[1.7.10] Pathfinder [Peaceful][HQM][Tech][Adventure][Listed]

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You can only use one material modifier for each feature dimlet, so if you try [Coal Ore] [Temporal Ore] [Oregen], you'll get either (extra, small veins of) coal ore or temporal ore, but not both. However, if you do [Coal Ore] [Oregen] [Temporal Ore] [Orbs] [Diamond Ore] [Tendrils] [Emerald Ore] [Canyons] [Gold Ore] [Destabilized Redstone] [Liquid Orbs] [Molten Iron] [Lakes], you'll get small veins of coal ore underground (in addition to the normal ores, if the ground is made of stone; but you'll get a bit of coal regardless); solid floating spheres made of temporal ore; floating tendrils of diamond ore; tall, thin, floating fin-like structures that McJty calls "canyons" for some reason made of emerald ore; hollow floating spheres with a gold ore shell that are filled with molten redstone; and lakes of molten iron.

Sufficiently recent versions of RFTools allow you to use any number of materials for orbs and liquid orbs (like [Glass] [Obsidian] [Orbs]), and each individual orb will pick one of them at random. However, I'm not sure if this version of RFTools is in any of the Pathfinder versions.

As for the crashing, I don't know what's up with that. Put your crash report on Pastebin, Gist, or something similar, and link it here.
OK, thanks for the info on dimension building. I'll definitely look into this as I would like to get better at this mod. I must have misunderstood the examples of dimension building in McJty's wiki.

(It didn't help that in my impatience to finish the third section of the questbook yesterday, I looked at the wrong tier Time matrix recipe, and thought I needed temporal ore to complete that quest, not realizing until after I had returned to my base, a few crashes later, with a JABBA barrel full of temporal nuggets that I could have progressed in the quest line without mining any temporal ore at all at this point. Heh.)

I don't think that version of RFTools is in the version of Pathfinder I am using and I'm wary to update anything in the pack right now. Don't need to break anything at this point. Having all my achievements reset and losing some valuable inventory (including y best hammer) after a couple of these crashes has been enough for me.

Here's the last crash report from yesterday (the one that apparently reset my achievements): http://pastebin.com/ejhDuvDz All the crashes I experience seem to be similar. I don't really experience crashes at any other time beside when the world is loading after teleporting from another dimension. Basic specs of my PC: Intel dual core 3.6 ghz, 4GB of RAM, newly installed Geforce GT 730 2GB GDDR5

I am not very savvy with java or java arguments and while I had allocated more memory in past 1.6 modded games using the old vanilla launcher, I don't know what I need to do with the current FTL launcher and can't find any clear, concise info on that.
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Well, if we're posting selfies, here's mine: http://i.imgur.com/3pJK32k.png
I haven't bothered to build a proper shelter, only a place to keep the snow out and where the snow and grass won't slow me down. Building with limited inventory is a bit of a pain, although my morning project is to open up all my locked inventory.

BTW, when I started up to game this morning, I found the temporal multitool I had crafted last night, along with the tools I had added to it, was gone from my inventory. This isn't the first time this has happened. I thought maybe these disappearing items were crash-related, but I have had no crashes between logging off last night and starting this morning. I've lost a number of inventory items this way, both vanilla and modded items. Anyone else having this problem?
Well, if we're posting selfies, here's mine: http://i.imgur.com/3pJK32k.png
I haven't bothered to build a proper shelter, only a place to keep the snow out and where the snow and grass won't slow me down. Building with limited inventory is a bit of a pain, although my morning project is to open up all my locked inventory.

BTW, when I started up to game this morning, I found the temporal multitool I had crafted last night, along with the tools I had added to it, was gone from my inventory. This isn't the first time this has happened. I thought maybe these disappearing items were crash-related, but I have had no crashes between logging off last night and starting this morning. I've lost a number of inventory items this way, both vanilla and modded items. Anyone else having this problem?
You're such a cutie-pie!

Also, if you're finding that one item keeps disappearing after a crash, then it's highly likely the item is responsible for the crash, or involved in some way. When an item or block errors, a lot of the time the game will remove it in order to prevent it from corrupting your save or player file. Crash reports don't always appear after a crash, either - some crashes can cause the game to totally shut down without even having a chance to produce one.

Edit: I just looked at the crash report, and it does seem like the crash is related to you or something in your inventory. Does the tool you're talking about have a crafting function? I've not made it or used it myself.
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You're such a cutie-pie!

Also, if you're finding that one item keeps disappearing after a crash, then it's highly likely the item is responsible for the crash, or involved in some way. When an item or block errors, a lot of the time the game will remove it in order to prevent it from corrupting your save or player file. Crash reports don't always appear after a crash, either - some crashes can cause the game to totally shut down without even having a chance to produce one.

Edit: I just looked at the crash report, and it does seem like the crash is related to you or something in your inventory. Does the tool you're talking about have a crafting function? I've not made it or used it myself.
That last crash was well before I made the temporal multitool and nothing went missing after that crash. It was when I was returning to my base from the Pathfinder ship after making a new dimension. It was a crash markedly like all my other crashes with this modpack, namely that it happened when using the RFTools teleporters.

The temporal multitool went missing between closing the game last night (not a crash) and opening the game this morning. Not all disappearing items have been associated with crashes. A half stack coal blocks, a pair of vanilla shears, my OpenBlocks hang glider, one of my Baggineses bags, a leadstone power cell and a some of my better leveled Tinkers tools are among the things that I have noticed missing from my inventory since starting this modpack, although I cannot be certain when most went missing. The Clockwork Phase multitool is only the latest item and I am certain I had it in my inventory before closing the game last night.
That last crash was well before I made the temporal multitool and nothing went missing after that crash. It was when I was returning to my base from the Pathfinder ship after making a new dimension. It was a crash markedly like all my other crashes with this modpack, namely that it happened when using the RFTools teleporters.

The temporal multitool went missing between closing the game last night (not a crash) and opening the game this morning. Not all disappearing items have been associated with crashes. A half stack coal blocks, a pair of vanilla shears, my OpenBlocks hang glider, one of my Baggineses bags, a leadstone power cell and a some of my better leveled Tinkers tools are among the things that I have noticed missing from my inventory since starting this modpack, although I cannot be certain when most went missing. The Clockwork Phase multitool is only the latest item and I am certain I had it in my inventory before closing the game last night.
Can you think of anything that all of these items have in common? For example, were they all the item you had equipped when you logged off, or did they all occupy the same inventory slot?
Can you think of anything that all of these items have in common? For example, were they all the item you had equipped when you logged off, or did they all occupy the same inventory slot?
No, I don't recall exactly. Some things I wouldn't notice immediately, and as i said, this has been occurring from time to time over the duration I've been playing the modpack.

Anyhow, I'm baffled here: on the quest Io, in the 4th section, I cannot figure out what I need to do to complete this quest. I've:
--made the Clockwork pickaxe, added the temporal gears and mainspring and wound it up with the Winding machine
--I added Time Sand to it and transformed it to its Temporal phase
--I have mined a little with it and broke an iron ore block to get a couple of temporal nuggets

But the quest book still says this quest isn't complete. I have tried putting the pickaxe in a chest and putting it back in my inventory, reloading the scripts and restarting the launcher and game:


You can see the Temporal pickaxe in my hotbar there. What else do I need to do?
It could be something to do with metadata. Do you have a way of repairing the pickaxe to full durability?
The status bar represents tension for these Clockwork tools, if I understand correctly. And yeah it was wound to full tension originally and the quest book hadn't detected it, which is why I tried mining with it, because the quest book mentioned that. Anyhow I just built a second one, did the same things, and the quest book accepted that one. /sigh
OK, thanks for the info on dimension building. I'll definitely look into this as I would like to get better at this mod. I must have misunderstood the examples of dimension building in McJty's wiki.

(It didn't help that in my impatience to finish the third section of the questbook yesterday, I looked at the wrong tier Time matrix recipe, and thought I needed temporal ore to complete that quest, not realizing until after I had returned to my base, a few crashes later, with a JABBA barrel full of temporal nuggets that I could have progressed in the quest line without mining any temporal ore at all at this point. Heh.)

I don't think that version of RFTools is in the version of Pathfinder I am using and I'm wary to update anything in the pack right now. Don't need to break anything at this point. Having all my achievements reset and losing some valuable inventory (including y best hammer) after a couple of these crashes has been enough for me.

Here's the last crash report from yesterday (the one that apparently reset my achievements): http://pastebin.com/ejhDuvDz All the crashes I experience seem to be similar. I don't really experience crashes at any other time beside when the world is loading after teleporting from another dimension. Basic specs of my PC: Intel dual core 3.6 ghz, 4GB of RAM, newly installed Geforce GT 730 2GB GDDR5

I am not very savvy with java or java arguments and while I had allocated more memory in past 1.6 modded games using the old vanilla launcher, I don't know what I need to do with the current FTL launcher and can't find any clear, concise info on that.
That crash report said:
Mantle Environment: DO NOT REPORT THIS CRASH! Unsupported mods in environment: optifine
So it looks like you added Optifine... have you tried removing it?

The status bar represents tension for these Clockwork tools, if I understand correctly. And yeah it was wound to full tension originally and the quest book hadn't detected it, which is why I tried mining with it, because the quest book mentioned that. Anyhow I just built a second one, did the same things, and the quest book accepted that one. /sigh
You might have to wind up your pick all the way before the book will accept it.

I believe that to get it to accept mine, I had to take the clockwork pick I'd made earlier, put a mainspring and clockwork (with a rusty gear that appeared out of nowhere, so it had some memory; a temporal gear should also work) in it, wind it up fully so the damage bar disappeared, toss it into my Well of Time to put some time sand in it, then, finally, press R (after disabling some other mods' keybinds) to temporal-fy it and open the quest book.
So it looks like you added Optifine... have you tried removing it?
My first two attempts at this modpack were without Optifine. I got the same kinds of crashes plus so much lag I couldn't even get the first dimension you need to create to load properly and it would just shut down. I'm on the last the section of the quest book, so if it is related to Optifine I'll just deal with the crashes until I'm finished. At least with Optifine, when I restart after one of these crashes I can get the world to load again.
Can anyone tell me how, if at all, to get hold of saddles in this pack?
I think I got one in a chest in one of those miniature mineshaft thingies in Pathfinder 1.0.3. They're certainly not common- you might have better luck finding a dimlet for vanilla dungeons and throwing it into a void dimension (or if that doesn't work, a dimension made of glass). Since the pack's in Peaceful mode, you won't have to worry about the spawners.
BTW, I'm continuing to have the problem with ProjectE recipes disappearing after returning from other RFTools dimensions, and even when it doesn't completely crash I still get a red "an unknown error has occurred" message onscreen where the "Whoosh!" appears. I was watching Wyld stream the other day and he was having some serious issues with ProjectE too. I'm inclined to think the root of this problem is actually ProjectE, which is fine. I think doing this modpack has given me my fill of it. LOL.

I think I got one in a chest in one of those miniature mineshaft thingies in Pathfinder 1.0.3. They're certainly not common- you might have better luck finding a dimlet for vanilla dungeons and throwing it into a void dimension (or if that doesn't work, a dimension made of glass). Since the pack's in Peaceful mode, you won't have to worry about the spawners.
I've been meaning ask: which mod adds those mineshafts and other generated buildings? I like them a lot more than the Ruins mod I've used before and now that I'm finished with Pathfinder (the quest book at least) I am customizing my own pack and want to be sure these buildings are in it.
I've been meaning ask: which mod adds those mineshafts and other generated buildings? I like them a lot more than the Ruins mod I've used before and now that I'm finished with Pathfinder (the quest book at least) I am customizing my own pack and want to be sure these buildings are in it.

If I'm not mistaken, you can make custom structures with the Ruins mod and tweak spawn rate of them and whatnot. That said, I've no idea of Ruins was used here for that same purpose or what; I only know that it has that capability.
If I'm not mistaken, you can make custom structures with the Ruins mod and tweak spawn rate of them and whatnot. That said, I've no idea of Ruins was used here for that same purpose or what; I only know that it has that capability.
Ruins isn't in this modpack, so it has to be a different mod. And yeah, you can change the spawn rate with the Ruins mod but on the last version I used (with Modsauce), you could not disable specific structures from generating. And so I'd end up with all these ugly cobblestone things all of over my world and hardly any of the better ones that Ruins can generate. The generated structures in this modpack (and I've seen them in Resonant Rise 3 too) must be different mod altogether.
Is anyone else finding cavern dimensions to be totally unplayable? I'm getting max 2-3 TPS in my cavern dimension, on a server with very good specs; installed Opis to try to track the problem and it seems to be caused by the sheer number of animals that spawn on the top of the world.
So, I have been playing for quite a while, and have reached a very advanced level of technology, but cannot start cLoCkWoRk PhAsE. This is because exp doesn't exist. Is there any way I can change this, or is it just a bug?

So, I have been playing for quite a while, and have reached a very advanced level of technology, but cannot start cLoCkWoRk PhAsE. This is because exp doesn't exist. Is there any way I can change this, or is it just a bug?


You've not reached that high a level of tech if you don't have access to Clockwork Phase. And before you assume something's a bug, I'd suggest you follow the questbook until you get to the relevant quests.