[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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Upon crafting the Extreme infusion stone, and going to the 'What the world is made of' section the entire thing just sits there and does mostly nothing, cannot go back or exit the quest book, cannot click to access any of the quests, only option is to exit the client completely. Using 0.5.2
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Oh. Is there apatite ore in the nether? I didn't even think to look there! I'll check it out - thank you :)

Related question - what's the easiest path to a Thaumium grade pickaxe? I looked at Pig Iron, but that requires emerald, so decided that was out. Thaumium however requires greatwood for the research table, which requires a greatwood sapling, which requires a distillery, which requires an infused diamond. Diamonds, as mentioned above, require 48 blocks of charcoal to get the essence for the seed. It *feels* like this is a long chain to make the next bit of progress, so I thought I'd check if I missed anything? I know that there was talk of a set of Thaumcraft quests, so it might be that this accelerates progress at this stage?
If you have an anvil, a good strategy were to kill monsters until you get some chain armor, repair it, and smelt it for steel. That boosts you quite a bit. Oh and btw I didn't mean apatite I meant about the magical crops quests. I went into cheat mode and completed them all just so I didn't have to grind for the other quests to unlock lol.
Hmm. Okay. So, at the moment at least, there's no way to run a multi-farm. What methods of automated wood production does that leave? Golems seem an obvious choice, but they require diamonds. Similarly, the botania automated tree farm required diamonds for the lenses. Are there any others that people can think of?

On the subject of Nether Pig Iron Ore - in the netherores\common.cfg file, there's no reference to pig iron - but there is a reference to Nether Steel. This ore, as seen below, is disabled. I've spent quite a while flying around in creative mode and can't find any pig iron. Is it possible that it's been disabled in later builds? The suggestion about repairing chain/steel armour is a good one - but it's out of 'flow' for the quest, where each metal you have to harvest provides the pick 'blade' for the next tier, except for Thaumium Harvest. This is why I thought I might have missed something...

        steel {

            # Disables generation of Steel (overrides global ForceOreSpawn)

            # Force Steel to generate (overrides Disable)

            # The pickaxe level required to mine Steel

            # Retroactively generate Steel if enabled in CoFHCore
You can run a multifarm actually. Most people never realize that Forestry Fertilizer can be made with Saltpeter, so apatite is not necessary. If you REALLY want to specifically get apatite, there's a bug where forestry copper blocks will drop as blocks of apatite if placed then broken.

EDIT: As for the Pig Iron ore, its been disabled from the start, I have no idea how it is that people claim to have found it. I've even used a Digital Miner searching for it and come up blank
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Aha - of course - I was looking at recipes for apatite, rather than recipes for the fertilizer. Thank you!
@thephoenixlodge -- Thank you so, so much for this modpack. I've been playing for a few weeks on 0.50, and eagerly anticipate the future releases! I'm thoroughly enjoying how you've set it up to require progression through the different mods in tandem. Keep up the excellent work!

Upon crafting the Extreme infusion stone, and going to the 'What the world is made of' section the entire thing just sits there and does mostly nothing, cannot go back or exit the quest book, cannot click to access any of the quests, only option is to exit the client completely. Using 0.5.2

If you update the HQM mod to the latest version, it fixes the reputation issue, which completes the quests and stops the blinking and makes the book usable again (still a bit laggy because of the repeatable quests).
The suggestion about repairing chain/steel armour is a good one - but it's out of 'flow' for the quest, where each metal you have to harvest provides the pick 'blade' for the next tier, except for Thaumium Harvest. This is why I thought I might have missed something...
I was struggling with the steel tier until I searched NEI for "Mining Level: Steel" and found a good alternative which fit in perfectly with where I was in the progression. I did run through a bit of Witchery and Thaumcraft to get the Thamium, but I might have been better off going for Koboldite.
I made a short video showing off the quest book bug(and another bug) which is still there after updating HQM.
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Ehhhh... better to send exploits directly to the modpack author via conversation rather than the public forums
Yeah, it never even crossed my mind as I was recording. If I find anymore down the road I will be sure to report those in private.
I made a short video showing off the quest book bug(and another bug) which is still there after updating HQM.
The Osmium arrow issue is due to the version of ExtraTiC in use not being explicitly compatible with TiC 1.8. Fixing this requires and update to ExtraTiC, which is not yet released.
The Seeds quests have already been split into 2 sets for 0.6, and I've already made mention of this earlier in the thread. HQM doesn't seem to be particularly optimized in 1.7 unfortunately, though I'm hoping the new bugfix version somewhat helps with this.
As a tip, a good way to get charcoal for the diamond essence quest is a TiC lumberaxe with autosmelt.