[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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Auto harvesting crops, and process the results accordingly.
Steel production is also fairly useful.

Alright, let's see if I have the basic concept down:
A few ways to auto-farm include Buildcraft robots, Forestry farms, Thaumcraft golems, or Botania flowers.
I currently lack the RF/Fertilizer infrastructure to do much with the first two, but the latter two seem to be within reach.
I have the research needed for the golems, but I have yet to gather enough vis to form the infusion matrix or build up the required essentia.
Regrowth has the player work with Botania early, so at least I somewhat know how this works.
Looking through the Lexica, I see some things like Agricarnations, Hopperhocks, and Drum of the Wild.
My head's already got some bare-bones cycle pictured, it's just a matter of execution.
I guess my main limiting factor would be mana reserves. Guess I'll have to figure out some automation for generation; maybe with endoflames?

...why are there so many steps for even this set-up? Feels like the standard pattern for automation goes like "Hmm, I want this to be convenient, but I need that to be available for this, and even that needs something, etc...". Someone please tell me that this becomes less painful later and is worth the effort in the end... Not that I'll pass on doing it all, but this looks a bit silly as someone trying this stuff for the first time. XD

Side-note: All of this really sounds like one of those JRPG fetch/trading quest chains! No wonder I felt a familiar feel of "where does this begin/when does this end" vibe.
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I think you have to use it multiple times to get all the crops.

I was using it multiple times- it hit the same individual crop every time. Ran through a full growth cycle of the affected plants and the rest of the crops werent touched.

...why are there so many steps for even this set-up? Feels like the standard pattern for automation goes like "Hmm, I want this to be convenient, but I need that to be available for this, and even that needs something, etc..."

I does feel like that sometimes; all I wanted was some wrought iron for building with....
It does get less painful later on- as almost everything relies somewhat on what you've already built. Mana is pretty damn useful for a lot of things, so its worth having a decent supply.
Alright, let's see if I have the basic concept down:
A few ways to auto-farm include Buildcraft robots, Forestry farms, Thaumcraft golems, or Botania flowers.
I currently lack the RF/Fertilizer infrastructure to do much with the first two, but the latter two seem to be within reach.
I have the research needed for the golems, but I have yet to gather enough vis to form the infusion matrix or build up the required essentia.
Regrowth has the player work with Botania early, so at least I somewhat know how this works.
Looking through the Lexica, I see some things like Agricarnations, Hopperhocks, and Drum of the Wild.
My head's already got some bare-bones cycle pictured, it's just a matter of execution.
I guess my main limiting factor would be mana reserves. Guess I'll have to figure out some automation for generation; maybe with endoflames?

...why are there so many steps for even this set-up? Feels like the standard pattern for automation goes like "Hmm, I want this to be convenient, but I need that to be available for this, and even that needs something, etc...". Someone please tell me that this becomes less painful later and is worth the effort in the end... Not that I'll pass on doing it all, but this looks a bit silly as someone trying this stuff for the first time. XD

Side-note: All of this really sounds like one of those JRPG fetch/trading quest chains! No wonder I felt a familiar feel of "where does this begin/when does this end" vibe.

For me, i like to set a certain goal like build few robots for farming and i go with that in mind.
Grow seeds, farm some metals, coal, build your 1st pump, 1st hobbyist engine feed it with coal. Maybe develop some mekanism machines Crusher and Bio-generator for that i need chipset which means buildcraft lazors which means advance in botania (tier 3 runes needed in this pack) also need more power so craft maybe Steam boiler and use steam engins and so on. IMO it's all about the journey
If everything were given you straight away, where would be the fun?

About an automation, it so happens i have engineer degree in 'automation and robotics', i can say it's never easy :D You must have knowledge of every process in the chain to set i up properly and achive end goal.
So if thing looks hard to do it dosn't mean that theyre silly.

It's always hard if you dont have idea what are you doing. You have to learn (wikis), look up how others do it or experiment by yourself.
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But it only works for nodes inside Silverwood logs. AFAIK there is NO way to get a node out of a Silverwood log without destroying said node in the process. You grow your Silverwood and, if you are lucky, there is a node in it. You can chop the tree away around it, but there the log (with node inside) is and it cannot be moved. I don't think you can even put that node in a jar because it has a log around it and the jar says "naaah".

Because the pure nodes spawned inside the trees are "dinky" I never would have bothered trying to move it with a jar. And I have found no way to separate the node from the log myself, again, not really worth the effort. Best pure node I've gotten so far was a 2 aspect, total 19 I think...

Jarring a node in a Silverwood block removes the block and captures the node to be replaced.

Did they change the mechanic on that? I could have sworn that careful chopping (i.e., positioning the cursor to hit the very edge of the log) allowed me to get the log and leave the node intact.

It was changed quite a while ago, you used to be able to break the log and keep the node, but I don't remember when that was changed.

Destruction of the log destroys the node contained. Nodes take more than a single hit to destroy as well (normally). The log and the node are one block.

i got a pech spawn a while back, but i dont know of any way to keep mobs from despawning in this pack so it disapeared.

Nametags. Same as vanilla. Named my first one "Bait".
2 bugs, pretty sure they'd be known right now, definitely at least the first one:
1: Auto assembler from Enhanced Inventories stops working after exiting and reentering my single player world.
2: My setup involving said Auto Assembler to automate Botania Thermalilies worked well. After relogging, I placed a lava bucket next to an inactive thermalily (the dispenser providing it with lava ran out of buckets), and the lava spread and destroyed the flower. This is not supposed to happen: any lava placed next to a Thermalily gets destroyed and then mana is produced if the flower isn't on cooldown.
2 bugs, pretty sure they'd be known right now, definitely at least the first one:
1: Auto assembler from Enhanced Inventories stops working after exiting and reentering my single player world.
2: My setup involving said Auto Assembler to automate Botania Thermalilies worked well. After relogging, I placed a lava bucket next to an inactive thermalily (the dispenser providing it with lava ran out of buckets), and the lava spread and destroyed the flower. This is not supposed to happen: any lava placed next to a Thermalily gets destroyed and then mana is produced if the flower isn't on cooldown.

1: Unless your setup in some way involves the EI method of passively accessing adjacent inventories, you can switch to a different method - Buildcraft, Botania, and Automagy all have auto-crafting methods. If your system does require that passive inventory access, switch the assembler to use redstone pulses and then put either an automagy or botania hourglass adjacent to it, or trigger it as needed with some other method.

2: Thermalilies, like Hydroangeas, are not immune to flows so this is entirely normal behaviour. Both flowers can take several seconds to detect a valid source block in their working area especially when they're first coming active, whether from having their chunk loaded after being unloaded due to distance or dimension; or by resuming a stopped world. Use the floating flower version or place it in the corner and use solid blocks to trap the fluid source block.
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My thaumcraft golems don't seem to be able to keep up - I have one harvesting(4 fields of 9x9 he can't reach the very edge i've given him 2 perception upgrades and glasses.. any idea?) and 3-4 gathers(These are wooden golems).

What seems to be the problem that i've only just noticed is all the items don't seem to be gathering together in stacks but as single items so the golems are only able to pick up one at a time... That isn't normal for magic crops is it?

Can anyone give me some advice? maybe some help on how to get this working the gather golems have such a massive radiance too half the time they run off picking up eggs or random crap.
My thaumcraft golems don't seem to be able to keep up - I have one harvesting(4 fields of 9x9 he can't reach the very edge i've given him 2 perception upgrades and glasses.. any idea?) and 3-4 gathers(These are wooden golems).

What seems to be the problem that i've only just noticed is all the items don't seem to be gathering together in stacks but as single items so the golems are only able to pick up one at a time... That isn't normal for magic crops is it?

Can anyone give me some advice? maybe some help on how to get this working the gather golems have such a massive radiance too half the time they run off picking up eggs or random crap.
I did Golems on my first play-through.I remembered having difficulties myself, so this time I tried something different.

Harvester Robot and Hopperhocks.

OMG such an improvement, my one robot is keeping up with 8 4x4 with ease, and my Auto-Workbenches convert the essences (when I want them to) in line during transport to storage.
My thaumcraft golems don't seem to be able to keep up - I have one harvesting(4 fields of 9x9 he can't reach the very edge i've given him 2 perception upgrades and glasses.. any idea?) and 3-4 gathers(These are wooden golems).

What seems to be the problem that i've only just noticed is all the items don't seem to be gathering together in stacks but as single items so the golems are only able to pick up one at a time... That isn't normal for magic crops is it?

Can anyone give me some advice? maybe some help on how to get this working the gather golems have such a massive radiance too half the time they run off picking up eggs or random crap.

I did Golems on my first play-through.I remembered having difficulties myself, so this time I tried something different.

Harvester Robot and Hopperhocks.

OMG such an improvement, my one robot is keeping up with 8 4x4 with ease, and my Auto-Workbenches convert the essences (when I want them to) in line during transport to storage.

But golems while a pain in the butt are far cuter. You can't argue with that! ;)
Hello all, back from a fairly long hiatus in playing Regrowth and eager to get restarted to find all the new goodies within, and I note the number of updates since I last played (version 0.7.4). So I know I will have to restart a entirely new world, which I don't mind in the least.

However, my FTB now has two instances of the pack in it, one at 0.9.1 and another at 0.7.4, but when I try to run either in any iteration of the pack all I get is screens like this;


Then it freezes/crashes behind the loading screen and I have to force quit.

It can't be because of Java, because I am running the most recent version I could find, also tried deleting the contents of the Regrowth folder and redownloading, and deleting and reinstalling the launcher, but nothing is working.

Help would be much appreciated!

PS Oh, and the computer I'm running this on is a Mac, and the OS is El Capitan, hopefully that helps any.

EDIT: Erk, those images are huge. Sorry!
Hello all, back from a fairly long hiatus in playing Regrowth and eager to get restarted to find all the new goodies within, and I note the number of updates since I last played (version 0.7.4). So I know I will have to restart a entirely new world, which I don't mind in the least.

However, my FTB now has two instances of the pack in it, one at 0.9.1 and another at 0.7.4, but when I try to run either in any iteration of the pack all I get is screens like this;
(Image snipped)
Then it freezes/crashes behind the loading screen and I have to force quit.

It can't be because of Java, because I am running the most recent version I could find, also tried deleting the contents of the Regrowth folder and redownloading, and deleting and reinstalling the launcher, but nothing is working.

Help would be much appreciated!

PS Oh, and the computer I'm running this on is a Mac, and the OS is El Capitan, hopefully that helps any.

EDIT: Erk, those images are huge. Sorry!

Two other Mac users posted about this not too long ago. TPL posted a fix:

...I presume that means I press the F3 and T keys on my keyboard. But where and when should that be done?

Sorry if I am being a bother, but the extent of my computer literacy is basic as best. XD
...I presume that means I press the F3 and T keys on my keyboard. But where and when should that be done?

Sorry if I am being a bother, but the extent of my computer literacy is basic as best. XD

If it doesn't work on the announcement screen (which I think is the one with the blue text and the two buttons at the bottom - it tells you that many of the recipes for things have changed and NEI is your best friend in the whole Regrowth world), hit the left button to get past the announcement screen and do it there.
If it doesn't work on the announcement screen (which I think is the one with the blue text and the two buttons at the bottom - it tells you that many of the recipes for things have changed and NEI is your best friend in the whole Regrowth world), hit the left button to get past the announcement screen and do it there.

...Nope. All it is doing in both screens is showing me minimized versions of all the windows I currently have open.

Thanks for the advice, though.