The pastebin is permanent. But the one you need to change to enable a few of the tweaks I had made to IT is in the Iguana Tweaks folder under modules.cfg. But the vanilla tools being disabled is done through IT but the recipes are still there so we can craft with them but it changes the mining level to -1 so it cannot mine even dirt. I don't like vanilla tools so I never use them or just disable them with IT.Iguana Tweaks config stuff:
Awesome; I'll find those bits and copy them over.Is the link to that pastebin permanent, or should I save that file somewhere?
Also, is the "Various Tweaks" thing that I need to enable the RESTRICTIONS one or the TWEAKS one? I'd think it's tweaks but you can't be sure.
And now, the magnificent changelog for 1.1.3!
Helpfully organized into categories for your convenience. ^^
Mod Additions:
Added Carpenter’s Blocks
Added Extra Cells
Added Iguana Tweaks
Added Extra Utilities
Added Random Things
Mod Removals:
Removed CopperTools and corresponding scripts. It was made obsolete by an update to Project Red, which now has it’s own gem armors.
Removed Fast Leaf Decay (part of Random Things, we don’t need a separate mod now)
Mod Updates:
Updated Minechem, fixing the worldgen crash (yay!). Thanks to @Migui, @goth_child67, @TheBlueGenie, @Nezraddin, and everyone else who bug tested for helping with that. You guys rock!
Updated RFTools
Updated Project Red
Updated RF Drills. Yay, Flux-Infused Crusher! (also made it fully craftable)
Config Changes:
Disabled all Iguana Tweaks modules except Tool Leveling, Tool Part Replacement, and WorldGen (IgTw loot)
Re-enabled Flux-Infused OmniWrench
Disabled pigmen-angering functionality of Nether Ores
Enabled Hellfish spawning for Nether Ores
Configured various RFTools machines bits and bobs
Removed Minechem chemical liquids from being able to be made into RFTools Dimlets. Sorry guys, no lakes of liquid meth for you.
Disabled Extra Utilities’ Angel Ring and QED (and QED recipes; just use a vanilla crafting table/modded crafting table substitute)
Disabled Random Things’ Magnetic Force, Bloodmoon Sensor, and the Bloodmoon event
Minetweaker’d and Misc. Changes (Similar to Config, but with more recipe stuff):
Disabled GC Solar Panels recipe
Disabled Fragmented Carbon recipe. Now we don’t have to be scared of crafting torches!
Changed Inscriber Press recipes to require skystone dust
Made Fluxed Armor Plating yield two per craft
Made Niter craftable
Disabled recipe for GC Refinery, and added cyclical recipe between the GC and BC Refineries.
Made Steve’s Carts quest require an assembler as well
Made Solar Flux solar panels simpler and cheaper
Added recipe for the Unknown Dimlet
Added explanatory lore to the Unknown Dimlet
Doubled default yield of Turbine Rotor Shafts and Blades
Added yield-doubling (yields four), steel-using recipes for Turbine Housings, Rotor Shafts, and Rotor Blades
Added an evil Smeltery-alloy recipe for Primal Mana
Made Minechem’s polytool unsynthesizable, but added a recipe using the Flux-Infused Omniwrench and some other stuff. For balance, it had to be more expensive than the Flux-Infused Crusher.
Made the “Stock” module for Refined Relocation not require iron ingots instead of ender pearls
Changed the recipe for Spectre Iron to use the Induction Smelter. I also added a secondary drop of Ender Fragments, which I made usable to craft into Ender Pearls.
Renamed various Extra Utilities and Random Things items. Don’t worry, they’ll still show up in NEI searches by their original names; tooltips are awesome.
One Note: I'm not sure whether I want to keep Extra Cells in the next update; while it seems cool, there's some other mods I'd like to add and I'm already *on* the lag threshold. Be prepared to move everything from any Extra Cells to use to default AE/regular tanks (drums, perhaps?) during the next update, depending on my decision. I'll give a more definitive yes or no after I update the poll thread about it, which will happen Soon (tm).
As is currently being discussed, I'll do a little more tweaking to the IT config before next update. @Awerick11, did you say wood picks and some other stuff were still disabled? I thought I reenabled those... Hmm... Feel free to change that in your own configs in the meantime.
EDIT: In your config version though the vanilla tools are enabled.