weather and rains hitting, my allergies are in full blown overload.

Right now, I'm working on rebuilding all the blind bags with the new 'target cost' for them. This will restructure a lot of bags, and a lot of good/amazing bags are gone now because of this, because their cost was in the cheap/decent range instead.

Each bag tier will have an upper limit it tries to hit. Cheap bags = 10,000 FMC. Decent = 50k. Good = 200k. Amazing = Everything above 200k. The item will either hit this limit OR stack size limit, whichever first (so, say, an iron chestplate will always only give you 1 chestplate, and not fill your inventory with them)

Doing this has also allowed me to rebalance the cost of some things (some things are worth more, some worth less). I've also added some items missing from multiple mods, and fixed some bugs (items with double FMC values in them, etc).

After this, I'm going to crunch down on a bunch of bugs in the Trello, and get one or two smaller questlines done to replace questlines that were removed, as well as update documentation to help new players (using the FTBUtilities Guidebook instead of Enchiridion books for this).

Then the 0.1.4 update will be ready for testing.
I have a problem, it's not a crash, but I can't make my world load. When I start a new game it hangs at the loading world screen forever, I haven't gotten it to splash into the game yet. The console says it's "Loading dimension -35" um...what? The only thing I did to the modpack was add Equivalent Exchange 3, which, as far as i know, doesn't add any dimensions so I don't think it has any bearing on this problem. I could try to take it out and load a new world but I want to see if this is something people are aware of first. (and I'm letting my game sit there and continue loading to see if it ever DOES load)

EDIT: It's showing "converting world" not "loading world".

EDIT 2: Looks like it IS EE3.... I finally broke down and closed it, disabled EE3, loaded fine, closed down, reloaded the same world with EE3 up, and it's hanging at the same "dimension -35" thing again. Damn! I should know better than to mod modpacks...
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EDIT 2: Looks like it IS EE3.... I finally broke down and closed it, disabled EE3, loaded fine, closed down, reloaded the same world with EE3 up, and it's hanging at the same "dimension -35" thing again. Damn! I should know better than to mod modpacks...
You might want to try deleting your quest progress in that world (check the troubleshooting guide for how), or just renaming the folder and doing that as a quick test to see if that's the issue. EE3 might be changing something to the point where items in quests are changed to a point where its erroring out.

It's most likely NOT the case, but this has happened before, so it'd be good to know if thats the cause.
odd the activation ritual wont start if there are natura clouds above it but when u right click with inactive sigil at midnight it says "everything is ready preform the sacrifice" then when u kill the sacrifice with a melle weopon on the enchanting table (matter overdrive guns dont count i found out) it will then say"activation ritual failure the altar cant see the moon" weird discrepancy

strange u cant craft the deep dark portal with mobuis ingots(yes i did do the pseudo ritual,shame the discs got destroyed during it<-not issue) even if u try to do the recipe in a vanilla crafting table , u literally have to use one of the 2 other ingot types

i was looking around grimlore of gaia and apparently the creep (the 3headed creeper snake i think is a proper description for the creep like thing )has a drop called spawn creeper girl its a rather rare drop, the item spawns a trader npc from the mod however there is no other way to get this item without killing a creep in the first place as far as i'm aware so if the creep is disabled then the item becomes apparently unobtainable , a simple solution to this could be adding the spawn creeper girl drop to a normal creeper at around a 1% drop rate there are probably other ways

I had no problem using my ion sniper on the chicken I used in my ritual. You have to make sure the sacrifice is inside the red stone circle.
good to know... it's so much eggs.. in my system... ¬¬
storage bus on a "chest" with the bus set to hold "bird eggs" here makes this makes the issue diminish a lot for types consumed also works for storing android parts and is also lovely for being to stop them being visible to you in ae terminals(just one toggle on the bus )
storage bus on a "chest" with the bus set to hold "bird eggs" here makes this makes the issue diminish a lot for types consumed also works for storing android parts and is also lovely for being to stop them being visible to you in ae terminals(just one toggle on the bus )

I wish I was much better in my knowledge of AE, I have so many Android parts and Magical Junk from my Mob Farm clogging up my AE system. I would love to just route them all to their own little drives and never have to worry about them again.
I wish I was much better in my knowledge of AE, I have so many Android parts and Magical Junk from my Mob Farm clogging up my AE system. I would love to just route them all to their own little drives and never have to worry about them again.
priorities (on the drive bays + storage buses )and partitioning drives (needs a cell workbench i think) are your friends for sorting big volume and big variety materials
I hope this is the right place to post problems, since I couldn't see another place to do it. But my server is getting into loops over a bat spawning incorrectly I guess. Like, in a block or something. It lags it to oblivion and often straight kills the server. Is there anything I can do about that?
I hope this is the right place to post problems, since I couldn't see another place to do it. But my server is getting into loops over a bat spawning incorrectly I guess. Like, in a block or something. It lags it to oblivion and often straight kills the server. Is there anything I can do about that?
/cofh killall [partialName]
is the base syntax for a enity kill command (will not work on players)
replace [partialName] with bat and the command will kill all bats in any loaded chunks
I am having problem with thaumcraft reserch's. admitdly i have given up on figuring them out myself but i am strongeling with finding a gide wich is for the version of thaumcraft that this pack use. the pack uses 4.2 right? becuse all guides i find seems to be using a diffrent reserch technic or recipe.

any help?
Minor difference, not sure if I mentioned it before..

Pam's Harvestcraft cotton has a yield of 2 string per 3 cotton. Natura has a yield of one string per 3 cotton. These cotton may be OreDict using Storage Drawers..maybe a slight alteration to the recipes?

edit: at least i think they can be OreDict