The only way to make salt is Mek, but its a lot of infrastructure that does not look like it will have any other use!, all for fluix seed production for a +1 return seems like this slipped under the radar.

It's normally a common world gen at rivers and oceans. Guess what's missing in this overworld?

I had copied some of the scripts from another one of my packs, so that got left over.
I've just had a death due to Silverfish. Clearing out the area that is going to be my greenhouse farm, lots of stone/coal to shift. Occasional silverfish would pop out making the chore a nuisance. I'd divided my area with a temp wall so nothing can visit my safe area as it's all exposed at the moment. Kept digging, pop, more silverfish, and more, and more, and more... I even saw one trying to get out of my safe area. I let it out, and just got swarmed by them.
Respawned (no bed yet), and made it back to my base, found a 4 deep hole in the floor next to where I'm building my blast furnace! All I can hear is the squeeks of silverfish, in the floor, in the walls, in the ceiling, shudder...
My base looks like stone swiss cheese at the moment!
On a plus, all the XP from the silverfish has allowed me to unlock 2 inventory slots.
Completed my first bit of "automation". A buildcraft pipe from my water tank to moistener, and as a result, found a mod bug. Using a wooden pipe (bronze in this pack), the RC tank constantly dumps water into the pipe, even if it was full, so voided a lot of my water... A normal stone pipe (tin in this pack) works perfectly.
Also got a water mill setup, ready for some RF, once I do my landscaping and pest control.
Pack wise, I've done some enviromine tweaking. Digging underground (aka below 60) should now slowly drain your air supply, and due to special mobs overriding vanilla mobs, none of the sanity effects are working, so I'm building up the rules for mobs. (None of this will affect established players, it's all part of the early/mid game survival).