[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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Is there a way to stop your coven witches from teleporting near you (without killing them)? They're getting in my way whenever I need to do delicate work like wiring in a 1x2 gap or jumping into my smeltery whenever i'm near it. or just plain teleport behind me so when i turn around i get a heart attack having a witch in my face.
Can some one help me with a problem. A block in botania is making my world crash before it can finish loading up. from looking at the crash report it looks like it can't render it probably, the block in question is Block18Stone in botania. Is there a way to delete this block outside of the world like in the code or something
I'm having the exact same problem in my computer. I even tried playing another pack and I still had the same issue.
I posted about it in the official minecraft forums but didn't get a reply...
If you do ever fix this issue, please tell me how you did it.

Hey Kroptik,

My main problem is: i cannot even say what causes the crash. Is it NEI recipes, or shit clicking certain items into containers or just going afk for a short while (which crashed my game yesterday as i was forging thaumcraft nodes)?
So if you can point it down more, and i will try to do the same, we could perhaps see what really causes the crashes. There might be more issues here at hand than just one.

For Galactic Science and the Regrowth pack, i just tried to copy the pack into a multi mc instance with a higher forge installed. I also used a higher version of NEI and chickenscore for the Galactic Science pack, which solved the problem there, as far as i could tell. That sadly didn't work out for the regrowthpack. But i think using a different higher forge version made it more stable.
Has anyone had issues with feeding auto assemblers from me export buses? I've been able to reproducably crash my game by exporting certus quartz essence into an auto assembler. As soon as it crafts the first time, bam, server crashes. The crash log implies that if I include a schematic it might work, but I'm not having this issue when feeding from a barrel...just from the ME system.
As soon as I had AE2 up and running I replaced all my auto assemblers with the AE Molecular Assemblers.
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You can also put red/white circles around it (check the crafting section of the "witches' brews" book, the blue one, for the layout and more info) they reduce costs, red more than white. With a small red and large white you can use around 4000 power.
I've just gone through this process. Make sure you use the right chalk circles as the inner one is smaller than the ones used for the rites. They are documented in one of the books - maybe the brewing one.
Can some one help me with a problem. A block in botania is making my world crash before it can finish loading up. from looking at the crash report it looks like it can't render it probably, the block in question is Block18Stone in botania. Is there a way to delete this block outside of the world like in the code or something
Never used it for this purpose but you could try McEdit. Just make sure you have a world backup before doing anything in McEdit.
Question for the experts: I am trying to make Cinderpearl and Shimmerleaf seeds, but NEI is not showing a recipe. I see from the quest book it is an crucible recipe, but I didn't see a recipe in the Thaumaturgy book (always have a hard time finding things there anyway). I found the recipes at GitHub of

CinderPearl: Herba (4) + Ignis (2) + Praecantatio (2) + amber
Shimmerleaf: Herba (4) + Permutatio (2) + Praecantatio (2) + quicksilver

I tried Shimmerleaf but it didn't seem to work. Am I on the right track or is the recipe different? I think the version is 0.87.
Check out the Alchemy tab in the Thaumonoicon for "Thaumic Flowers". If it's unlocked you can find it off "Basic Alchemy".
Hey Kroptik,

My main problem is: i cannot even say what causes the crash. Is it NEI recipes, or shit clicking certain items into containers or just going afk for a short while (which crashed my game yesterday as i was forging thaumcraft nodes)?
So if you can point it down more, and i will try to do the same, we could perhaps see what really causes the crashes. There might be more issues here at hand than just one.

For Galactic Science and the Regrowth pack, i just tried to copy the pack into a multi mc instance with a higher forge installed. I also used a higher version of NEI and chickenscore for the Galactic Science pack, which solved the problem there, as far as i could tell. That sadly didn't work out for the regrowthpack. But i think using a different higher forge version made it more stable.

That's my biggest problem, I have zero clue what causes it. All the automation I thought could be causing it, I changed it and it always proved me wrong by crashing again later.

Can you check what file exactly causes trouble when you get a freeze? Just try to make a .zip or a .rar of your save and see if it stops in any particular file.
For me it's a file in the stats folder in my save, and after the freeze and before restarting I can't touch this file in any way (can't delete with CMD, right clicking it crashes my Windows explorer). If it's like my save, you should only have one file there.
I do believe that would be the jump boost one (forgot the name).
Thank you, Kind Being, that was the one. The dragon will refuse the next request to flame your village (unless he is hungry and it is the only request on offer). It is called Brew of Uplifting, by the way.
Once again, a puzzled dragon comes before the assembled wisdom with a query. Which incense stick do I need to craft for Smells Like Power? It doesn't like Brew of Fleetfoot, which seems to be the most useful one for tooling around the base, and the color of the illustration
(at least for this poor color-challenged male) doesn't seem to match the portraits in NEI. I suppose I could fall back on the Brute Force and ignorance method and craft one of each brew, but that seems a bit wasteful of time and materials (some of which I don't have yet).

I'm pretty sure it's Brew of Upsurging because it's the only one a have in my "things of botania's i'm pretty sure i'm not going to use in my whole life" chest.
I'm pretty sure it's Brew of Upsurging because it's the only one a have in my "things of botania's i'm pretty sure i'm not going to use in my whole life" chest.
Aye, it is indeed. When I replied earlier, i was depending on my fabulous "mind like a steel sieve". I should have known better. And its companion quest reward, Brew of Vanity's Emptiness, is going to join it in the dragon's newly acquired "Things of Botania's I'm pretty sure I'm not going to use in my whole life" chest.
Aye, it is indeed. When I replied earlier, i was depending on my fabulous "mind like a steel sieve". I should have known better. And its companion quest reward, Brew of Vanity's Emptiness, is going to join it in the dragon's newly acquired "Things of Botania's I'm pretty sure I'm not going to use in my whole life" chest.

You do realize that potion prevents mobs from spawning within a range of your vicinity, right? I think its like... 100 blocks.
That's my biggest problem, I have zero clue what causes it. All the automation I thought could be causing it, I changed it and it always proved me wrong by crashing again later.

Can you check what file exactly causes trouble when you get a freeze? Just try to make a .zip or a .rar of your save and see if it stops in any particular file.
For me it's a file in the stats folder in my save, and after the freeze and before restarting I can't touch this file in any way (can't delete with CMD, right clicking it crashes my Windows explorer). If it's like my save, you should only have one file there.

No, you are on the wrong horse there, buddy. The locked files are due to the mod writing information about the player and world constandly on disk. If the process freezes and gets terminated the lock is not removed. Thus the save can be corrupted and not accessed.
I am trying to get this lock removed manually, since this would prevent the need to reboot the computer to access the files.

Edit: latest freeze caused while playing regrowth with MultiMC
You do realize that potion prevents mobs from spawning within a range of your vicinity, right? I think its like... 100 blocks.
Nay, Sir, I did not know that. That may or may not be of use, depending on circumstances. Perhaps some Quality Time with my good friend Single Malt and researching the effects of potions is in order! <chuckle>
Nay, Sir, I did not know that. That may or may not be of use, depending on circumstances. Perhaps some Quality Time with my good friend Single Malt and researching the effects of potions is in order! <chuckle>

Its in the Lexica Botania under potions. There's a set of low level potions and a set of high level ones unique to Botania.

Since my base is on the coast and I'm building a harbor facility there I tested an incense of marine allure. Very nice uptick in the quality of my catch. Be sure to use in combination with a titanium rod. Oh and you can loot one sometimes in underwater treasure chests, the fishing rod I mean. So be sure to craft a ring of Chordata from Botania too. You can cover a thousand blocks of water in a couple of minutes with that thing. The chests are typically in areas of dense kelp. I had a blast tearing around the ocean with that ring!
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Is it just me, or the staff reward (rightmost) from "Of staves and scepters" is unusable? I can't put foci on it. (so its just junk, since i thought staffs are only good for using foci and can't be used for crafting.)
I missed your post the other day, the third one is a staff-scepter combo, meaning it has the largest vis reservoir for the component types.
It cannot be placed into crafting and does not accept foci.
It can however be used for things such as "node in a jar" and any other form of "right click with wand to finish" things including the Infusion Altar creation.
A common use is to use it for jarring nodes, or safe-jarring nodes.

Is there a way to stop your coven witches from teleporting near you (without killing them)? They're getting in my way whenever I need to do delicate work like wiring in a 1x2 gap or jumping into my smeltery whenever i'm near it. or just plain teleport behind me so when i turn around i get a heart attack having a witch in my face.
From the Witchery Wiki, Version History, as of v 0.23.0
TWEAK: Disable visits from your Coven Witches to you base by setting the config key: B:AllowCovenWitchVisits=false

Its in the Lexica Botania under potions. There's a set of low level potions and a set of high level ones unique to Botania.

Since my base is on the coast and I'm building a harbor facility there I tested an incense of marine allure. Very nice uptick in the quality of my catch. Be sure to use in combination with a titanium rod. Oh and you can loot one sometimes in underwater treasure chests, the fishing rod I mean. So be sure to craft a ring of Chordata from Botania too. You can cover a thousand blocks of water in a couple of minutes with that thing. The chests are typically in areas of dense kelp. I had a blast tearing around the ocean with that ring!
The ring of Chordata is one of the first things I aim for. Makes my ocean living so much easier.
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Its in the Lexica Botania under potions. There's a set of low level potions and a set of high level ones unique to Botania.

Since my base is on the coast and I'm building a harbor facility there I tested an incense of marine allure. Very nice uptick in the quality of my catch. Be sure to use in combination with a titanium rod. Oh and you can loot one sometimes in underwater treasure chests, the fishing rod I mean. So be sure to craft a ring of Chordata from Botania too. You can cover a thousand blocks of water in a couple of minutes with that thing. The chests are typically in areas of dense kelp. I had a blast tearing around the ocean with that ring!

Ah! I have not read the Lexica cover to cover as I perhaps should have. (This from a person who was caught reading a book in high school Trigonometry class. The book was titled Boolean Algebra and the poor teacher didn't know what to say!)

I acquired the Ring of Chordata as soon as I was able to make it. That and the snorkel have made my underwater life MUCH easier!
Ah! I have not read the Lexica cover to cover as I perhaps should have. (This from a person who was caught reading a book in high school Trigonometry class. The book was titled Boolean Algebra and the poor teacher didn't know what to say!)

I acquired the Ring of Chordata as soon as I was able to make it. That and the snorkel have made my underwater life MUCH easier!

I feel like the snorkel cancels out the ring slightly. I just use that and whatever armor I have.

The crafting scepter, whoever mentioned that, listen, the crafting scepter is ONLY usable for crafting and staves cannot craft. The two compliment each other. When you have to kill the wither you should do so in the nether, as Forbidden Magic will cause it to drop Pride shards. Sin Shards can ONLY be gotten in the Nether and the Pride Shards are needed for the Infernal Wand. The Infernal wand protects you from withering making it HIGHLY useful.

A common staff core meanwhile is the Primal, extremely powerful. However, I'm more used to the infernal and tainted cores when crafting wands/staves/scepters because I've been doing a lot of tinkering with Thaumcraft addons, Botania and Witchery in the Hubris and Banished modpacks. In Hubris the entire overworld is covered in taint, making the tainted cores very useful.

In this case however, with only a wasteland, the primal core will do very well for a staff. Though you should dabble in the forbidden magic wands a little bit to get familiar.

Oh yes and I found a bug with Netherfish. If you put them in a fish feeder thats in water they gobble up all the food and then won't do anything for you. Just to warn folks. And before you ask how to get them, go to the very edge of the lava in the nether, use sneak to lean out over the edge, take your rod and cast it STRAIGHT DOWN. Any other direction and your catch will burn up, and even then sometimes it still burns.

I'm really wishing now though that i hadn't drained that lava pool next to my base to fuel some of my early machinery and thermalillies.

also... smallest setup evar for a runic altar, coming soon to a thread near you.

Oh yes and Necro, if a mod's features are being troublesome, ALWAYS take 5 or 10 minutes to read the config files to see if that feature can be safely removed.
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