Heya *waves*
Need a little information/help with Witchery:
Anyone knows if there is a "safe"-way to heat the cauldron and kettle so you actually can put them in a hut or unter trees without burning everything?
I tried the Nitor from Thaumcraft, sadly like the everful urn they seem to not work with witchery. Tried to put an ember-moss below it as well (thought, when it causes fire when you step over it, it might heat the cauldron), sadly didn't work, too.
So this is an interesting thing with Witchery and these items. Your altar has a lot more range than you might think, to the point where I have mine to 14000 due to the things around it (with a underground farm as well though), but I can still keep the kettle and cauldron away from the trees and grasses.
I suggest looking up the range your altar can power things (with or without a arthana placed on it depending on your setup), and putting the brewing stuff on the very edge. You should also look up the range that fire can spread in vanilla, since as far as I know it hasn't been changed by anything in the pack.
Keep in mind that you'll need a bit of room for the smaller circles around the cauldron as well, so you can make things without needing a lot of power you might not have access to yet.
And if all else fails, turn the gamerule that controls fire spread to false.