FWIW, I've been using Java 8 (on Ubuntu) for like a year with no problems. Did you try a fresh install? Got a crash log?Is by Oracle, not by Minecraft... I tried the latest and it barfed when I tried to launch it.
Unless I did something wrong... I'll try again later if I find time... It's only my test machine after all... not a crisis.
This doesn't work, i tried it and it did nothing.I think that's why pippin suggested making a copy of the worldfile to attempt the summoning, assuming that there is someone who has a machine capable of running it single-player. That way, if there is a 'hissy fit', the original worldfile can be restored in no time at all.
Structures most definitely are required, since that's what the dead trees and slate boulders technically are. The ores are a known thing, and a side affect of having to downgrade academycraft to the version before they added a config for the ores.So I went to download and play Regrowth today, version 0.9.1, and I noticed a couple of odd things. 1: Since I had structures enabled, I found a vanilla abandoned mineshaft in a ravine. You should probably include somewhere what sort of world-gen options you think are optimal, since I don't think vanilla mineshafts are intended to be in this mod. Quick question before moving on: Do modded structures get disabled if you turn off structures in worldgen? Fairly recently in Direwolf20's series, he needed a witches circle to complete some quest. So would that be impossible if I turned off structures?
2: AcademyCraft mod ores are generating in the world for me. I'm certain this is unintended, since no minerals are intended to be found by mining.
So, for now I'll probably just ignore those ores, and just throw them away if they're in the way of a cavebase I'm trying to make, and not actively seek any of those structures or ores out.Structures most definitely are required, since that's what the dead trees and slate boulders technically are. The ores are a known thing, and a side affect of having to downgrade academycraft to the version before they added a config for the ores.
Unique mechanics, lesser known, and provides an otherwise lacking means for the tech focussed player to improve themselvesSo, for now I'll probably just ignore those ores, and just throw them away if they're in the way of a cavebase I'm trying to make, and not actively seek any of those structures or ores out.
If I can ask a more personal question, why did you choose to add AcademyCraft to your mod? Do you just like the anime series, do you like the mod's mechanics regardless of the source material, or do you just think it makes a good addition to the pack's progression?
Thanks for the advice, that's a good idea. I'll do that, so thank you.If you don't want academycraft world spawn just deactivate it for some time, do some world spawn and reactivate it later![]()
I just discovered my favorite fix/update in this modpack.
Let me start with echoing the above appreciation for reduced rune creation in botania... almost feels like cheating now... LOVE it!!!
But, better still, the change to Thaumcraft... you can pick up your Thaumometer and just mouse over items in any inventory to scan them!!!! No more tossing things on the ground to scan!!!
In case you want/need/can use:
1- At the Research Table:
Aqua + Terra — Victus
Air + Aqua — Tempestas
2- Scan in order:
Torch -- Lux
Coal, Coal Ore -- Potenia
Grass Block -- Herba
Trapdoor -- Motus & Arbor
Chest, Bowl -- Vacuos
Glass Block -- Vitreus
Potion of weakness -- Mortuus & Praecantatio
or alternatively:
Research: (Victus + Perditio) -- Mortuus
Any Shard, Mossy Cobble, Chiseled Sandst. -- Praecantatio
Chicken -- Volatus & Bestia
Soul Sand -- Spiritus & Vinculum
or if you not have been to the nether yet:
Skeleton Skull, Zombie Head -- Spiritus
Amber -- Vinculum
Paper -- Cognito
Rotten Flesh -- Humanus & Corpus
Wheat, Bread, Apple, Carrot, Potato -- Fames & Messis
Flint -- Instrumentum
Obsidian -- Tenebrae
3- Scan in any order:
Any one block tall vanilla Flower -- Sensus
Wool -- Fabrico & Pannus
Spider Eye -- Venenum (and also Sensus)
Snow, Ice -- Gelum
Milk Bucket -- Sano
Any Hoe -- Meto
Any Pickaxe -- Perfodio
Arrow -- Telum
Leather, any Armor -- Tutamen
Hopper, Cinnabar Ore (has also Venenum) -- Permutatio
Fence Gate -- Machina & Iter
Iron Ingot, Iron Ore -- Metallum
Gold -- Lucrum
Zombie, Skellington -- Exanimis
Ender Pearl, Blaze , Obsidian Totem -- Alienis
Slimeball -- Limus
Tainted Goo -- Vitium (and also Limus)
Ethereal Essence (any Aspect) -- Auram
Is by Oracle, not by Minecraft... I tried the latest and it barfed when I tried to launch it.
All better now.FWIW, I've been using Java 8 (on Ubuntu) for like a year with no problems. Did you try a fresh install? Got a crash log?
Check volumes...Im playing Version 0.9.1, Seared stone doesn't seem to be hardening into seared brick in my mariculture ingot caster/block caster
Delete this folder and try again C:\Users\Martin\Documents\My Games\Regrowth\minecraft\config\BlockProperties\Hey, i have problem with my Regrowth, after downloading and startuping it, it fals. Log included. I have problem with uploading spoiler.
Also i miss some breeding recepies in NEI and they doesnt work,... I have Java 8
Pleasse help. Thanks