odd the activation ritual wont start if there are natura clouds above it but when u right click with inactive sigil at midnight it says "everything is ready preform the sacrifice" then when u kill the sacrifice with a melle weopon on the enchanting table (matter overdrive guns dont count i found out) it will then say"activation ritual failure the altar cant see the moon" weird discrepancy
Probably the mod uses a different check between the two types, which is odd. I'll update the quest text on it to mention clearing out any 'solid' clouds.
I'll see about adding a recipe to use mobius ingots for this as well.strange u cant craft the deep dark portal with mobuis ingots(yes i did do the pseudo ritual,shame the discs got destroyed during it<-not issue) even if u try to do the recipe in a vanilla crafting table , u literally have to use one of the 2 other ingot types
I'll add this as a very rare drop to creepers, or as a shop item you can buy, unsure which yet.i was looking around grimlore of gaia and apparently the creep (the 3headed creeper snake i think is a proper description for the creep like thing )has a drop called spawn creeper girl its a rather rare drop, the item spawns a trader npc from the mod however there is no other way to get this item without killing a creep in the first place as far as i'm aware so if the creep is disabled then the item becomes apparently unobtainable , a simple solution to this could be adding the spawn creeper girl drop to a normal creeper at around a 1% drop rate there are probably other ways
In the next week or two. I'm putting up a post after this one detailing my current progress to the update. =)when you will launch the next version of the modpack? THIS MODPACK IS VERY AWESOME!!!!![]()