[1.7.10] Pathfinder [Peaceful][HQM][Tech][Adventure][Listed]

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That actually does sound related to mine, because these sound like the same issues that can happen with Carpenter's Blocks. But I'm not sure if it's the mod or gpu-related. I'm leaning toward gpu-related because I'm using a mid-range-ish gpu (Geforce GT 730 2GB GDDR5), but if you've got a higher end gpu it may be the mod.
My GPU is probably mid-range also, but I've not had any issues with any other blocks. I've been reading on the forums about Agricraft, and from what I understand the render code is less-than-perfect, as it is the author's first mod. (Still impressive, regardless.) I do notice significant framerate drops when planting crops and planting seeds into crops, despite not getting framerate problems anywhere else in the game, including in Amplified worlds.

Well that's rather fancy, lol. Where are you getting all that glowstone? I had to get a nether dinmension to get some because raiding dimlet research stations wasn't cutting it. And lucky you that you can cocoa beans. I have not found a jungle biome or any cocoa beans yet.
I've just been raiding dimlet stations. I'm a huge perfectionist when it comes to dimensions; I will put together a concept of exactly what I want in my head, and then I will see if I have the correct dimlets, and if I'm missing even one, I'll scrap the idea until I find the right dimlet. I also hate being wasteful, not only on dimlets but also on hard drive space, as I'm hosting the server on a personal machine, so I don't make many dimensions and tend to do a lot of dimlet-hunting. So I'll just take a filing cabinet and a lunchbox full of good food items and go exploring for dimlet stations and won't return until I've run out of food. The glowstone was also a huge motivator since I'm also too perfectionist to use anything other than glowstone for any additional farm plots I make. It's not too bad - it's essentially one glowstone dust per light, since those are microblock posts, which are 1/4 of a block.

I am doing a similar set-up for cross-crops but only 1 to 3 pairs at a time to get a specific new seed because I was going overboard (as is my tendency) and trying to getting several new seeds at once. And yeah, I figured out the maturity factor. I'll try it again, now that I know the recipe works, and use better melon and spice leaf seeds. I'll just blame my bad luck the RNG. LOL.
As far as I know, the quality of the seed has no effect on the chance for a mutation.

I've always loved farming in Minecraft--crop farming, not the vanilla contraptions some player like to make to get mob drops or iron or whatever. It's why I like Spice of Life, Hunger Overhaul and Harvestcraft (and Growthcraft which isn't in this pack). It gives me so much more to do with that part of the game.
I'm totally with you on this. It wasn't 24 hours ago that I was pulling my hair out at how difficult it was to get food, but now that I've lived with it for a while and have seen how fun and satisfying it is to finally have all those pretty plants growing in your farm, I don't think I'll ever play without Hunger Overhaul and Agricraft ever again. I've been musing on the idea of disabling the recipe for crafting produce back into seeds for future servers, because I love the idea of one player being the resident farmer and providing plants and produce, though I suppose as long as someone doesn't know how to propagate their plants, the farmer will still have the advantage even if the seeds are craftable, since you only get 1-1-1 from them.
My GPU is probably mid-range also, but I've not had any issues with any other blocks. I've been reading on the forums about Agricraft, and from what I understand the render code is less-than-perfect, as it is the author's first mod. (Still impressive, regardless.) I do notice significant framerate drops when planting crops and planting seeds into crops, despite not getting framerate problems anywhere else in the game, including in Amplified worlds.
Yeah I'm have lag and framerate issues too with this mod, especially when it snows and/ or the irrigation system is running, but I think it's in big part my system. I could really use more RAM and a better cpu. I can upgrade the RAM next payday but for a beefier cpu I'm going to have to build a new PC. And that's a WIP at the moment.

I've just been raiding dimlet stations.... The glowstone was also a huge motivator since I'm also too perfectionist to use anything other than glowstone for any additional farm plots I make. It's not too bad - it's essentially one glowstone dust per light, since those are microblock posts, which are 1/4 of a block.
Yeah I had to force myself for looting the dimlet stations for everything, especially with the nerfed inventory. I'm someone who has in the past, in vanilla games, raided whole mineshafts for everything--rails, wood planks, fences... If I think I might need it at some point ever, I want to take it. I'm an incorrigible hoarder in any open world/crafting games and can waste many hours just collecting stuff. That's one thing about this modpack I like because it keeps me from doing that kind of obsessive hoarding, or at least keeps it in check. LOL.

As far as I know, the quality of the seed has no effect on the chance for a mutation.
Really? OK, because I thought it did. I'm still learning this mod.

BTW, I set up the melon and spice leaf crops again, bam, the second cross-crop sprout was pineapple. Curse you, RNG!!!! LOL.
Is the quest "Peleliu" from 3.Intrepid of the questing book working ? The goal is to fill a Material Absorber with Coal Blocks.

So I filled a Material Absorber with blocks of coal and I tried a "Manuel detect" but it doesn't work.
Then I filled an other Material Absorber with Coal Ore but it doesn't work too.


What is the good "Coal Black" aimed to fill the Material Absorber ?
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Is the quest "Peleliu" from 3.Intrepid of the questing book working ? The goal is to fill a Material Absorber with Coal Blocks.

So I filled a Material Absorber with blocks of coal and I tried a "Manuel detect" but it doesn't work.
Then I filled an other Material Absorber with Coal Ore but it doesn't work too.

What is the good "Coal Black" aimed to fill the Material Absorber ?
Huh. I just did that quest today and had no issues with claiming the reward. I used the regular blocks of coal crafted from 9 coal. These ones: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Block_of_Coal

And if I recall correctly, all I had to do when it was 100% full was pick it up and put it in my hotbar and then open the questbook.

You might try a script reload (type /mt reload in the chat) or closing and restarting the game and then see if it detects it. But the quest worked for me.
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Huh. I just did that quest today and had no issues with claiming the reward. I used the regular blocks of coal crafted from 9 coal. These ones: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Block_of_Coal

And if I recall correctly, all I had to do when it was 100% full was pick it up and put it in my hotbar and then open the questbook.

You might try a script reload (type /mt reload in the chat) or closing and restarting the game and then see if it detects it. But the quest worked for me.

Thanks, I'll try :)

EDIT : It didn't work.
I put HQM in editable mode and I modified the quest, with my Material Absorber and then it worked.
Maybe this is because I updated RFTools.
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BTW, I set up the melon and spice leaf crops again, bam, the second cross-crop sprout was pineapple. Curse you, RNG!!!! LOL.
Well, it's good you finally got your pineapple, but alternatively if you'd joined my server I'd've been able to give you one! :)
Well, it's good you finally got your pineapple, but alternatively if you'd joined my server I'd've been able to give you one! :)
Is that an invitation? Well aside from liking to be able to fiddle with configs on my own, I'm way too far along the quest line to restart now. :)

I did manage to resolve my lack of diamonds by creating a new dimension although I am starting to feel that perhaps RFTools is a wee bit OP: http://imgur.com/WNp1hzo

Does anyone know how I can grow netherwart in this modpack?
was going to give this another go on the curse launcher but i cant launch the pack. upon hitting play from the vanilla launcher i am given a NoClassDefFound error. that leads me to believe there is a 1.8 mod in the pack somewhere but i dont know which one it is.
was going to give this another go on the curse launcher but i cant launch the pack. upon hitting play from the vanilla launcher i am given a NoClassDefFound error. that leads me to believe there is a 1.8 mod in the pack somewhere but i dont know which one it is.
Seems unlikely. I just scrolled through the mod list. Nearly all the files have 1.7.10 in the file name and the few that don't , like AOBD and Steve's Factory manager, aren't upgraded to 1.8 yet. I have had a lot problems with the vanilla launcher and it's why i only play packs using the FTB or AT launchers. Have you tried launching it from the FTB launcher?
was going to give this another go on the curse launcher but i cant launch the pack. upon hitting play from the vanilla launcher i am given a NoClassDefFound error. that leads me to believe there is a 1.8 mod in the pack somewhere but i dont know which one it is.

I can't update the pack on Curse due to non-curse mods. Unforunatly, you'll just have to deal with using the FTB launcher. Such a shame, I know.
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yes, I already knew that. It's in NEI. What I wanted to know is if I could grow it so I wouldn't have to craft every single netherwart.
You can- plant some netherwart (may need to be netherwart seeds; I don't remember off the top of my head) on Agricraft crop sticks on soul sand, then make sure that it's in complete darkness.

I recommend using a redstone lamp with a lever as a lightswitch (which you can steal from the RFTools dimlet house thingies), and an ExtraUtilities blackout curtain as a door to block out ambient light.
You can- plant some netherwart (may need to be netherwart seeds; I don't remember off the top of my head) on Agricraft crop sticks on soul sand, then make sure that it's in complete darkness.

I recommend using a redstone lamp with a lever as a lightswitch (which you can steal from the RFTools dimlet house thingies), and an ExtraUtilities blackout curtain as a door to block out ambient light.
Thanks. I'll give this a try.
the knack of the other things, like features, time effects, etc).

I was trying to make a dimension with the temporal ore dimlet but also with some other ores/block dimlets, like redstone, coal and gold, that I am always running low on. But in every dimension I created, I would get no temporal ore and only one of the others would generate. I looked at the RFTools wiki and tried following the examples there, and still was getting the same results. I finally gave up after spending most of my playing time today with this and made a world with just temporal ore so I could go forward with the questline. But making a dimension for each ore I'm short on or can't find in my first dimension is getting tedious. I'd also like to create dimensions that aren't absolutely paved with the ore I need. That's OP to the point of taking the challenge out the modpack for me. I'd like some balance there, if possible.

So if anyone has some tips on how to make a world with more than one of the ore dimlets, I'd appreciate it.

Also what can I do, if anything, to keep the game from shutting down nearly every time I teleport between dimensions? Allocate more RAM (and how would I do that with FTB, if so)? I'm starting to refer to RFTools as the "Shutting down internal server" mod. :confused:
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the knack of the other things, like features, time effects, etc).

I was trying to make a dimension with the temporal ore dimlet but also with some other ores/block dimlets, like redstone, coal and gold, that I am always running low on. But in every dimension I created, I would get no temporal ore and only one of the others would generate. I looked at the RFTools wiki and tried following the examples there, and still was getting the same results. I finally gave up after spending most of my playing time today with this and made a world with just temporal ore so I could go forward with the questline. But making a dimension for each ore I'm short on or can't find in my first dimension is getting tedious. I'd also like to create dimensions that aren't absolutely paved with the ore I need. That's OP to the point of taking the challenge out the modpack for me. I'd like some balance there, if possible.

So if anyone has some tips on how to make a world with more than one of the ore dimlets, I'd appreciate it.

Also what can I do, if anything, to keep the game from shutting down nearly every time I teleport between dimensions? Allocate more RAM (and how would I do that with FTB, if so)? I'm starting to refer to RFTools as the "Shutting down internal server" mod. :confused:
You can only use one material modifier for each feature dimlet, so if you try [Coal Ore] [Temporal Ore] [Oregen], you'll get either (extra, small veins of) coal ore or temporal ore, but not both. However, if you do [Coal Ore] [Oregen] [Temporal Ore] [Orbs] [Diamond Ore] [Tendrils] [Emerald Ore] [Canyons] [Gold Ore] [Destabilized Redstone] [Liquid Orbs] [Molten Iron] [Lakes], you'll get small veins of coal ore underground (in addition to the normal ores, if the ground is made of stone; but you'll get a bit of coal regardless); solid floating spheres made of temporal ore; floating tendrils of diamond ore; tall, thin, floating fin-like structures that McJty calls "canyons" for some reason made of emerald ore; hollow floating spheres with a gold ore shell that are filled with molten redstone; and lakes of molten iron.

Sufficiently recent versions of RFTools allow you to use any number of materials for orbs and liquid orbs (like [Glass] [Obsidian] [Orbs]), and each individual orb will pick one of them at random. However, I'm not sure if this version of RFTools is in any of the Pathfinder versions.

As for the crashing, I don't know what's up with that. Put your crash report on Pastebin, Gist, or something similar, and link it here.
Also what can I do, if anything, to keep the game from shutting down nearly every time I teleport between dimensions? Allocate more RAM (and how would I do that with FTB, if so)? I'm starting to refer to RFTools as the "Shutting down internal server" mod. :confused:
Pathfinder is a very crashy modpack in my experience. Allocating more RAM will definitely help. My server often crashes on first arriving in a new dimension, but then works fine the second time. Islands/Island/Amplified/Chaotic dimensions are a lot more crashy than Normal, Flat or Caverns, probably due to falling blocks is my best guess, and any dimension with the Volcanoes dimlet will crash 100% of the time, at least when you're playing on a server. I inspected the crash log for this and it seems to be calling a sound effect server-side.