[1.7.10] Material Energy^4

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Tyler Olafsen

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just found this pack and it's amazing but when I loaded in the miner's delight section every ore is normal there isn't any poor ore anywhere top or below anyone know why. I'm on version 1.0.3.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just found this pack and it's amazing but when I loaded in the miner's delight section every ore is normal there isn't any poor ore anywhere top or below anyone know why. I'm on version 1.0.3.
Poor ores were removed due to some interaction issues it had.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Welp i broke the fabric of space and time... AGAIN lol i really gotta report this to @boni xD

Last time i did it with a broadsword, now with a rapier. Pretty sure it one shot anything.

A few posts up it was mentioned that we could get our weopons up to level 99 so this kind of thing might be expected. I would like to know your mob farming technique.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I lost the Biosphere^4 spatial drive given from the quest. is there a in game command to give that item? i just get the 128 spatial storage cell when i use the "give" command for the item ID.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I lost the Biosphere^4 spatial drive given from the quest. is there a in game command to give that item? i just get the 128 spatial storage cell when i use the "give" command for the item ID.
only way i know how to reget is to use the /hqm edit command to get the cheat hqm book and uncomplete the quest to get the storage drive that you lost


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, so I got to the end of this yesterday (got the last wool, at any rate, there's still more for me to be doing), and there are a few bits that I would add to others' closing thoughts.

Firstly, flight breaks MC survival. Pretty fundamentally, you lose fear of a lot of the dangers (falling, mobs, lava/fire to an extent), and removes most of the challenging parts of building. There's freedom, but the point of survival is lost. Personally, I didn't powergame to wings (never got the hang of cocoa bean automation), I stacked up about 6 legendary bags to infuse into seeds before giving in and opening them all, with wings in the final one. From there I rapidly progressed from Ice Palace through the entirity of late game (with a brief pause at Reds, but more about that later). Flight breaks survival, but it's also almost required for the later levels, there's so many mobs, so I think that needs to be looked at.

Now, Reds. The general design, as an "evil" refection of the observatory is a good one, and I like the concept. The block of silverfish, on the other hand ... After extensive use of explosives and the COFH kill entities command, I gave up on finding the wool, and cheated my way past that quest (the only time I did). Personally, I liked the variety of the ice palace, the wool being hidden in the ice, rather than out in the open was refreshing, even if the spawn rates were a little OTT.

The overworld quests, too, were refreshing, but I'd say that there needs to be a little more warning about what's coming/needed. It's not like the spatial quests, where you can retreat and get more food/torches/tools if needed, I had to go back to harvest some stuff, because I simply didn't have the inventory space.

For people's views on fluxed crystals, I'll agree, it's a little over the top. The reward bags plus the "cheapness" when the seeds are gathered, my solutions would be:
1. Remove the ability to duplicate seeds. Make it so that the only way to get seeds is through infusion, and, probably remove universal seed seeds. The expensive farms should be expensive to set up, if you want to set up a 9x9 legendary farm, you should have burned through many of them to get there. It'd be something that pays off in the long-term, but is costly in the short term.
2. Increase the smooth crystal cost. Make reward need a stack of shard-things (more for the bigger bags).
3. Reduce the number of refined gems that you get from one harvest. 4 harvests = 1 bag is a little on the cheap side, I'd say.

I'm aware that I think only 1 of those is available at the moment (through the json configs).

My suggestions for the future versions mostly relate to late game (I've not said much about the early stuff because it seems to be fun and balanced, from my experience), but it's to use different collection mechanics to retain challenge without producing excessive grind. Submerge the wool chamber in molten metal/pyrotheum, to force the player to pump it to get to it, or bury it under ice/sand. Not sure about the limits of AE2, but could you bedrock some of the areas, to prevent the subversion of the mechanics?

For new players, I'd highly recommend digging a stairway into the Spatial Observatory chamber wall. Getting to the bottom of an area is key to a lot of the challenges.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Now, Reds. The general design, as an "evil" refection of the observatory is a good one, and I like the concept. The block of silverfish, on the other hand ... After extensive use of explosives and the COFH kill entities command, I gave up on finding the wool, and cheated my way past that quest (the only time I did). Personally, I liked the variety of the ice palace, the wool being hidden in the ice, rather than out in the open was refreshing, even if the spawn rates were a little OTT.

Doesn't it say that reds is a player created aria?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
On a multiplayer server, the area you are referring to doesn't exist, so you just get dumped on an obsidian platform with nothing on it. However, the way back from the end works fine on Single Player, I should have clarified.
Oh, a Map older than 1.0.1 then. Well, then you have to make your way to the Starting Platform again after diving for the Egg I assume ^^"
Edit: Oh wait, Perfect Spawn should get you to the Reflection Pool again, so a jump in the DragonEgg Portal should suffice.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Clay is actually relatively easy to get once you realise that the pack contains Ex Nihlo. Here's the procedure:
1. Make a barrel (wood slab on the bottom, planks on the sides, must be vanilla wood, so probably requires the fabricator).
2. Take some of the myriad of sand and throw it into the pulveriser.
3. Fill the barrel with water (buckets, conduits, pumps, transfer nodes, all work well for this).
4. Place the dust into the barrel (right click or pipe).
5. Presto, the barrel now contains a block of clay for you to break down at your leisure.

The semi-automated way to do this would be to have a transfer node water source next to the barrel, with a hopper on top and bottom, and put the dust in the top one. The barrel will get filled, and the hopper will place the dust. It can't place the dust until it filled with water, so no worry about it jamming.

....I thought barrels where disabled(maybe they were in an earlier version?) so I forgot to even try.

Thank you so much


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
....I thought barrels where disabled(maybe they were in an earlier version?) so I forgot to even try.

Thank you so much
Been playing since 0.7.0, and they've worked all that time, the big caveat being that you don't get any vanilla wood given to you, so you need to synthesize some either oak, spruce, birch or jungle wood to be able to make them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A few posts up it was mentioned that we could get our weopons up to level 99 so this kind of thing might be expected. I would like to know your mob farming technique.

Yup, the ITT config is set at 99 max levels, but that's not what i'm doing. There is currently a bug i guess, either Iguana Tinker Tweaks or Tinker's itself is causing it. Basically, under certain conditions, you can "overflow" the modifier system and get any many as you want. I tested it so far with Sharpness, but i'm sure other modifiers might be "exploitable" too.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
While playing when I have an area loaded in the special IO I get a ton of server messages saying:
[10:20:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'SuperHyperCubed'/Storage Cell
[10:20:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'SuperHyperCubed'/Storage Cell
[10:20:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'SuperHyperCubed'/Storage Cell
[10:20:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'SuperHyperCubed'/Storage Cell
Repeatedly over and over which seems to be causing some lag. Any Ideas on how to remedy this situation. I installed optifine and boosted every area of fps i can find. I also Allocated over 2 gb of memory. Other wise love the pack and will continue to play the series.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is lifesteal not working on weapons that have the red incorrect data thing on them? I've been carrying a sword from a really early version to new versions (because I've played through this map 4 times), It's got necrotic 2 on it but it does nothing, spawning in a sword and putting necrotic on it works though, putting the sword in a crafting window doesn't do anything either...I just get the same sword with the red text on it back

I've had this sword for ages, I don't want to start leveling another one, hoping to get the correct modifiers


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok I have had my compressed cookie textures vanish for some odd reason so I updated to 1.03 to see if it would fix it(no it didn't) and now my Fluxed Crystals farm is draining energy by the boatload...what did I do?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Help me understand the quest to grow spatial IOs. The quest requires only 20 spatial IOs to be submitted, but to make the spatial IO seed, you need 32.
Just my opinion, but the addition of the fluxed-crystals mod is a HUGE P.I.T.A. It won't work without major editing of the configs, there is no user interface/feedback/progress bar within the machines, they are not ISided...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Help me understand the quest to grow spatial IOs. The quest requires only 20 spatial IOs to be submitted, but to make the spatial IO seed, you need 32.
Just my opinion, but the addition of the fluxed-crystals mod is a HUGE P.I.T.A. It won't work without major editing of the configs, there is no user interface/feedback/progress bar within the machines, they are not ISided...
Was wondering the same.
Guess it's a troll-quest.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Been playing since 0.7.0, and they've worked all that time, the big caveat being that you don't get any vanilla wood given to you, so you need to synthesize some either oak, spruce, birch or jungle wood to be able to make them.
there might be chests someplaces that do have vanilla saplings (Hint)