[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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Two main reasons 0.8 isn't out yet:
1. I'm now working on two degrees simultaneously, and as such am taking 5 papers this semester, so my time is limited.
2. Mekanism is causing many many headaches.
Good luck man, I just finished mine. Is the Mekanism issue the whole everything will break problem? I don't think that can be avoided due to how different the versions are.
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0.8 is bringing fairly big worldgen changes too from what I gather. I'd be surprised if many don't restart in order to get the new terrain.
Um, i Think i found a bug, dunno what causes it.
so, when i tried to use the Forestry Worktable to craft crafting table( with the hatchet recipie), the shift-craft all available function behaved oddly. instead of crafting a bunch and dump it into my inventory, it crafted one(and dumped it into my inventory), duplicated the amount of hatchets in the recipie-maker window, and did not consume a piece of wood.
the crafted items do not disappear when relogging and are fully usable.

this thing was found in singleplayer, 0.7.4, nothing altered in the pack.

EDIT: it also happens when clicking normally to only grab one crafted crafting table.
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I have just found this mod pack and I have to say I love what I have seen of it so far.
I can't wait to see how it evolves in the future as it has the potential to become one of the best modpacks out there. :)
Thank you for taking the time to create such an interesting modpack and good luck with your exams. :)
[Second time writing, totally hit backspace and my browser backed up. :(]

I love this pack. This is the first pack I've enjoyed this much since the days MC 1.4 . I love how so many things are mixed together and require pieces from other mods. This is exactly what a modpack should be. A mixture of mods and not just a pile of files. You've done a great job so far of combining things. I've seen pieces of tech that require parts from 5 different mods (counting add-on mods) and that is brilliant. This pack is so good I would play it without the questbook or differed worldgen. The best part of the questbook is that the rewards make sense. The reward is usually just another of the item you turn in or on rare occasion a next piece in the same line you are working on. I've had other packs ruined by the oddball rewards like turning in stacks of dirt/stone for some piece of tech.

  • Make the worldgen optional. I'd enjoy playing this again but would prefer to do it without the book and cracked sand, tho I'm unsure how far you can get without a couple of the rewards (like some of the seeds).
  • Remove the Smeltery. Leave the parts for it since they seem to work fine for the Crucible, this way the more difficult one has a better reason to be built. The Crucible still works with the part casting for the tools. The Smeltery is too easy to build, too simple in function and does not require the extra solid fuel for some ores. (This would mean making osmium work in it.)
  • Stop ore doubling right away. Not sure you can do it but the Smeltery certainly is too simple/easy and the Crucible is not terribly hard plus it isn't doing much more than the Furnace. Both are simply heating the ores. Reduce it to 1 ingot and 2 to 5 nuggets instead. It would give a bonus but leave some challenge. Also, remove the double dust from the grinder. Make it a 1 to 1 or give it a very small % towards a bonus. (Again, not sure if these are feasible with how the mods are written.)
  • Disable making ingots in the Vanilla Furnace from ores. Make it so you have to start by grinding them up into a dust first.
  • Mix more mods.
    • The tech side is brilliant so far. I'm hoping that everything I build in the tech lines starts with a Basic Circuit.
    • The nature stuff is pretty good. Making seeds in the Apothecary is a great idea. Mix in some more Mariculture maybe.
    • The magic mixing seems lacking. I have two different people on my server doing TC and Witchery and they don't seem to share at all. I'm about to start Blood Magic and they've nearly completed the other 2 magic mods. It would be nice if every magic mod required something from a similar tier from the others to be a part of it. Make Manasteel caps for wands instead of iron. Simple recipe changes would suffice I think, nothing too extensive that would involve digging into the methods for creating the magic.
  • Change the Essence payouts. I only have 18 Iron Essence flowers but this gives me 72 ore every harvest and then I double it in the Smeltery for 144 ingots. This is just too easy. Maybe create a new item that the essence turns into once combined and cook that for single ingots. The point is to regrow the world so encourage us to have massive fields of flowers rather than tiny plots.
  • Make Botania automation more useful. This mod has some great potential for automation but I've never seen it used unless there is no other option. Maybe require using the Bore Lens as a means to "convert" nether or into regular ore rather than the current method which is to 'cook the evil out of it', which is weird since the nether is meant to be a hot place already. Possibly use the mana pool conversion to 'wash away the taint of the nether'.

Even if none of these ever happen I still love this pack.
Thanks for reading!
With the ore, you get a 1:1 ratio just from smelting, a 1.5:1 in the cruiclbe furnace, 1.9:1 if you use the ae2 grindstone (unless this has been tweaked), I didn't use the cruiclble furnace at all. Smeltery is well known to double ores, but there is a way to triple your ores without touching mekanism.

EDIT: On your manasteel cap idea... i'm not sure that's such a good idea as forbidden magic already has manasteel caps avaible, and they are thaumium equivalent.
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It was just an idea, I haven't done any of the TC addons in awhile.

I thought the crucible was also a 2x but if not then it furthers my idea that smelteries should just be disabled.
Hi, I'm trying to run regrowth on a windows 10 computer, but it wont launch. It wont even show the mojang screen. Help?



This would indicate a issue with your Graphic drivers or lwjgl. I have a system with a Nivida card that just upgraded to windows 10, and I had to uninstall the Nivida graphics driver and Geforce experience then install the newest version of the driver. That fixed my issue. My issue though was I couldn't open the Nivida control panel.

Here's Mojang support page on this:

I think you may be missing the accomplishment that TPL has achieved here. Most mods that i have played gate the high end equipment behind scarce resources. Even Vanilia did that: the best gear took diamonds and potions needed nether resources. Which is why mods like magic crops (and sometimes bees) are considered OP to the point game breaking, there is nothing to limit your access to unlimited amounts of super tools.

With Regrowth TPL has achieved an entirely new form of progression. With the exception of early seed/essence repeatables (which can be bypassed with enough dungeon/mineshaft exploration) he even avoids old HQM stand by of: "turn in crazy amounts of X to get this device".

Instead he has modified the recipes to integrate the mods together gating progression behind the various mods mechanics and created quests to guide you thru this while telling a story. Getting iron at all requires understanding and using the core of agricraft and botania. Once you have access to it it's role as a restriction largely over. Reducing the quantity from the recipe or removing the smeltery/crucible/dust/native cluster ore multiplication simply slows down the real thing you should be doing once you have iron: exploring the unlocked mechanics.

One that is hit upon in this thread several times: Real progress in Thaumcraft requires (baring some luck with the polywhatever charm) alter powered cauldron rituals in witchery, which requires elven portal progress in botania. Blood magic requires another step in witchery with circle magic.

The real gem and proof that TPL has planned this pack well past the point the quest currently stop:
On the tech side a basic AE2 setup requires (beyond the certus quest that can be bypassed with exploration or the botania loot flower) making components using machines from BC, RC, Mek, Forestry, Mariculture and, in 0.80, gardenstuff. A super sized AE2 setup here isn't being gated or slowed by the rarity of iron or even diamonds, it's held up by the complexity of the modified recipes. It is true that once you set up and integrate automation for each of the machines from the various mods there is nothing preventing you from mass producing everything in crazy quantities. But once you get to that point you have completed one of TPL's stated goals for the pack: learning, using, and mastering these lesser used mods. And to be honest if you can set that up I want you to be able to mass produce the parts of an AE2 Spatial Storage system just to see what you can do with it.

A secondary point,closer to the resource generation itself, is that the returns from the 8 essence donut recipes are setup to maintain resource relative rarity: Coal gets you 12, iron 8. All the way down to ardite giving one. Sure you can make iron "harder" by halving the return from the recipe but now Ardite is twice as common relative to iron as it was.

That second point however doesn't matter because with only basic automation my 3X7 ardite patch produced thousands of blocks of ardite while i slept saturday(why did i do this? golems look like they are having so much fun as they run around leaving one idle makes me feel bad). You can't make the essence recipe any harder (well not much making the donut a square i guess) and removing the smeltery doubling would have resulted in a smaller "thousands of blocks" but still leave me with "Building with the block because of it's cool texture" quantities.

So i'm "rich" because i have thousands of blocks of diamonds and emeralds. It won't do me any good in AE2 if i can't figure out the BC laser table or in Blood Magic if I can't figure out a Witchery circle spell. And that is what makes this mod pack so fun and unique: not that we can use all these mods, but that we have to to make any "progress".