[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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im running extra util for the wand :p h8 massive builds w/o it

Yeah, I agree with you there:P.. I know those mods are almost in every pack, but I really like them, and feel they fit. With the level of progression it still takes awhile to be able to use any of the mods I added, so it works. That and I just feel there should always be some mass production if you work really hard for it.
Yeah, I agree with you there:p.. I know those mods are almost in every pack, but I really like them, and feel they fit. With the level of progression it still takes awhile to be able to use any of the mods I added, so it works. That and I just feel there should always be some mass production if you work really hard for it.
I think the point of the pack is to avoid the mods that are in almost every pack that most people immediately rush to to solve every problem.
Anyone into fish breeding that can explain to me how to make a tank for the feeder? Mine is 9x9x5 and it STILL says tank too small. Is there a trick to it? I thought the feeder just detected how many water blocks it was surrounded by.
I think the point of the pack is to avoid the mods that are in almost every pack that most people immediately rush to to solve every problem.

I said I know that they are in a lot of packs. But in this pack it takes a long time to get the resources to get to those mods. I am over a week in, and have not made it there yet.
Anyone into fish breeding that can explain to me how to make a tank for the feeder? Mine is 9x9x5 and it STILL says tank too small. Is there a trick to it? I thought the feeder just detected how many water blocks it was surrounded by.
its buggy i believe you have to keep taking your fish out and putting it in again. the mod author is aware and working on it i believe but cant fix it til at least friday since hes outta data :)
Minefactory Reloaded is not in this pack so no Safari Nets, neither is Extra Utilities so no Golden Lasso either. The only way I can think of at the moment to go about farming blood from mobs would be to use leads to lure them in but that may be more of a pita than it's worth honestly. Again the time could probably be better spent progressing through magical crops and finding a nether fortress to get the gold and blaze rods needed to make an Alchemy Catalyst, which with a bit of mana can turn Cactus into Slime Balls.

I made my pig iron for a pick upgrade by putting a 2x2 (interior) size smeltery right next to my pigpen, then put some walls and gates to only let a few in at a time where they stoop on hatches. Then closed the gates and opened the hatches. Fences I tried first, that little ledge means the pigs don't drop. Took a bit of finagling, but was a learning experience and learning is good!

After that I read somewhere upthread that you can drop rotten meat in the smeltery for blood. Haven't tried that yet. Should do that next just to know for when I restart when the new version drops. :)
Still haven't died. Came too close one time when I decided I'd just jump down my oil well and save some windy stair walking down. Bad idea. Can't swim in oil in this version (may be different in next with change to Mariculture I saw mentioned.) I was panicking and trying to side-mine in the long shaft down, but finally bottomed out around 30. Once I was standing on the bottom I mined sideways, then closed off the passage behind me to drain it. Then at least I could stop worrying my anti-drowning poppet would expire on me (fortunately, I was running around with my snorkel on too so I could actually see somewhat...) After that it was a simple mine stairs back up job. And a quick trip to change my leggings...

No, it was just oil sogginess, not what you;re thinking! Really!

This exact scenario happened to me first time I swam past an oil well with my ring of chordata. I think it was a bit more scary even because I had the night vision and fast swimming under the water, and then suddenly everything was just black and I couldn't move. PSA: You can't swim in oil in Regrowth.


  • 2015-03-12_22.00.00.png
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Anyone into fish breeding that can explain to me how to make a tank for the feeder? Mine is 9x9x5 and it STILL says tank too small. Is there a trick to it? I thought the feeder just detected how many water blocks it was surrounded by.

Okay, this worked for me, but not sure it's necessary. I watched a youtube series on Mariculture (forget whose offhand since I watch a bunch) and he was very specific about the requirements. All I know is those worked, not that other configurations won't. He did the smallest in a 3x3 interior, 2 deep, with the sides 3 long and no corners. He said anything in the corners, including water would screw it up. All I know is that configuration worked, though sometimes did have to take the breeding pair out and put them back in. Fish food seems to go in best after the fish are good. For the short-lived stuff, 5 fish meal is plenty. (You should soon be trying to find room for dead fish, so waste is not a problem.)

The medium is also 3 long sides, but with a diagonal, again leaving the outside corners open. It also is 2 deep.

The large (or advanced) is 5 long sides with 2 diagonal single blocks between them, with those outside corners open. It is 3 deep.

Wasteland biome is really hot. You will need cooling for even the tolerant fish in most cases. Wasteland will probably be indicated for those nether and ender fish.

Let me see about putting some screenshots up for this. At least you can know these configurations do work, even if there are a few more potential difficulties (temp, time of day, compatible fish, etc.)

I am no expert, be warned. Just managing to get some things working.

I found out the fishing nets work great with hopperhocks (love those things!) I'll put up a screenie of my little netting area too. Seem to only get cod in that. It's in an ocean biome. Haven't really tried elsewhere. They are slow but steady producers of dead cod, which give plenty for your fish food needs. You'll end up with loads more from other fishing and farming too.

The automatic fisher also works well. Power is the big issue there, and chest space. It does pretty well catching live fish, and those are fairly unique so take a lot of chest slots. The fisher doesn't seem to recognise double chests and just fills the one side. Just have to pair the bait to the rod in use. I use a lot of reed rods because bread is an easy bait. So far seem to catch a wide variety with bread and no real noticeable difference with maggots or grasshoppers. Haven't tried minnows yet because been hoarding them until I have a full stack. Was about to start breeding them, then there was a small incident with a creeper (didn't think they could spawn on those plank blocks!) that snuck up on me while I was checking the fisher and blew up the chest with all the live fish (it would be THAT one.)

I put up the hatchery, but was already to where I could get an incubator going, so didn't really do much with it. I dropped in some eggs and it produced some splashes, so it was doing something, but not sure how that works. No gui, so it may dump live fish on the deck, where they will die. Or may output to an adjacent inventory. Or my hopperhock might grab them before they die. Text suggest it's slow so after about 15 minutes I just broke it and built the incubator.

Incubator takes a long time because it processes one egg at a time, and requires a power pulse for each, so unless you have speed upgrades and a power oversupply, it will takes days for fish like cod that lay big egg clutches. To see how it works, drop in sting ray eggs. They are infertile and produce batches of single eggs. That means it takes a minute or so and done, and you get one male and one female (since it forces a result of at least one of each sex.) With the larger batches it occasionally hatches out a live fish as it works its way through hundreds or thousands of eggs.

Based on what I have seen so far, the only real reason for more than one tank is to put them in different biomes to make adjusting salinity and temperature easier (beach = brackish/warmish, ocean = saline/cooler, wasteland = fresh/hellishly hot). One advanced tank in each should give you more eggs than you care to dump into the incubator(s). Koi or something really long-lived might adjust my opinion on that. Eggs are only produced when the fish finishes its lifespan and koi live a long time.

Oh, feeder I put in the center on the bottom. Have to dive into the big tank, so make some steps up the side (not corners unless you test and see that it doesn't fubar the tank.)

Let me make some screenies and attach below.

I put everything in an album with some explanation:

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For everyone who need auto water supply, check the Sluice from Mariculture. I'm not sure if it can be obtained earlier than bc pump (I'm late game already) but it needs no engine. It also don't work very well with bc pipes (for me at least), so put any tank directly on it's output, then draw water from it. Also, bc wrench can change it's direction.
What do you need the slime balls for? If you have a TiCon smeltery coagulated blood could be an option as long as it's not disabled somehow in this pack. It should be ore dictionary with slime balls and blue slime balls.

Edit: Although it would take a while to get (according to the TiCon wiki 160mb of blood makes the Coagulated Blood and you get only get 5mb for every 2.5 hearts of damage you take in the smeltery) and I suppose that time could be better used trying to get the resources for an Alchemy Catalyst.
I forget why tbh, I think one of the early botany rune requests requires it directly or indirectly.
Wasteland biome is really hot. You will need cooling for even the tolerant fish in most cases. Wasteland will probably be indicated for those nether and ender fish.
i believe in the next update of this pack or the next mod update im not sure the fish are going to be more tolerant to heat and cold
I made my pig iron for a pick upgrade by putting a 2x2 (interior) size smeltery right next to my pigpen, then put some walls and gates to only let a few in at a time where they stoop on hatches. Then closed the gates and opened the hatches. Fences I tried first, that little ledge means the pigs don't drop. Took a bit of finagling, but was a learning experience and learning is good!

After that I read somewhere upthread that you can drop rotten meat in the smeltery for blood. Haven't tried that yet. Should do that next just to know for when I restart when the new version drops. :)
Have you thought about using pistons to push the pigs in?