[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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In one way, I appreciate what the modpack developer has tried to do - leaving out some of the more popular mods in an effort to expose more people to the lesser-used mods... such as using Buildcraft pipes and engines instead of mods like Thermal Expansion and EnderIO.

However, as your "average" minecrafter, here's what happens... I place 1 bucket of oil into a Refinery to make 1 bucket of fuel... but when the process finished, I don't have one bucket of fuel, I have 960mb (millibuckets) of fuel, which is 40mb short of a full bucket. And THAT is the reason why, when given the choice, I would never choose Buildcraft pipes and engines over another mod's method... Where did my 40 mb of oil/fuel go? Was it stuck inside a pipe when I broke them? It's absolutely maddening when this kind of thing happens. Precision is important, and if a mod is going to cause that precision to fly out the window (for a reason I cannot figure out at the moment), I end up blaming that mod for it even tho it's probably my fault in the end for not understanding every little idiosyncracy of every mod. Off my soapbox now, and I'm off to take a long hike to grab one more bucket of oil from a geyser somewhere. :mad:
no. here how it all went... i started playing around with mekanism (only when i updated to 0.7.1) and i made basic energy cube with so cables... i destroyed the wooden kinesis pipe which was connected to the industrial engine and replaced it with that energy cube. then i destroyed quartz kinesis pipes and replaced them with basic energy pipes from mekanism. but for some reason energy pipes from mekanism doesnt connect on z level of -503... yes i tryed placing them on the different y and x levels, no work guys
Are the cables setup to respond to redstone (right click with configurator will tell you) and do you have a redstone signal at that spot?
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WTH... so i picked up all my machines, destroyed the boiler and industrial engine and now energy pipes work normally on z: -503 :D nvm then LD
Are the cables setup to respond to redstone (right click with configurator will tell you) and do you have a redstone signal at that spot?
oh ya! i had a level next to it with was on, coz im using emerald pipe to take out the steam from a boiler to the engine :D DERPITY DERP
@thephoenixlodge, Found a slight progression-break to get redstone a little early, though you need the alchemy catalyst and netherrack. But blood wood leaves have a small chance to drop redstone.

Also, I was thinking it would be cool if the quests for crafting magic seeds unlocked on detection of the relevant essence, rather than requiring completion of the repeatable quest at least once. That way if you get lucky exploring and get all the essence you need to make a seed form dungeon chests, you don't need to do the repeatable quest at all to unlock the seed quest.
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For those interested --
I've been reading on recent issues on the forums with crashes - I also experienced another crash when looking up the recipe for Coal Seeds and Coal itself.
I resolved the issue by replacing the following mods ->
  • CodeChickenCore-1.7.10- with 1.7.10-
  • NotEnoughItems-1.7.10- with 1.7.10-
This may also help to resolve other further NEI/appeng errors that seem to have been popping up. This is also after I had upgraded the Applied Energistics mod version in my previous post.
Well I learnt something new tonight, infernal blast furnaces, very interesting....
I made them, cuz they can cook rutile ore straight to titanium ingots... no impure garbage :D i saw it in the nei and was like: hell yeah :D oh and it doesnt need fuel so easier steel (which it also can produce)
guys, what is causing some blocks to be transperant?:
I made them, cuz they can cook rutile ore straight to titanium ingots... no impure garbage :D i saw it in the nei and was like: hell yeah :D oh and it doesnt need fuel so easier steel (which it also can produce)
Interesting. I'll have to look into that myself. Titanium is a pain:) Nice find and thanks for sharing!
I made them, cuz they can cook rutile ore straight to titanium ingots... no impure garbage :D i saw it in the nei and was like: hell yeah :D oh and it doesnt need fuel so easier steel (which it also can produce)

IIRC you will need some of that impure 'garbage' though, to get rutile seeds ;)
The problems you're having have been said before with the solutions. But here's the solution again to bring it to the most recent page.

Quests: Your best bet to keep your world is to delete the HQM data from your pre-0.7.0 world. You'll have all your seeds still and will just need to do some crafting tasks over again, which if you have any of the magic crops seeds shouldn't take too long. The other option is rather complicated, but was posted by rivvest earlier. Personally, I just restarted, so I can't speak as to how long it will take you.

Seeds: Check the quest book or NEI. Both will tell you what kind of soil the seeds can be planted on to grow. As was said in the changelog, Magic Crops seeds (not the fruit) need TILLED Garden Soil to grow now. And all flower seeds (Botania and vanilla) need UNTILLED Garden Soil to grow.

Hope it helps.

@George213 , here's a link to my guide post just for people like you: http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/posts/1023207/

(Sorry @ToxicFallenAngel , sometimes I derp hard)
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Have you tried deleting the HQM folder? It will reset your quest progress but should allow your world to load. You can use the /hqm edit command to get an op book and manually complete quests with a shift right click to get the book back to where it was before the update.
thank you sir thank you it worked
AH... As much as i love enhanced inventories mod in this pack, i really wish phoenix would add ironchest mod :D i just dont like the fast that you need to use the scrolling thingy :D
AH... As much as i love enhanced inventories mod in this pack, i really wish phoenix would add ironchest mod :D i just dont like the fast that you need to use the scrolling thingy :D

Why do you need to use the scroll wheel? I've been playing with Enhanced Inventories for ages now, and I've never come across a situation where I've had to use the scroll wheel to transfer items.
Why do you need to use the scroll wheel? I've been playing with Enhanced Inventories for ages now, and I've never come across a situation where I've had to use the scroll wheel to transfer items.
IM TALKING ABOUT.... Im talking about the scroller in the chests with atleast copper upgrade. in ironchest mod they just extend the GUI of the chest.
Question: if I smelt 3 stacks of copper ore in a crucible, and I get copperous dust, and from that, I get 1 cobalt;does it break the spirit of the modpack to make a cobalt pickaxe with it?