[1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

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Anything that looks like grass can be punched ... either brown or yellow, short or tall. All seem to have the same chance of dropping something.

Remember tall grass is the one block variety, not the double-tall grass.

The Quest Book sapling quest says "Long Grass", not "Tall Grass". I don't know what "Long Grass" is, but it isn't the "Tall Dead Grass" because the Mutandis doesn't do anything when I click on that grass.
The Quest Book sapling quest says "Long Grass", not "Tall Grass". I don't know what "Long Grass" is, but it isn't the "Tall Dead Grass" because the Mutandis doesn't do anything when I click on that grass.
Mutandis only works on the "long grass" generated by bonemealing grassy dirt.
Oh! Thank you, I will try that for sure. I have a three pasture seeds but didn't know what they did. Finding an ocean is an exercise in frustration and futility.

Perhaps the game (or Quest Book) can explain this process a bit better because it has entirely confused me and brought my game to a screeching halt, unfortunately.
To be fair, it's in there.. "Grass-ping at Straws" mentions using pasture seeds to turn dirt into grass, "Mutation" mentions applying mutandis to the grasses you cultivated with bonemeal.
One thing I did was to place a water block directly next to the sand with the double-crop thing... because I knew Sugarcane only grows if it is adjacent to water (in vanilla Minecraft). Not sure if this is why it worked, but as I stated above, it still took a couple of hours for a sugarcane to appear. One way to speed it up would be to have multiple wheat/carrot combinations set up with the double crops (and perhaps the water blocks if they are really necessary).

I'm trying to figure out how to get more sugarcane seeds without doing the mutation thing. I still only have one sugarcane growing, but it only grows to one-block-tall so I only get one piece every time I harvest it. I want to get at least 16 sugarcanes growing but I can't figure out how to get the seeds easily. The Agriculture Journal isn't any help explaining the process, or explaining very much of anything except the different growth stages which doesn't really help me.

The water blocks are definitely not necessary for sugar cane to grow, it just takes a whole lot of patience when waiting on a mutation. I think it's something like a 20% chance you'll get the mutation each time a seed would spread, which makes it seem longer for sugar cane since nothing else will spread to the sand block. The way to get new seeds is to just put another crosscrops next to the mature plant, it will eventually spread a new seed to that block.
To be fair, it's in there.. "Grass-ping at Straws" mentions using pasture seeds to turn dirt into grass, "Mutation" mentions applying mutandis to the grasses you cultivated with bonemeal.

That's fair, I'm not surprised I missed it.

I also noticed something else that may be helpful... the worldgen placed a dirt block adjacent to a pool of the dirty-looking water, and the block looked odd to me... turns out it is a grass block after I looked at it closely. So that means that simply placing a dirt block adjacent to a water block would seem to create a grass block? Might be useful to try if you run out of pasture seeds.
also if anyone really wants to speed through all this farming albeit very cheaty way take a look at the torcherino mod it'll spread your crops ridiculously fast, i disabled it after trying it but its deff the fast track thru farming
The way to get new seeds is to just put another crosscrops next to the mature plant, it will eventually spread a new seed to that block.

Ah, thank you! I will do that and spread my sugar cane right down the row of sand I set up. Wonderful news!
I am back with more noobish questions. After much toiling and sweating (titanium is annoying) I finally made an energy cube.

However, I cannot get the cell to charge. The kineses pipe connects but it does not charge. I made sure the front of the cell (which is the output) is on the left side (powering the other pipe).
If I make a universal cable, it will not connect to the steam engine..

The Quest Book sapling quest says "Long Grass", not "Tall Grass". I don't know what "Long Grass" is, but it isn't the "Tall Dead Grass" because the Mutandis doesn't do anything when I click on that grass.

Ah - I misunderstood what you were wanting to do! :)

That's fair, I'm not surprised I missed it.

I also noticed something else that may be helpful... the worldgen placed a dirt block adjacent to a pool of the dirty-looking water, and the block looked odd to me... turns out it is a grass block after I looked at it closely. So that means that simply placing a dirt block adjacent to a water block would seem to create a grass block? Might be useful to try if you run out of pasture seeds.

Any grass blocks in the world are not really supposed to be there - just the world gen not replacing absolute 100%. Anyway, dirt next to water won't convert to grass.
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I am back with more noobish questions. After much toiling and sweating (titanium is annoying) I finally made an energy cube.

However, I cannot get the cell to charge. The kineses pipe connects but it does not charge. I made sure the front of the cell (which is the output) is on the left side (powering the other pipe).
If I make a universal cable, it will not connect to the steam engine..

From my tiny knowledge of BC pipes, it looks like the emerald pipe is connecting as if it is expecting output from both the engine and the cube.

A guess, but maybe you need to put a non-emerald kinesis pipe between the cube and the emerald pipe.
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From what I gather emerald pipes are like better wooden pipes (that are power exporting pipes)
if you want a high power capacity pipe use gold or higher (golds probably my best bet btw)
Edit: Ignore my post, it has been corrected in the post below. I never "cook" cobble and waste the coal/charcoal, so I totally forgot you can easily make stone blocks. Thanks for correcting me.

A helpful warning to people who are just starting the modpack... If you use up the 32 Stone Blocks that you get from completing the "Earthly Possessions" quest, you won't be able to complete the later quest that requires 16 Stone Blocks... that kind of scares me, but I guess I was wise enough to just put them into a chest for when I needed them. There was no advice to save them and to not use them, so be careful with every step you take. I'd hate to have to start all over just because of an inadvertent error. I doubt I'll have a silk touch pickaxe for quite a while.
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A helpful warning to people who are just starting the modpack... If you use up the 32 Stone Blocks that you get from completing the "Earthly Possessions" quest, you won't be able to complete the later quest that requires 16 Stone Blocks... that kind of scares me, but I guess I was wise enough to just put them into a chest for when I needed them. There was no advice to save them and to not use them, so be careful with every step you take. I'd hate to have to start all over just because of an inadvertent error. I doubt I'll have a silk touch pickaxe for quite a while.
Cobblestone in a furnace becomes stone.. nothing to worry about there.
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The plus sign with the best seed in the center is the quickest to 10/10/10, but also requires the most work (analyzing each seed as it grows, keeping track of which of the 5 seeds to replace with the new seed) and provides the least amount of harvestable crops - 1 harvest per new seed whenever the new seed is better than a planted seed.
Yeah this is pretty much what I like. I have a big ploy for food my + shaped plot is for hobby.
Hey guys, i have a problem with regrowth and hope you can help me.
The FTB launcher is downloading a lot and starting the pack. I can see a black screen for a few seconds and then the window disappears.
I tried a few things to fix, but still can't start the modpack.
I uploaded the crash-report. Hope it will help, finding the problem.

edit: Ok, the problem is solved. I don't know how, but it's solved. :D


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From my tiny knowledge of BC pipes, it looks like the emerald pipe is connecting as if it is expecting output from both the engine and the cube.

A guess, but maybe you need to put a non-emerald kinesis pipe between the cube and the emerald pipe.

That did it thanks!
Is it possible to get ender pearls from endermen? I know it's not supposed to be common but I just killed my 8th one and still nothing. So far, the only pearls I've gotten are from quests. I need one more so I can make ender seeds.
Is it possible to get ender pearls from endermen? I know it's not supposed to be common but I just killed my 8th one and still nothing. So far, the only pearls I've gotten are from quests. I need one more so I can make ender seeds.
yes they do drop pearls, you must just be unlucky :( to clarify though you are killing endermen?
Is it possible to get ender pearls from endermen? I know it's not supposed to be common but I just killed my 8th one and still nothing. So far, the only pearls I've gotten are from quests. I need one more so I can make ender seeds.
You can try your luck with pearl oysters, they generate ender pearls occasionally. Though, if you've killed 8 endermen without a drop, doesn't sound like luck is on your side.. :/