[1.7.10] TerraFirmaPunk 2.0 - TerraFirmaCraft & SteamPunk Adventures

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I added this pack a few days ago and when I started the world I did not get a quest book. Is this normal or are we supposed to start with one to help us on the journey?

Yes the quest book is supposed to be there. Try updating to the most recent version, if your still not getting a quest book they are easily crafted with 4 reeds.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So um .. Whats with the SUPER LOUD meteor sounding things happening ? o_O
Been getting that sound atleast 1-2 times per day now during winter.. still freaks me out ._.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So um .. Whats with the SUPER LOUD meteor sounding things happening ? o_O
Been getting that sound atleast 1-2 times per day now during winter.. still freaks me out ._.

I thought I had them set to only fall once every few months, every day is way too often :(

If they are getting to be too annoying feel free to shut them off, but you may consider turning them back on when you reach RotaryCraft level tech since the Meteors are the only way to get certain rare ores.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey there. Thanks for this pack me and a friend are playing it at present. Few things we've noted which you might already have down but thought I would share:

1 - Quest Prospecting the future - both when I and my friend completed it in both cases the game crashed out on us with the below error: We could launch the game straight away again but no Jade however the quest showed completed


2 - You can't make Salt with salt rock and a hammer anymore (maybe due to the recent updated TFC? From the sounds of it it changed a lot?)/ Had to make the quern although got that from Google :)

3 - No matter what we do we cannot get any agriculture to grow. We've tilled the ground and ensured it has the water it needs and tried multiple different types of crops to no avail. Nothing we've found in guides or how to's shows we are doing anything wrong but, as you need to be expert in agriculture before you can check the soil nutrients, we're not sure if that is the problem but would be unusual for so many types of crops to fail? We've also left them for months of ingame time with no obvious change in them. Is there something we might be missing or is there a possible issue?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The quest book seems to be missing several types of rock for the first quest, my area has only phyllite rock and that's not one of the options.

Also, I haven't processed far enough to access mods that need water, I'm not sure how you solved the "water problem" if you did, but http://terrafirmacraft.com/f/topic/8020-07915-tfc-water-compatibility-with-other-mods/ may be useful to you :)

EDIT: also, this would be really cool to have: http://terrafirmacraft.com/f/topic/7563-tfc-07913merchants-addon-for-tfc/

Really cool work with the recent updates, it's looking awesome, keep it up :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
3 - No matter what we do we cannot get any agriculture to grow. We've tilled the ground and ensured it has the water it needs and tried multiple different types of crops to no avail. Nothing we've found in guides or how to's shows we are doing anything wrong but, as you need to be expert in agriculture before you can check the soil nutrients, we're not sure if that is the problem but would be unusual for so many types of crops to fail? We've also left them for months of ingame time with no obvious change in them. Is there something we might be missing or is there a possible issue?

As the post below yours said - The world is set on super long, so crops take FOREVER to grow. I changed mine to 96d. And i managed to harvest my jute plants twice before winter came along and killed em.

Winter is mean, unless you live close to the equator all your crops will die since it gets so cold.

Press F3 and check your area's temperature and average temperature.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
go to tfconfig.cfg and see if te years dure 360 days, 96 is the normal for solo

As the post below yours said - The world is set on super long, so crops take FOREVER to grow. I changed mine to 96d. And i managed to harvest my jute plants twice before winter came along and killed em.

Winter is mean, unless you live close to the equator all your crops will die since it gets so cold.

Press F3 and check your area's temperature and average temperature.

Thankyou both kindly yes it was the long long days. I've changed the year length as you advised and can actually see growth int hem now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thankyou both kindly yes it was the long long days. I've changed the year length as you advised and can actually see growth int hem now.

Also remember to rotate your crops or let the plots go unused for a season, or just dig them up and place new dirt(wont get dirt back from farmland) to refresh the nutrients.
There is a nice list on which crops use what nutrients so it gets easier to rotate them :3. (im lazy and just remove and place new dirt <.<)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey there. Thanks for this pack me and a friend are playing it at present. Few things we've noted which you might already have down but thought I would share:

1 - Quest Prospecting the future - both when I and my friend completed it in both cases the game crashed out on us with the below error: We could launch the game straight away again but no Jade however the quest showed completed

2 - You can't make Salt with salt rock and a hammer anymore (maybe due to the recent updated TFC? From the sounds of it it changed a lot?)/ Had to make the quern although got that from Google :)

3 - No matter what we do we cannot get any agriculture to grow. We've tilled the ground and ensured it has the water it needs and tried multiple different types of crops to no avail. Nothing we've found in guides or how to's shows we are doing anything wrong but, as you need to be expert in agriculture before you can check the soil nutrients, we're not sure if that is the problem but would be unusual for so many types of crops to fail? We've also left them for months of ingame time with no obvious change in them. Is there something we might be missing or is there a possible issue?

I was talking to the developer of the Decorations mod and he told me that there might be a bug with the gems. I have recently played through that quest with out any fatal errors but I might suggest removing Decorations if your running into any more problems.

Yes I am also running into this problem as well. It must be an update to TFC because it was working fine a few updates back. I may want to redo that quest and move it into the second chapter instead.

Terribly sorry about that, I must have left the config file from the server. We had the year lengthened because of all the players who would log in at different times and find all their crops had died.
Thank you Orma for helping sort this out :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The quest book seems to be missing several types of rock for the first quest, my area has only phyllite rock and that's not one of the options.

Also, I haven't processed far enough to access mods that need water, I'm not sure how you solved the "water problem" if you did, but http://terrafirmacraft.com/f/topic/8020-07915-tfc-water-compatibility-with-other-mods/ may be useful to you :)

EDIT: also, this would be really cool to have: http://terrafirmacraft.com/f/topic/7563-tfc-07913merchants-addon-for-tfc/

Really cool work with the recent updates, it's looking awesome, keep it up :)

Thanks :D

The very first quests that appear in the book are kind of specific.
Sticks and Stones requires the players to collect any kind of stones while the other four are very specific and will require alot of exploration to get every single kind of rock. For now you should be able to complete the rest of the tool quests and move into chapter 2.

Please remember that not every quest will be immediately completable and every chapter will have quests that only appear later. As you progress through the game keep checking back to earlier chapters often to see if any new quests have appeared or if previous quests, like the specific rock ones, are now completable.

I am actually working with the DEV on that water compatibility mod and will definitely have it included once it is fully funtional :D For now iron buckets can be found in dungeon chests or from very rare mobs.

Thank you, I am very glad that your enjoying the mod pack so far :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So um .. Whats with the SUPER LOUD meteor sounding things happening ? o_O
Been getting that sound atleast 1-2 times per day now during winter.. still freaks me out ._.

I recently started a new map today with a few friends. We played for at least 5 hours and did not see a single meteor drop so I am curious if it might be the seed or just how you PC handles Random Number Generation.

But the sound is definitely a bug. Quite often when I have seen them drop there is an echo with a very distinct delay so it almost sounds like 2 meteors falling at the same time. My guess is this might be caused by the Sound Filters.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I found some ores of mod like elecricalage rotary, etc this ores can be used in a furnace. These ingots are compatible with terrafirma?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I found some ores of mod like elecricalage rotary, etc this ores can be used in a furnace. These ingots are compatible with terrafirma?

If you happen to find ElectriCraft ores they will only be used in ElectriCraft. Any of the other ores that can be smelted in a vanilla furnace will not work with TFC.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
somethims terrafirma doubles chest traanforms into 2 small chest, when i klik one mi game crashes

Is the game also crashing if you break the box? I am guessing there is a bad item inside or something that no longer exists. Can you send me the crash report?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
somethims terrafirma doubles chest traanforms into 2 small chest, when i klik one mi game crashes

Is the game also crashing if you break the box? I am guessing there is a bad item inside or something that no longer exists. Can you send me the crash report?

It's a known TFC bug. It's listed as an SMP bug, but I've seen it in SSP once also.

  • Name: Double Chest SMP Crash
    Description: Occasionally in SMP a double chest will instead appear as two individual single side-by-side single chests, or a single chest and half of a double chest. Clicking on either chest crashes the client. Crash report contains
  • java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException:Index:54,Size:54
    at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(UnknownSource)
    at java.util.ArrayList.get(UnknownSource)
    at net.minecraft.inventory.Container.func_75139_a(SourceFile:104)
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