[1.7.10] Shattered

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Thanks doing update now :), happy Christmas one n all.

All seems to work fine, & lots of new textures :), now better hit the sack or I may go on the naughty list...
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Happy holidays also from me :)

Uhm... two things after testing the new update.

The minor thing:
- The "Engineer's toolbox"-recipe needs a storage crate from IE to be crafted. But they're disabled. Cheated in myself one paying the ressources and one of the other crates for now :)

And one very, very confusing thing:
After I logged in I saw chicken, with baby pigs on their back coming down from the sky and going up in little flames (no real fire, just the animation) as soon as they hit the ground.
- Is that some joke of a mod around christmas?

It's really really weird to see that while trying to play normally...


Did some more searching to the second thing. Seems like some easteregg from the portal gun mod. Guess I don't understand it, heh. But should be over soon, so will hold through until these weird chicken-pigs are gone. ^^"
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Happy holidays also from me :)

Uhm... two things after testing the new update.

The minor thing:
- The "Engineer's toolbox"-recipe needs a storage crate from IE to be crafted. But they're disabled. Cheated in myself one paying the ressources and one of the other crates for now :)

And one very, very confusing thing:
After I logged in I saw chicken, with baby pigs on their back coming down from the sky and going up in little flames (no real fire, just the animation) as soon as they hit the ground.
- Is that some joke of a mod around christmas?

It's really really weird to see that while trying to play normally...
That's Ichun (portal gun mod), he does weird seasonal stuff.

Engineers Toolbox I'll fix. I don't remember anything about an IE storage crate though...
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"Weird" really fits it. Was confused if I actually see what I see. *smirks*

It's the "Wooden Storage Crate", functions like a single-chest (same recipe as chests normally just with treated wood planks instead of normal ones). And holds it inventory when broken.


And after looking around a bit about farming options... I decided to start Thaumcraft in the end *chuckles* Golems are my way to go for farming the ressource-plants.
So... need to plan a Thaumcraft area now, too. Still debating with myself if I want a multi-layer base or if I just spread myself out in different districts which all can see the sky... *sighs* deciding stuff is not my strength, heh.
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Not sure whats going on now, last night manual update was fine all worked fine, today after dinner I did a ftb update to 1.5 & lag ingame is unplayable, reduced setting, turned off everything, nothing seems to help, not sure if its the chicken chunks falling chickens or something like that, will wait for it to end later & retry, will post after I have more info, atm just too tired with the day that's in it :).

Happy hollz every one.
Not sure whats going on now, last night manual update was fine all worked fine, today after dinner I did a ftb update to 1.5 & lag ingame is unplayable, reduced setting, turned off everything, nothing seems to help, not sure if its the chicken chunks falling chickens or something like that, will wait for it to end later & retry, will post after I have more info, atm just too tired with the day that's in it :).

Happy hollz every one.
Hmm, very odd. My bet will be on the chicken rain. Can't imagine it's either of the two new mods. There is no difference between the FTB update and the download link, it's all the same.
Yeah It must have been the chicken rain, all seems fine again today, just made a deep dark portal & solved the osmium/yellorium problems & found some iridium, not sure whats next maybe automate the nuggets to ingots as now I can just smelt 9 :).

I may also look into rockets, I never used advanced rocketry before this pack so its all new, oh & setup a reactor & some RFtools dims, in other words time to make new plans.

Edit, just looked into AR, just seems like a hell, & I mean a hell of a lot of steps to get even the info required to build & launch a rocket, have any of the recipes been edited for rockets & the ton of info collecting machines needed ?, plus from what I can find out the mod is still only about 2/3rd completed, looks cool & fun but way so much too it, not sure if I want to go down that road..
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Yeah It must have been the chicken rain, all seems fine again today, just made a deep dark portal & solved the osmium/yellorium problems & found some iridium, not sure whats next maybe automate the nuggets to ingots as now I can just smelt 9 :).

I may also look into rockets, I never used advanced rocketry before this pack so its all new, oh & setup a reactor & some RFtools dims, in other words time to make new plans.

Edit, just looked into AR, just seems like a hell, & I mean a hell of a lot of steps to get even the info required to build & launch a rocket, have any of the recipes been edited for rockets & the ton of info collecting machines needed ?, plus from what I can find out the mod is still only about 2/3rd completed, looks cool & fun but way so much too it, not sure if I want to go down that road..
If you are looking at old vids that have the "research" to locate planets, that no longer applies. You can build a rocket to the moon easy enough, to go beyond you need to build a "starship/starbase" with a warp engine. It's new so not that documented yet.

The research is purely now for locating asteriods and sending a mining ship to collect resources. It returns an insane amount of ore (every chest you put on the ship is filled to the stacks with ore blocks)

Apart from the machines you may have already have built, recipes are the same.

Hmm, deep dark has Osmium and Iridium... Not quite intended, but I must admit I forgot all about the deep dark :D
Really love the new texture of the plants, they look great and really look like they're a mix of their parents. Well done! :)

Downside of new textures... it took me 10 minutes to find my chisel, cause I simply overlooked it's new texture *laughs*

My base makes little steps forward again, pretty much all base machines are standing (Immersive Engineering wise), so crafting-mechanic'wise I will have an alot easier time to get the stuff I need. Alone having now four metal presses, two for directly turning ingots into plates and then into gears, makes it so much easier. No switching of the molds anymore!

Everything connected to my diesel-generator as well. Now I just need to wait till I got into ender IO to controll it better (so it doesn't always turns on just cause a 32RF/t furnace starts smelting a bit).

Love the new recipes for the food. Even though half of it I still cannot make regularly. I really should start making a lil farming house and animal-farm. I always push the food-related things'to'do away and focus on other things *grumbles* ^^

Now alot of terraforming awaits to be done for future stuff. Not to forget that I need to plan some kind of storagehouse slowly, my chests are a mess. Still not decided if I want to reach out my base into the void or if I start a second layer under my IE-area. Probably will reach out more, now that I can craft the better chunk loaders. This way building up a rail-system with railcraft actually makes more sense.

So much to decide and do!
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I've just completed my 2nd milestone, build a coke oven (yeah, I don't get the chance to play as much as I would like to!)

Here are some quaint screenshots:

I've pretty much finished the resource gathering stage, I have plenty of mats to build with now (well, enough to get started). Turns out there's a diamond vein pretty much under my base, and I was going to turn back after finding a lapis vein as my water was running low, when I spotted a bit of redstone. Lovely! Boy it's scary knowing there's a void one block under you!

The small mesa is being dug out and artificially extended, and will be my home base/factory.

The farm out front will eventually be a greenhouse joining onto the mesa, so I can actually work on the crops at night.

Some things I've noticed:
I totally forgot I was going to change the clay production, instead of blocks, clay item itself. Feels like way too much clay for the amount of resources it needs.
Air quality doesn't seem to be kicking in. I expected being in a small tunnel next to a torch would start to make me cough, but nothing.
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Heh, no wonder you don't come to play, when we keep you busy with other stuff *grins evilly*

Your field already look so ordered. Mine are still a "just have everything planted"-mess. My priorities are horrible in playing, hehe.
And I see you have one of these turrets standing around. So I guess mobs are scared of you now? :]

Really love the area you're living in. Guess Biomes o Plenty can be nice to you, once in a while. (I usually play without, cause it makes my "I want to live here, right here!" search almost an impossible task, heh)

Have to say I'm not really sad about the air-quality things. It's the one aspect of enviromine which I still don't really get how to counter it properly. So it makes underground building and exploring through caves really a weird thing to deal with.
Only thing which seems to drop air-quality at the moment is being too near to one of these sulfur-clouds.


Breezed through all the thaumcraft scanning and research which I need for a while... must say doing it for the like 50th time or so (since I started playing modded minecraft), really makes it difficult to stay motivated to do this. But done it late this game so had lots of advantages, no real bottleneck of "This item is missing in the scanning-order" and such.

Now to find out if, like in skyblock maps, the aura nodes spawn pretty much close aboth the void. Can't remember seeing one on the island while exploring. So long I guess I should build a lil mob-spawner over the void to get vis through mob killing.
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The only way to make salt is Mek's water to brine to gassious brine to salt, plus tanks etc, Its a lot of infrastructure that does not look like it will have any other use!, all for fluix seed production for a +1 return seems like this slipped under the radar.
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The only way to make salt is Mek, but its a lot of infrastructure that does not look like it will have any other use!, all for fluix seed production for a +1 return seems like this slipped under the radar.
Possibly :D It's normally a common world gen at rivers and oceans. Guess what's missing in this overworld? :D I had copied some of the scripts from another one of my packs, so that got left over.

I've just had a death due to Silverfish. Clearing out the area that is going to be my greenhouse farm, lots of stone/coal to shift. Occasional silverfish would pop out making the chore a nuisance. I'd divided my area with a temp wall so nothing can visit my safe area as it's all exposed at the moment. Kept digging, pop, more silverfish, and more, and more, and more... I even saw one trying to get out of my safe area. I let it out, and just got swarmed by them.
Respawned (no bed yet), and made it back to my base, found a 4 deep hole in the floor next to where I'm building my blast furnace! All I can hear is the squeeks of silverfish, in the floor, in the walls, in the ceiling, shudder...
My base looks like stone swiss cheese at the moment!
On a plus, all the XP from the silverfish has allowed me to unlock 2 inventory slots.

Completed my first bit of "automation". A buildcraft pipe from my water tank to moistener, and as a result, found a mod bug. Using a wooden pipe (bronze in this pack), the RC tank constantly dumps water into the pipe, even if it was full, so voided a lot of my water... A normal stone pipe (tin in this pack) works perfectly.

Also got a water mill setup, ready for some RF, once I do my landscaping and pest control.

Pack wise, I've done some enviromine tweaking. Digging underground (aka below 60) should now slowly drain your air supply, and due to special mobs overriding vanilla mobs, none of the sanity effects are working, so I'm building up the rules for mobs. (None of this will affect established players, it's all part of the early/mid game survival).
"A buildcraft pipe from my water tank to moistener, and as a result, found a mod bug"

You dont need a pipe place the moister under or on the side of the RC water tank it will autofill, same with most tanks, I use TE tank as you can make with just 1 copper & brake with a pick to take water with you when mining or adventuring.
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Got some more progress with Environmine configuring. Finally got my custom gravels to behave like gravel. Couldn't get it to work before, so this time I cleared out all configs, forced it to regenerate and started afresh, and bingo, all working. I think there was some config conflict between earlier and later versions of enviromine.
Some stuff still doesn't work right with Enviromine, shame, had some "evil" plans - oh well. :D

At the very least, sanity effects should be kicking in more now.
Right so now I have to go test & see what the counters are, leaf blocks, flowers ?, yet another problem to be solved (this is what I do lol) :)

Edit: Looks like I found something thats a bit broken, Meks BioGen produces 200rf/pt for the cost of 1 bio fuel, 1 potato = 4 bio fluel, so 1 spud = 800 rf, & the system is very simple to make, I could easy convert my CulGens over to BioGens for a +180 rf/pt increase, & +2 bio fuel per spud, so really the system I have atm 400+ rf/pt could scale up to + 4000rf/pt.

80000RF per spud.

Seems a bit OP but the required Ossmium can be hard to find at start, so not sure if this in intended.
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Right so now I have to go test & see what the counters are, leaf blocks, flowers ?, yet another problem to be solved (this is what I do lol) :)
I've been forced to revert to an earlier version of Enviromine. The current version just doesn't work with a lot of the air quality/sanity settings. Default configs, went to the nether in a new test world, no drop in my sanity or air quality. Previous version, the bars started dropping immediately. Excellent!

As to the overworld, air quality shouldn't be an issue, just sanity, which mainly drops from being attacked by mobs. Flowers and torches will provide a sanity boost. I'm buzzing around a test world checking various effects, then will trial it for a bit on my live game. Some of the new foods I may also give sanity boosts.

Side note, I'm also changing the recipe for the portal to the deep dark. I didn't expect all the ores to generate there. I like the deep dark as I feel it's the world "under the void", which the skylands are floating above. So the recipe needs to be more of an investment, go up to the moon, or "down" into the darkness?

As to the Mek BioGen, hmm, that's a crazy boost. Osmium is intentionally rare on the overworld. Mek always has crazy default values (well, I think they were default :D) - I'll check that out.
The easy option would be to make the Mek bioGen's recipe harder (mho).
Yep. Recipe is now more expensive (along with some others, another side effect of copying some scripts from another of my packs, and building on them) to fit the progression theme. Good spot.

2 new recipes for deep dark portal. Both are more expensive then default, one is a lot more expensive compared to the other. You'll see why.

Enviromine tweaking in place. Seems to be working a lot better with the old version compared to the new. Still a couple of oddities but they are not major. Key thing is it's working better.

Going to add Mek Salt as a world gen option, and also a way to obtain it from enviromines salty water (which is craftable). Basically a more advanced way compared to the pinch of salt used in cooking.
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Hi I just wanted to say that the most fun pack i played in a while and thank you for the hard work.

There some screenshot of the base im building :)



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