[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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might have found a lil problem with the quest written in blood the raw porkchop (witchery) is supposed to be made with rotten flesh and either mutandis or mutandis extremis at least according to NEI. but mutandis extremis give you cooked porkchops instead. regular mutandis works fine.
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Does anyone have any knowledge about Thaumcraft node bulling? What is a stabilized node good for? I know I should feed smaller node to one main and then Stabilize it. Can I use a stabilize a node for a wand recharge pedestal?
By feeding a node smaller nodes, the node can gain aspects or increase the amount in existing aspects. In this way, you can make a node that has all the aspects you want and in quantities you want to make it a one stop node for recharging your wand. That is just one use.

You can energize a node by putting a stabilizer below the node and turn it on with a redstone signal. Then put a Node Transducer above the node and turn it on with a redstone signal. After a little while, the node will turn in to an energized node. You can then use Vis Relays to transfer vis from the energized node to devices that can use it. (8 block range) For example, you can make a Vis Charge Relay and put that on an arcane crafting table and it will use vis from the energized node to recharge any wand inside the arcane crafting table. Only aspects that were in the node will be transferable to devices. I would suggest reading http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Mods/Thaumcraft/Node. The last section talks about energized nodes.

WARNING: Do not break the node stabilizer or transducer or turn off the stabilizer, or the energized node will cause a large explosion. You can turn off the transducer and the energized node will turn back into a regular node after a while but there is a chance of the node being damaged and possibly destroyed. After the energized node has turned back in to a regular node, then you can turn off the stabilizer or break the transducer or stabilizer.

One of the ways I've read about for feeding a node is to use a 7x7x7 area with the largest node in the center of that area and a node in each of the 8 corners. The center node can only feed off of one node at a time so this gives the outer nodes some time to try and recharge so that they don't get eaten up and destroyed as quickly. (um, relatively speaking. it is a slow process) The outer nodes will be far enough away from each other that they won't feed on each other. Only the center node will grow.
Personally I don't bother with feeding nodes. It takes forever to get an aspect past 15 or whatever. Instead, I explore until I find one that naturally has 20+ in an aspect or aspects that cover all the primals. Then I energize that. You won't really need a ton of CV for anything so the 4 or 5 CV you get from 20+ is enough.

If you want to powergame, find a hungry node with a high max capacity and feed it junk items until it gains enough random aspects to cover all the primals. Then jar a tainted node and release it underground (or in the sky) out of reach of the hungry node but in or near the same column of blocks, eventually tainting the hungry node. As it is no longer a hungry node, you can energize it safely. Once energized, it will no longer taint the area around it, and so all you have to do is clear up the few blocks of tainted land the node likely created while it was being energized.

Oh wait, does the biome changer or whatever it's called use up a lot of CV?
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Here I took some screenshots: Pictures
And yeah like I said I got all the circuits, chips, and plates running in the same setup. So far it is just processors.

After some long troubleshooting, I have found that autocrafting in AE2 by manual request can see items on a sub-network through a storage bus to an interface but auto-supply/craft card in an interface cannot find those same items. Switching the interface to an ME chest on the sub-network side allows auto-supply crafting. Ill submit a bug report to AE2 to see if this is intentional behavior but for anyone having troubles hopefully they find this.

Update: Talked with one of the issue trackers and this is intended behavior of an interface. They are not a true chest in the sense of interface to interface interaction.
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You can use the polynesia charm from witchery that lets you trade with passive mobs. The bat should have wool of bat as a trade, but not always.
OOooh good idea. THink My old charm is almost dead from getting tongue of dog from my chickens, have to make a new one and a couple more spawn bat eggs.
OOooh good idea. THink My old charm is almost dead from getting tongue of dog from my chickens, have to make a new one and a couple more spawn bat eggs.

Nether Bats also spawn in semi good quantities. Pretty sure they drop wool.
Hell hounds are also everywhere for tongue of dog.
You can force bat spawns fairly easily. They just need a spawn area to be below certain y depth. They kept spawning in my High Oven in Crash Landing... I built it downwards.
Kinda bug report: While searching for a Basic Gate in my Corporea Network I had a client crash. After reviewing the video I found the network had in fact delivered the request. Just a heads up for anyone who uses Corporea.
On that note Episode 27 is out, finally get around to making a Steel Tank and set up lava processing for something a bit bigger later
By feeding a node smaller nodes, the node can gain aspects or increase the amount in existing aspects. In this way, you can make a node that has all the aspects you want and in quantities you want to make it a one stop node for recharging your wand. That is just one use.

You can energize a node by putting a stabilizer below the node and turn it on with a redstone signal. Then put a Node Transducer above the node and turn it on with a redstone signal. After a little while, the node will turn in to an energized node. You can then use Vis Relays to transfer vis from the energized node to devices that can use it. (8 block range) For example, you can make a Vis Charge Relay and put that on an arcane crafting table and it will use vis from the energized node to recharge any wand inside the arcane crafting table. Only aspects that were in the node will be transferable to devices. I would suggest reading http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Mods/Thaumcraft/Node. The last section talks about energized nodes.

WARNING: Do not break the node stabilizer or transducer or turn off the stabilizer, or the energized node will cause a large explosion. You can turn off the transducer and the energized node will turn back into a regular node after a while but there is a chance of the node being damaged and possibly destroyed. After the energized node has turned back in to a regular node, then you can turn off the stabilizer or break the transducer or stabilizer.

One of the ways I've read about for feeding a node is to use a 7x7x7 area with the largest node in the center of that area and a node in each of the 8 corners. The center node can only feed off of one node at a time so this gives the outer nodes some time to try and recharge so that they don't get eaten up and destroyed as quickly. (um, relatively speaking. it is a slow process) The outer nodes will be far enough away from each other that they won't feed on each other. Only the center node will grow.

To add my response to the original question... Stabilizing a node prevents it both from bullying, and being bullied, but it also reduces aspect recharge speed. As a result, while in use it is not the best option for a wand recharge node. I prefer to use the advanced stablizer, which further reduces the natural vis regeneration of a node, but at the same time it allows the stabilized node to bully other nodes. So with that, you have a node which won't be damaged, but can still steal from other nodes.

Node bullying (in the 7x7x7 formation) is definitely a slow process. If I recall, the chance of your main node gaining an aspect on each "bullying" even is equal to something like 1/x, where x is the number of that aspect the node already contains. It may also be limited to a minimum chance of 1/100. (And obviously it doesn't equal 1/0 when it does not yet have the aspect).

Feeding a hungry node with trash items is a much faster process, especially if you have a setup to auto-craft and feed items to it. In my current world I am feeding a hungry node large amounts of crafting tables, for the same reason that you might put them on a deconstruction table.

From what I've seen, the "Arcane Terrestrial Reformer" seems to require a minimum amount of Terra cV to function, though I'm not sure what that was, as well as a large amount of essentia. To quote the Thaumonomicon entry... "Per 4 essentia and 4 vis consumed, it will change the biome of a nearby coordinate within a 16 block radius." So a decent supply of terra vis, and a full jar of essentia for every 16 coordinate points to be converted.

( I much prefer the witchery ritual for biome changing)
So this happens when i log on to my server.
Anyone know why this happens? Can i prevent it?
Found something totally unexpected last night. I was running around looking for another oil well and found a gravestone structure. The one with the wither at the bottom. I have enchanted terra steel with weapon and such and played around a bit. I had never seen this prior to 0.7.4. Was this expected? I have not added any additional mods or changed configs from what is downloaded via the launcher.
Found something totally unexpected last night. I was running around looking for another oil well and found a gravestone structure. The one with the wither at the bottom. I have enchanted terra steel with weapon and such and played around a bit. I had never seen this prior to 0.7.4. Was this expected? I have not added any additional mods or changed configs from what is downloaded via the launcher.

This has been talked about previously. Gravestone structures are supposed to spawn.
@thephoenixlodge Sorry to bother you, but I'm rather confused when it comes to the Botania ring of far reach. I'm currently trying to sort out why they won't let me hit entities in the extended range. The Lexica Botania says that they should allow that, but I'm not sure if they're bugged or what. I've searched a bit, but I can't seem to find the issue online, so I'm asking if it's some sort of config change that you've made to keep them from extending the entity-attacking range. The block breaking/placing/interaction range is just fine (well, with two equipped, they seem like they'll interact a few blocks out of the range even though they won't, but that's not a terribly big deal).
Hi all, Ive been lurking for about 200 or so pages now. Everyone's bases look just...awesome.

Mine...looks like it was done by a 2 years old boy.

I started an ocean base as well for bees and a attempting a better layout which is about a level 4 zoomed map and a half away which isn't too bad with the sojourners sash. I don't know if i will migrate stuff or just slowly duplicate the necessary infrastructure there. I think I am favoring the latter. So far its just a slimy mud hole with some of the 3x3x4 layouts i have seen others do which will work nicely with the beach biome railcraft tank.

Im not great at automation so Im kind of figuring that all out.

Im keen on any suggestions. I unfortunately only have about 2 hours a day (on the train) to play. I recreated my world with .70, my .65 base was even worse if that can be imagined though I didnt get as far with it.
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Hi all, Ive been lurking for about 200 or so pages now. Everyone's bases look just...awesome.

Mine...looks like it was done by a 2 years old boy.

I started an ocean base as well for bees and a attempting a better layout which is about a level 4 zoomed map and a half away which isn't too bad with the sojourners sash. I don't know if i will migrate stuff or just slowly duplicate the necessary infrastructure there. I think I am favoring the latter. So far its just a slimy mud hole with some of the 3x3x4 layouts i have seen others do which will work nicely with the beach biome railcraft tank.

Im not great at automation so Im kind of figuring that all out.

Im keen on any suggestions. I unfortunately only have about 2 hours a day (on the train) to play. I recreated my world with .70, my .65 base was even worse if that can be imagined though I didnt get as far with it.
I think you are so close to getting the Thaumcraft questline going (Trefyd seed quest in Witchery) once you have a good foothold there make a beeline (pun?) to manasteel capped livingwood wand and the focus of equal exchange. That bad boy will do wonders for changing out your cracked soil to dirt.
Hi all, Ive been lurking for about 200 or so pages now. Everyone's bases look just...awesome.

Mine...looks like it was done by a 2 years old boy.

I started an ocean base as well for bees and a attempting a better layout which is about a level 4 zoomed map and a half away which isn't too bad with the sojourners sash. I don't know if i will migrate stuff or just slowly duplicate the necessary infrastructure there. I think I am favoring the latter. So far its just a slimy mud hole with some of the 3x3x4 layouts i have seen others do which will work nicely with the beach biome railcraft tank.

Im not great at automation so Im kind of figuring that all out.

Im keen on any suggestions. I unfortunately only have about 2 hours a day (on the train) to play. I recreated my world with .70, my .65 base was even worse if that can be imagined though I didnt get as far with it.
your base seems to be on par with what i'd say most people are doing :p at least thats what mine looks like
i hope i can get my server issues fixed so me and my friends can get to work on an epic base soon

do you all recommend 2 layers of fences and slabs on top to prevent any unwanted spiders?
(feels awkward asking that while everyone else is chatting about later on tier stuff) ^^'
So, not sure how this happened:


I planted an Amaranth sapling so I could get some purple fence posts (because purple), then went on a bit of a walkabout to add more pages to my Atlas. Came back and the tree had grown - like that.