[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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Updating Mek will break ALL the associated scripts that change the recipes of nearly every mek machine. That crash is the same NEI issue as with AE - mek doesn't like machine recipes being reloaded and crashes on recipe lookup once that happens, same as AE does with the inscriber.
So, for now the only workaround for this is the one in the FAQ? This making me very nervous. I've put so many hours and work into my world, just acquired osmium and finished the Nether ore quest and the extreme infusion-level seed quests. Will this Mek/AE/NEI issue be fixed in the pack update? Should I wait on progressing with anything AE and Mek related until the pack update, or will the pack update break my world as is? I'm mid-game-ish. I have osmium, cobalt and ardite seeds, just made my first terrasteel, progressing with BC, Mariculture, Railcraft, Botania and Witchery but no Mek, Thaum or AE quests unlocked yet.
Making new Rock Hives does indeed produce Pristine Princesses. The Meadows Hive I made gave me another Ignoble. BUT, when I used the Rocky Princess to breed a Pristine Meadows (going for Saffron at the moment), the drone I got was a Rocky with fertility x2. *rubs hands and does the evil overlord chuckle* I am seeing great potential here.
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Of course. Here's the crash report: http://pastebin.com/CFSUduEM - but while it wants to blame the Metallurgic Infuser, what's odd is that I think all 37 crashes I have mention it, but I am using the pack's version of Mekanism (I haven't touched it). I was getting mentions of the machine well before I had any technology going, and didn't even have my metallurgic infuser placed down at the time of the crash. Also, I have not touched my quest book in several days (I saw mention of deleting its folder, but I don't know if that's what's to be done).

Here's my save folder in a zip file: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/15912135/Finem Terrae - Copy.zip

Thanks for far.
thanks, I'll look into this tonight for you. Till them, come check out our server.

Single-player i don't play on servers
Can I ask why? We have most of the bugs fixed, and the only issue, as with all servers running a HQM modpack is ocasional HQM resetresets.
I don't play on servers cause i don't have anyone to play on and until saturday i didn't have a computer that i could run newer then 1.6.4 so i've never been able to nor know about servers really xD plus knowing my luck with my wrist how it is i would die alot but i would love to play on a server i'm just lazy and don't know how
I don't play on servers cause i don't have anyone to play on and until saturday i didn't have a computer that i could run newer then 1.6.4 so i've never been able to nor know about servers really xD plus knowing my luck with my wrist how it is i would die alot but i would love to play on a server i'm just lazy and don't know how
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thanks, I'll look into this tonight for you. Till them, come check out our server.

Can I ask why? We have most of the bugs fixed, and the only issue, as with all servers running a HQM modpack is ocasional HQM resetresets.
I was tempted to check out the server, but I wasn't feeling up to starting all over again. The thought made me shudder haha, it's been a lot of work and hours. But good news, I let the world load overnight and at some point during the night it finally loaded. It would have been more than an hour most likely. Now it loads fine, wtf Minecraft? xD

A question about your server, since the resources are shared between players so lots of nodes and hives and trees have been used up, how do you handle this? What's the world border?
And now that I can finally play again, I got around to actually using the AgriCraft sprinkler system. Problem is, the lag is just awful, cutting my fps from 30+ to about 10-15 fps (I don't know why this pack has always had such bad fps issues in the first place!). Any tips or ideas on what to do to alleviate this? Setting particles to minimum barely helps, I don't have Optifine installed, and the farm is currently 20 sprinklers (I know, it's big) at the same level as the rest of my area. I don't see a config to turn off animations for AgriCraft... a sloppy oversight on the mod creator's end I feel.

So, I'm seriously thinking about setting it up way high in the sky, making Golems and Hopperhocks do the work, and piping the products to my ME system down below. That's a lot of ME glass cable, but it'll be worth it I feel. Anything to reduce the lag the dang farm (sprinkler system) is causing.
My advice would be only use a sprinkler for one field and use that as your breeding-field. Once the plants are on 10 growth, even without sprinklers they grow quiet fast. (I have the same problem, once I let more than 2 sprinklers run my fps drops rather fast, so while I set up a system for every field I'm using, I only ever used 1 sprinkler, depending on which plants I really need to grow faster for a project)
And don't forget, many golems will cause lag too (as far as I have seen in Let's play series I watched about this modpack)


And a question from my side regarding a Blood Magic setup:
I looked through the different pipes and so and now I'm wondering if there is a way to somehow limit the amount of how many items are pushed into the blood altar. I only know about extra-util's transfernodes (and special pipes), but I'm wondering if I may oversee something else which could do the job for automating the blood altar a bit?
(since hoppers and bc-pipes seems to always try to push the whole stack into the altar which makes the blood costs really really high. Especially seen on a self-sacrifice altar I try to set up. First time I wanted to try this one, instead of hoping mobs spawn in a sacrifice-room ^^")
And a question from my side regarding a Blood Magic setup:
I looked through the different pipes and so and now I'm wondering if there is a way to somehow limit the amount of how many items are pushed into the blood altar. I only know about extra-util's transfernodes (and special pipes), but I'm wondering if I may oversee something else which could do the job for automating the blood altar a bit?
(since hoppers and bc-pipes seems to always try to push the whole stack into the altar which makes the blood costs really really high. Especially seen on a self-sacrifice altar I try to set up. First time I wanted to try this one, instead of hoping mobs spawn in a sacrifice-room ^^")
not a problem.

wooden pipe with an autarchic gate on it, into a golden pipe with any old gate on it. both pipes have red pipe wire.
golden pipe's gate's logic says that whenever the attached inventory (the blood altar) is empty, turn on the red pipe wire.
wooden pipe's gate's logic says that whenever the red pipe wire is on, send a single pulse (which will send 1 item thru the pipe)

put a bunch of livingrock in a chest behind that wooden pipe, and then set up a filtered extraction system to take the slates out of the altar when they're pumped up to the type you need. (if you need description of how to do this, just ask). put the first one in by hand and then it will run until the chest or your blood altar is empty. or you could set up additional logic to detect when a stack enters the chest and then send the first one, if you want to be able to autocraft via AE or something.

Thanks alot!
I always forget about these gates (they're still a bit complicated for me. I hardly ever use anything but timers and sometimes a comparator setup, all the "IronOR Gate" and how they're called... I guess I should really learn to use them one day). So a second thanks for explaining so precisely what gates I need and how to set them up.

My extraction-setup is an emerald-pipe for now. Only problem with that is, that I need to make one slate before setting up the filter (and starting the engine again), but that's something I can live with.
And well I'm fine with putting the stones in by hand. I'm more the semi-automate-player. The annoying stuff can be automated, but simple things I still like to do by hand.
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So it appears Lewis and Sjin of the Yogscast are going to be derping around on a Regrowth modpack series. I'm already placing bets on the number of deaths in the first few days to dire wolves.
Well if it's ok i am going to try the MYM server? for This :p
Would love to see you their. :D

A question about your server, since the resources are shared between players so lots of nodes and hives and trees have been used up, how do you handle this? What's the world border?
We do have a farmworld that gets reset as needed. We also solved the issue of the Elderich obelisks not spawning so that is fixed. And we have a simple work around for the recipies, just read the sign at spawn. Also we have a teamspeak that many of our players are active on.