[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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Just a post to say thank you, I have been having jolly good fun with this modpack.
I really like how well all the mods work together with your changes and the setting(each time I extend my green zone over the brown horror it feels great :D).
So, again, thank you :).
Can anyone confirm that the spectacles from Forestry are working or not? I've been trying to breed some trees together for the last few hours and haven't seen a single block of leaves go off color yet while wearing the spectacles. I'm fairly certain the pollinating mechanism is working as I've even seen butterflies spawn and float around my trees. Maybe I'm just having bad luck?
Can anyone confirm that the spectacles from Forestry are working or not? I've been trying to breed some trees together for the last few hours and haven't seen a single block of leaves go off color yet while wearing the spectacles. I'm fairly certain the pollinating mechanism is working as I've even seen butterflies spawn and float around my trees. Maybe I'm just having bad luck?
have you seen the lil bees going around them?
seems like some real cool stuff has been added to botania :) liking the railcraft intergration, nothing like massive mana stored :p
R1.6 173
  • Added Relics. New unique, soulbound items with really powerful effects. There's currently 6 of them along with 2 extras.
  • Added the ability to enter the Alfheim dimension through the portal if you have a specific item...
  • Added fluid mana that you can store in railcraft, buildcraft, and so on, tanks. The conversion rate isn't 1:1 if you do it both ways.
  • Added multiblock mana pools, 3x3, 5x5 and even 7x7. They store way more than normal ones, as expected.
  • Added radius viewer functionality to the Manaseer Monocle. While looking at a flower with it equipped one will be able to see the flower's effective range visually.
  • Added the Black Hole Talisman. It's the unlimited cobblestone works. Wait, that's from thaumic tinkerer. STOP STEALING CODE FROM YOURSELF VAZKII YOU SCUMLORD
  • Added the Resolute Ivy, an Ivy item similar to the Timeless Ivy that lets you keep the item it's attached to through death.
  • Added the Reverse Mana Fluxfield that transforms RF to mana. Again, the conversion rate isn't too generous so get your big reactors dusted.
  • Added the Spriggan Mana Tablet, an upgrade to the normal Mana Tablet using Dragonstones that holds 10x as much.
  • Botania tile entities no longer register non-prefixed names (eg, "pump" rather than "botania:pump"). This fixes incompatibilities with mods that have similar names. Since both names were registered previously, transition will work with no problems.
  • Changed the Gaia Guardian to be able to be killed by fake players after I got spammed with requests for it.
  • Edited the Thaumcraft Integration page to tell the user that the Botanurgist's Inkwell needs to be charged when created.
  • Entries that come from botania addons will not have the "View Online" button.
  • Fixed Ancient Wills rendering on a Terrasteel Helmet that has Phantom Ink.
  • Fixed double flowers being able to be duplicated through bone meal.
  • Fixed glimmering flowers being able to be bonemealed to create double flowers.
  • Fixed the Hyacidus, Pollidisiac, Tigerseye, Narslimmus and Medumone having their range be lower in one side.
  • Fixed the Phantom Ink recipe working if more than one piece of armor is put in the grid.
  • Floral Powder can now dye sheep.
  • Moved the Life Aggregator to the Ender Artifacts section and made it require two Bottles of Ender Air.
  • Redid all the flowers, spreaders and pool HUDs. They now show exactly (in numbers) how much mana the blocks have, are producing and are receiving.
  • Removed the cooldown on Thermalilies and returned their production rate to the original speed they were at before.
  • The Mana Pump will not stop outputting a comparator signal once it stops pumping as long as it has a cart on the rail.
  • [API] Added IManaFluidContainer and IRFManaAcceptor for compatibility.
  • [API] Added IRelic, IWireframeCoordinateListProvider, ISequentialBreaker.
  • [API] Added RELIC EnumRarity.
  • [API] Added breakOnAllCursors() to the internal method handler.
  • [API] Increased version number to 37.

You know its aprils fool day rigth?? Vazkii posted at her website that she woldnt never do most of the things that are posted here....
Those that want to spoil the Botania april fools entries can look at the github changelog for Botania which says which parts are jokes and which are not.
still looking for the changelog. Found the Github page though.

Nevermind. I found it. was in the web folder.
have you seen the lil bees going around them?
Of course.
I have cultivated bees flying around a magical forest biome right now, 3 apiaries spread out at the maximum territory distance and the trees I want to cross breed all in between in range. (I know how to do this obviously).

But I have yet to see a single leaf turn color with the spectacles on like I'm used to seeing in the 1.6.4 packs.
Are buildcraft robots disabled in this pack? From what I can gather you put a blank redstone board in the assembly table and it randomly generates a program on the board. I've already built the robot but when I throw a board in the assembly table I dont get an option to modify it? Is another ingredient needed? Cant find much information on these things anywhere.
Of course.
I have cultivated bees flying around a magical forest biome right now, 3 apiaries spread out at the maximum territory distance and the trees I want to cross breed all in between in range. (I know how to do this obviously).

But I have yet to see a single leaf turn color with the spectacles on like I'm used to seeing in the 1.6.4 packs.
Out of curiosity, did you anaylze your saplings before planting? I've heard that the tree breeding might not be working directly from vanilla trees anymore.
Are buildcraft robots disabled in this pack? From what I can gather you put a blank redstone board in the assembly table and it randomly generates a program on the board. I've already built the robot but when I throw a board in the assembly table I dont get an option to modify it? Is another ingredient needed? Cant find much information on these things anywhere.
It's done in it's own laser powered table which I always forget the name of. You should be able to spot it if you filter NEI to the BC Silicon mod filter.
Out of curiosity, did you anaylze your saplings before planting? I've heard that the tree breeding might not be working directly from vanilla trees anymore.

Of course.

Btw, I just checked again and I just saw a leaf turn silver. Interestingly enough it happened exactly after I had an NEI crash and the local server shut down. I wonder if it was happening but not updating on my screen - this happens quite frequently with the Silvertree's turning the local area into the Magical Forest Biome - I'll have to shut down the client and restart to see the visual changes.
It's done in it's own laser powered table which I always forget the name of. You should be able to spot it if you filter NEI to the BC Silicon mod filter.

Aha! Programming table. The only youtube I could find with someone making one of the boards had them put it in a regular assembly table. Thanks for the help!
At the end of the day; of the 356 pages only roughly two of you have had a problem with this.
I'm not coming out here to tell you can't have opinion, please by all means converse with everyone about how you like/dislike the modpack, I will say that the both times this conversation has cropped up it has been met with the majority not agreeing (which is ok because it's our opinion) so either you need to agree to disagree and leave it at that or find a pack suited to what your looking for.
I may also want to take this time to remind you that whether intentional or not you are in fact sounding a little whinge worthy, the modpack creator does not get paid for this, they do not get any kind of monetary involvement from us, it is free for us to either play or not.
Feedback is good but consent negativity is draining and not constructive.

Not at all telling anyone what to say or how to act just wanted you to be aware of how you are being perceived by myself (and I'm assuming) everyone else.
I dont believe Im constantly negative about the pack and help I give. Its my opinion and you dont have to reply to me. If no one raises issues because of the negativity you give on feed back then you are blocking how people feel so much so that people dont feel they can write their opinion then that is bad for any pack in general. Just because your seed doesnt have the same issues doesnt give you the right to critise people who feel its not working for them. How else will anything change if you only want good feed back
BTW the 365 pages dont apply, it only changed recently my old world had no problems
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I agree that adding all the EBXL plants into the mutandis list made that part quite annoying. While I'm ok with it not changing if I was making the pack I'd either give alternate ways to get the EBXL plants or I would award a stack or two of mutandis in one of the early quests. Early game mandrake harvesting is only fun a few times. Then it gets slightly annoying. =)

As for Thaumcraft.... I could totally see chapter 11 staying locked until you complete the treefyd quest. That makes a lot of sense to me.
Totally agree with the locking of thaumcraft until the treefyd quest.
Totally agree with the locking of thaumcraft until the treefyd quest.
Yeah, that'd be fine by me as well :) If someone wants to get started early with scanning and stuff, well, they still know what to do. And if they don't know Thaumcraft, it wouldn't unlock until the quests are relevant!
In the FTB launcher click options. force update is a huge button right below the install folder text box.
Yeah, I tried that. It proceeded to download the mod pack again, then went through *another* download. The second one is the one that I keep experiencing. The first one actually says that its downloading the mod pack and has a progress bar labeled with the KB that have been downloaded. The second one doesn't have that. It just says "Dowloading" with an unlabeled progress bar. When I turn off that huge button option, the first one goes away. The second one does not.
Yeah, I tried that. It proceeded to download the mod pack again, then went through *another* download. The second one is the one that I keep experiencing. The first one actually says that its downloading the mod pack and has a progress bar labeled with the KB that have been downloaded. The second one doesn't have that. It just says "Dowloading" with an unlabeled progress bar. When I turn off that huge button option, the first one goes away. The second one does not.
Just a thought but does your computer clear out where ever you are downloading the pack to? Like download history for example, maybe this is why its constantly downloading again?
@thphoenixlodge 0.7 introduced a new alternative craft table recipe. The natura craft tables are still full planks, was that intentional?
I sad that some of the item's were fake in the Botania Changlog, but I'm also happy she stuck to her guns and keeps making the mod she wants. I guess we will just have to keep imagining what the other side of the elf portal looks like. Is it a land of wonder, or a land of terror? We may never know.
Works: Put down pipes, put down fluxfield.
Fails: Put down fluxfield, put down pipes.

So - pick up and put down your fluxfield if the kinesis pipes aren't working. :)

Excellent! I usually connect my pipes last, so didn't stumble over this. But mean fewer cells needed just to input to grid. Of course, they are still a good idea as buffers/batteries anyway.
Having a small problem. I've completed the sapling quest (100% 4/4 saplings), and selected my reward, but it's not giving me the 'Claim Reward' button. Same thing is happening with the Petal Apothecary quest.

EDIT - Never mind on the Petal Apothecary quest. *Proceeds to RTFM*
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Having a small problem. I've completed the sapling quest (100% 4/4 saplings), and selected my reward, but it's not giving me the 'Claim Reward' button. Same thing is happening with the Petal Apothecary quest.
Is the button not there or not letting you claim? Do you use a texture pack? Do you have space in your inventory for the rewards?