[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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I feel like I am missing something. I am trying to progress, but it seems that my progress is being blocked by not being able to make a Rune of Fire.
Of course, I can make everything needed for the rune, EXCEPT the nether brick. Which in order to get, I would need essence of nether. Yet - I do not have a quest unlocked for it yet. Is there something hidden that I have to do?

Hi, have you heard about our lord and savior, the Nether? Some say it is a mystical, hellish realm in which one may find many abundant resources, the least of which is the mighty netherrack, progenitor of the prophet nether brick. If you'd care to take a moment and look into the great holy book, the sacred Questbook, then perhaps you might find the passage on meeting with our lord. And if not, then perhaps you'd like to invest your time in reading the passage about the messiah obsidian, who shall be set ablaze for our gain? If you'd like to join the Church of Nether, by all means, let me know.

Of course, you'd have to repent for your sins, my friend. It is folly to believe that you may summon the resources of the great and mighty lord Nether without first taking the pilgrimage to him and learning of his ways.
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Anyway, my general sarcasm aside, I'm about ready to open the portal to Alfheim from Botania, and I've searched a bit, but all I can find for how much mana is required to sustain it is that it's "only a little" and other similar subjective answers. Does anyone have a more exact number when it comes to what generating flora are required to sustain a portal? Preferably along the lines of hydroangeas, dayblooms, and nightshades, if at all possible (that's about all I've got, and I don't have the stuff yet to make infinite generators for the stuff to feed other plants).
Just updated to the new version available, tried 0.7 and 0.7.1 as well, both returned this error.

  1. [18:29:30] [INFO] MCLauncher.syncAssets:278: Syncing Assets:
  2. [18:29:30] [INFO] MCLauncher.launchMinecraft:83: Java Path: C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exe
  3. [18:29:30] [INFO] MCLauncher.launchMinecraft:84: Pack: Regrowth 1.7.10
  4. [18:29:30] [INFO] MCLauncher.setMemory:261: Setting MinMemory to 256
  5. [18:29:30] [INFO] MCLauncher.setMemory:263: Setting MaxMemory to 6144
  6. [18:29:30] [INFO] MCLauncher.launchMinecraft:106: Defaulting PermSize to 256m
  7. [18:29:31] [main/INFO]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
  8. [18:29:31] [main/ERROR]: Unable to launch
  9. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
  10. at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_71]
  11. at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_71]
  12. at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) ~[?:1.7.0_71]
  13. at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_71]
  14. at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_71]
  15. at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_71]
  16. at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_71]
  17. at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(LaunchClassLoader.java:106) ~[launchwrapper-1.11.jar:?]
  18. at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_71]
  19. at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_71]
  20. at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ~[?:1.7.0_71]
  21. at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_71]
  22. at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:98) [launchwrapper-1.11.jar:?]
  23. at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:28) [launchwrapper-1.11.jar:?]
  24. [18:29:32] [DEBUG] Benchmark.logBenchAs:73: UnreadNews Init took 1 ms.
This is the full console report.

Anyway, my general sarcasm aside, I'm about ready to open the portal to Alfheim from Botania, and I've searched a bit, but all I can find for how much mana is required to sustain it is that it's "only a little" and other similar subjective answers. Does anyone have a more exact number when it comes to what generating flora are required to sustain a portal? Preferably along the lines of hydroangeas, dayblooms, and nightshades, if at all possible (that's about all I've got, and I don't have the stuff yet to make infinite generators for the stuff to feed other plants).

I did some digging into the botania code. If I did my maths correctly, you're looking at about 50 Dayblooms AND 50 Nightshades, PER mana pool to keep it open. Alternatively, 8 not-raining hydroangeas or 1 fueled endoflame per mana pool.

As a bonus, some extra portal info:
  • you need less than 10% per manapool to initiate the portal
  • if you include the activation cost, using two full mana pools will let you keep the portal open for nearly 6 and a half hours.
  • if either pool empties, the portal closes
I cant even run my Map now, it tells me that some Chisel blocks are missing etc etc but never loads my World (Singplayer)
Hello everyone. I have a question, and I cant find the answer, so I have registered to try and sort my problem out.

First of all, great pack, Really enjoy it. I am loving the desolation and scarce resources at hand.

I do however have a problem with an update. Recently the FTB launcher suggested that I upgrade the pack to the 0.71 version. I did so, but now it seems that all my plants have stopped growing. Even bigger problem is that I can no longer plant any of the advanced magical seeds. I have tried digging up the dirt and relaying it, and even remaking some of the seeds. I have also lost most of my progression on the quest side, but that doesn't bother me as much. The problem is that some quests show as finished, but the unlocks from them are not showing, so I cannot really do any quest progression at all. Is there a way to salvage my old world, or do I have to start a new one in 0.71? Thank you.
Hello everyone. I have a question, and I cant find the answer, so I have registered to try and sort my problem out.

First of all, great pack, Really enjoy it. I am loving the desolation and scarce resources at hand.

I do however have a problem with an update. Recently the FTB launcher suggested that I upgrade the pack to the 0.71 version. I did so, but now it seems that all my plants have stopped growing. Even bigger problem is that I can no longer plant any of the advanced magical seeds. I have tried digging up the dirt and relaying it, and even remaking some of the seeds. I have also lost most of my progression on the quest side, but that doesn't bother me as much. The problem is that some quests show as finished, but the unlocks from them are not showing, so I cannot really do any quest progression at all. Is there a way to salvage my old world, or do I have to start a new one in 0.71? Thank you.
The problems you're having have been said before with the solutions. But here's the solution again to bring it to the most recent page.

Quests: Your best bet to keep your world is to delete the HQM data from your pre-0.7.0 world. You'll have all your seeds still and will just need to do some crafting tasks over again, which if you have any of the magic crops seeds shouldn't take too long. The other option is rather complicated, but was posted by rivvest earlier. Personally, I just restarted, so I can't speak as to how long it will take you.

Seeds: Check the quest book or NEI. Both will tell you what kind of soil the seeds can be planted on to grow. As was said in the changelog, Magic Crops seeds (not the fruit) need TILLED Garden Soil to grow now. And all flower seeds (Botania and vanilla) need UNTILLED Garden Soil to grow.

Hope it helps.
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Hm, updating resetted a lot of the HCQM progess. Thus all my reputation is zero :( Any way manually increase them?
I updated the game as recommanded
I ran the game
In menu i choose my world
It says its missing blocks
I click yes
Loading world .......... never ends loading (i cant enter my singleplaye world now)
I updated the game as recommanded
I ran the game
In menu i choose my world
It says its missing blocks
I click yes
Loading world .......... never ends loading (i cant enter my singleplaye world now)
It seems its caused by HQM trying desperately to keep your quests exactly as they were even though there's a whole bunch of new quests and triggers. You can wait out HQM trying to keep all your quests data as it was, use rivvest's guide on how to port your quests over, or delete your HQM data and manually cheat yourself back to where you are with "/hqm edit".

Edit: Forgot to mention that using the first method (waiting it out) will cause your quest progression to be screwed up, requiring you to use the "/hqm edit" command anyways. Best way if you don't mind using the command is to delete the HQM data from the world first and then use "/hqm edit".
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It seems its caused by HQM trying desperately to keep your quests exactly as they were even though there's a whole bunch of new quests and triggers. You can wait out HQM trying to keep all your quests data as it was, use rivvest's guide on how to port your quests over, or delete your HQM data and manually cheat yourself back to where you are with "/hqm edit".

Edit: Forgot to mention that using the first method (waiting it out) will cause your quest progression to be screwed up, requiring you to use the "/hqm edit" command anyways. Best way if you don't mind using the command is to delete the HQM data from the world first and then use "/hqm edit".

I deleted the HQM data, i still get the same screen with missing blocks and when i click yes (continue) it says "loading" and than the game crashes
