My server works fine - I've had no issues with it, with the exception of one world, where I had a crash on load, but I put the server back up and logged in and the world loaded fine without a crash on the second try. I think it was something to do with sand falling, since it was a dry-type islands dimension, so there were large bodies of sand with no supporting blocks no one has a fix for the world map issues ? on mulitplayer (when ever i upload the world i get put in a flat world and when i tp to the pathfinder it screws up
anyone else have this issue
No, I didn't. Are you using the latest version of Pathfinder? Do you have OP? I found that it's quite important that all players have OP, otherwise a lot of the functionality of Pathfinder doesn't work, due to relying on commands which non-OPs don't have access you dint get a flat world when you first spawned ?
Reinstall the server. This is the procedure you need to use:1 Yes To Latest Version ,
2 only 4 people that are on all have opp
everytime i upload the world and join it spawns in a flat world and when i make spawn a dialing device and matter transmitter i can go to path finder but some of the quests are bugged
Doubleclick on your NEI search bar. The yellow bar around means you're in inventory highlight mode, which dims any inventory slot that doesn''t contain your search term.Can anyone help me with this issue? I completed the Bagginses quest and when I opened the Bagginses bag for the first time the inventory was shaded. Since then ALL inventory and interfaces slots are shaded, in all chests, machines, etc., and it's really irksome, especially since it makes similar things, like oak and spruce wood planks, look more or less the same. I had the Tinkers knapsack equipped at the time, and when I removed it and placed it in a chest to see if this was the issue, my game crashed. Then I got errors from after restarting the FTB launcher, first about not locating 3rd party packs and then not being able to extract native files. After 20 minutes of that, I got my game open again but still having this shaded inventory problem. Help?
Doubleclick on your NEI search bar. The yellow bar around means you're in inventory highlight mode, which dims any inventory slot that doesn''t contain your search term.
The Blue Power recipe of 3 copper ingots and 1 zinc ingot in an alloy furnace isn't working? I found one brass ingot in a chest while exploring, but I'm not that far along in the pack to be needing Blue Power brass for anything.Good Day,
Need help. I want to craft the Manganese Time Matrix but can't craft Brass to create the brass block. I have checked every recipe and reread the quest book to see if I miss anything and I am stumped. Please advise cause I can't find anything.
I think it is a little less frequent but I'm finding enough for my needs so far, and I've completed the 1st section, am on the last quest of the 2nd section, and have started the 3rd section. I use the Tinkers smeltery to double all my iron ores too, which helps. Certainly not as bad as diamonds, for which I had to get in another dimension (and only found 5).Is it just me or is iron ore much rarer in this pack than normal?
I'm having some graphical problems with the irrigation canals to, and I wasn't sure if it was a the mod, a conflict with NEI or a conflict with Optifine (which i have installed because my system isn't the the greatest and I get oh so much lag). Mostly for me the irrigation blocks are shaded irregularly, like a kind of lighting glitch and the valve flicker a little. I can live with it, but yeah, I wish it wasn't a problem at all.I'm actually having no difficulty finding diamonds. I'm finding lots more diamonds, gold and nickel than iron. Maybe I'm mining on the wrong level. What layer is the best for finding iron in this pack?
Also, this pack has been my first opportunity to discover Agricraft, and I love it, and I'm growing on the Hunger Overhaul system too. Unfortunately, I set up a wonderful and attractive farm area, only to find there's a weird graphical bug on one of the irrigation channels, and it looks awful.
The diamond shortage in my world is real. It's so frustrating. I made a RFTools dimension for the Galaxy/Galaxa/whatever quest and used the grid terrain dimlet. Oh my. LOL. I thought it meant i'd get biome terrain in a grid-like pattern along the chunks. This was not what I was expecting:
Well it is a grid isn't it?![]()
I had the graphical problem before installing Optifine earlier today, so I can say at least my issue is not Optifine-related, however it sounds like the graphical bug I'm getting is different from yours. I get no flickering, but there is this one solitary channel which is for some reason totally black. I tried filling it with water, to no effect, and it has clear line-of-sight to the sky as well. All the other channels in the area are mostly fine, though.Quick question: can we disable the exploring nether ores? Please? I can't figure out where in the configs. I thought you only triggered the expoding ores with vanilla tools but I'm using only Tinkers, and it's just a ka-boom fest.
I'm having some graphical problems with the irrigation canals to, and I wasn't sure if it was a the mod, a conflict with NEI or a conflict with Optifine (which i have installed because my system isn't the the greatest and I get oh so much lag). Mostly for me the irrigation blocks are shaded irregularly, like a kind of lighting glitch and the valve flicker a little. I can live with it, but yeah, I wish it wasn't a problem at all.
I'm doing well with AgriCraft. I had no idea really what this mod was suppose to do beyond seeing Biffa and TheJims derp around with it. After expanding my farm, doing a bunch of crossbreedings to get Harvestcraft crops I wanted, and developing a 10/9/9 wheat seed, I know realize my approach probably isn't the best. It seems like it would be more efficient to focus first on developing very good wheat, carrot and potato seeds and then getting better mutated seeds from those. Oh well. Live and learn. But I've got plenty of food---stacks of hay bales from my wheat improvement field, about 25 different seeds, and a double chest of harvested food and an iron chest of several different crafted Harvestcraft meals and snacks. I'm doing quite well, food-wise.
I am finding one problem: I cannot get a pineapple seed. NEI says to crossbreed melon with spice leaf and I've tried and tried and tried. I got kiwi, which also has that recipe, but no pineapple. Anyone else have this problem?
That, my friend, is not a problem. Agricraft is a lot of fun to get lost in. It's a sign of a good pack if quest progression gets sidetracked by old-school sandbox gameplay.I had the graphical problem before installing Optifine earlier today, so I can say at least my issue is not Optifine-related, however it sounds like the graphical bug I'm getting is different from yours. I get no flickering, but there is this one solitary channel which is for some reason totally black. I tried filling it with water, to no effect, and it has clear line-of-sight to the sky as well. All the other channels in the area are mostly fine, though.
As for your pineapple problem: I managed to get pineapple just fine. My guess is you just got really, really unlucky. How many plants are you placing adjacent? The mutation/propagation section of my farm is set out in rows of 3x9 blocks, and I run 9 plants of one and 9 plants of the other along the edges. Are you making sure to wait until they're fully matured before adding cross-crops? Here is my setup (partially to help, but also partially because I'm proud of it and want to show it off):
Also, slightly unrelated: is anyone else having this problem where they're too engrossed in this-and-that to even be bothered completing the questline? I'll probably finish it eventually, but I'm just so obsessed with Agricraft that it's pushed completing the pack right down to the bottom of my priority list. That and I'm actually playing this on a personal server with a few friends, and none of them are too interested in completing the questline either, which is fine by me. There's no hurry. Never knew I was such a farmer.
That actually does sound related to mine, because these sound like the same issues that can happen with Carpenter's Blocks. But I'm not sure if it's the mod or gpu-related. I'm leaning toward gpu-related because I'm using a mid-range-ish gpu (Geforce GT 730 2GB GDDR5), but if you've got a higher end gpu it may be the mod.I had the graphical problem before installing Optifine earlier today, so I can say at least my issue is not Optifine-related, however it sounds like the graphical bug I'm getting is different from yours. I get no flickering, but there is this one solitary channel which is for some reason totally black. I tried filling it with water, to no effect, and it has clear line-of-sight to the sky as well. All the other channels in the area are mostly fine, though.
Well that's rather fancy, lol. Where are you getting all that glowstone? I had to get a nether dinmension to get some because raiding dimlet research stations wasn't cutting it. And lucky you that you can cocoa beans. I have not found a jungle biome or any cocoa beans yet.As for your pineapple problem: I managed to get pineapple just fine. My guess is you just got really, really unlucky. How many plants are you placing adjacent? The mutation/propagation section of my farm is set out in rows of 3x9 blocks, and I run 9 plants of one and 9 plants of the other along the edges. Are you making sure to wait until they're fully matured before adding cross-crops? Here is my setup (partially to help, but also partially because I'm proud of it and want to show it off):