[1.7.10] Material Energy^4

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regarding seeds not growing in 1.0.1 as you probably already know from @jaredlll08 in json file you have to add "dimensionWhitelist":1 for it to work.

Where did he say that at?

I'm getting a jump on the compressed cobble early this time & moving some things around. I'm using the chest set up with hyper-rationing pipes. The initial cobble gen is feeding a reinforced cache while I go mine enough materials for all the world interaction & speed upgrades I'll need to get this flowing at a decent rate.


Why do you have that water waterfall like thing? A simple sorce block on the other side of the cobble would work just as well.

Oh and don't forget that with AE2s ability to support multiple crafting jobs it should be able to, with the right setup, produce the compressed cobble rather quickly. In theory.
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regarding seeds not growing in 1.0.1 as you probably already know from @jaredlll08 in json file you have to add "dimensionWhitelist":1 for it to work.

as for it not planting soil automatically - I have no idea.
as for harvesting - you need automation upgrade. from what I see it doesn't pick up items (but replants) so vacum hopper or sth is required

edit: oh and they need light.. sth like max 4 blocks from seed to torch
edit2: it looks like there is a memory leak in the mod:
[09:25:46] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: Detected ongoing potential memory leak. 400 packets have leaked. Top offenders
[09:25:46] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: fluxedcrystals : 400

edit: ugh, forgot to put in what I wanted to say


If you know this update that needs to be updated to get the fluxed crystals to work, could you possibly please post the edited files here (possibly even in a zip or rar) so we could all take advantage of your knowledge?
Jared did not say that or at least I know nothing about it.
I just saw update notes in his mod thread:
Added new JSON options:

lore : Lets you add information to the item, supports "\n" to make a new line.
sharp (default: true) : If a crystal is sharp it will damage players when they stand on the crystal.
dimensionWhitelist : Only lets crystals grow in that dimension.
refinerAmount : Specifies how many shards are needed in the refiner.
So I thought "maybe there is no defaut value of dimensionWhitelist parameter..." and I added one manually to .json file... tested.. and it worked.
Parcel probably already knows tho.. I assume he is in direct contact with Jared. I guess he is waiting with an update for some other reasons.

If you know this update that needs to be updated to get the fluxed crystals to work, could you possibly please post the edited files here (possibly even in a zip or rar) so we could all take advantage of your knowledge?
I was thinking about it and then decided NOT to do that for a simple reason: I don't know if Parcel wants to allow us to grow all things in this DIM (meaning DIM1). idk.. maybe he wants to allow legendary reward bag seed only to grow in overworld or nether or sth like that. This hotfix could potentially ruin some progression stuff.

Knowing that it is up to you to hotfix it by yourself. Below are instructions how to do that (if you really want):
In your minecraft config folder there is a folder called "fluxedCrystals" (for example : c:\games\minecraft\MaterialEnergy4\minecraft\config\fluxedCrystals\)
There are few files there with .json extension. All are similar inside and include definitions of all possible seeds, for egample iron:

All you have to do is add "dimensionWhitelist":1 somewhere in each definition. Just remember to add a colon in right spot.

edit: it looks like this whole farm thingy is NOT affected by torcherino.. not sure if intended, but also I don't notice any difference with or without the speed upgrade (not tested properly so I'm not 100% sure about the second statement)
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Watching youtubers play this map and generally seeing people gripe about the lack of more drives/storage cells early game, I thought i'd share my solution to the situation. Sky stone chests + Storage buses + cables. Not as big of a storage as a cell or a cache, but it's fine until you get to Inclusion Chamber^4 for the AE patterns. If you need more space, add more buses and chests :p
In Inclusion Chamber, there's a certain chest hidden somewhere that contains a few ME Drives, or the mats to make some.
Also, in the observatory's sub-basement, there are a few more AE-related things.

Parcel i updated to the latest version of the pack and i cant hand in the queens gold quest
Others have been saying you need to make a block of it, place it in the world, break it, and then uncraft that back into ingots and it'll work.

I'm getting a jump on the compressed cobble early this time & moving some things around. I'm using the chest set up with hyper-rationing pipes. The initial cobble gen is feeding a reinforced cache while I go mine enough materials for all the world interaction & speed upgrades I'll need to get this flowing at a decent rate.
From reward bags and the quest, I have close to 700 world interaction upgrades >>;
But, if you use hyper-rationing pipes, it'll just keep trying to keep one cobble in each chest. Will it be able to keep up with the next level crafting? Wouldn't a regular rationing pipe be better? Honestly, I'm not that familiar with transfer pipes, and I'm disappointed there are not "round-robin" transfer pipes. I'll probably use AE Interfaces instead, like the other people showed.
Where did he say that at?

Why do you have that water waterfall like thing? A simple sorce block on the other side of the cobble would work just as well.

Oh and don't forget that with AE2s ability to support multiple crafting jobs it should be able to, with the right setup, produce the compressed cobble rather quickly. In theory.

I have the water falling because I keep forgetting that the item nodes never actually break the cobblestone block. I'm still just starting Miner's Delight, so the AE2 autocrafting components I've found so far aren't enough & Im a long way from getting the presses.

The rng gods have not been so generous as to give me extra utils pipe upgrades, but I've gotten enough walruses to make sl1pg8r happy.

A lot of the YouTube vids were started before parcel31u added the extra storage busses & drives & we were all complaining about running out of space, but with the stuff added in 0.6, I didn't have a problem anymore. Some of the youtubers, however, took 1 look at the chest full of ME parts & haven't bothered setting any of it up yet. Direwolf20 & Pahimar seem particularly clueless on this map. Even the guys who usually avoid modded are doing better.
Where did he say that at?

Why do you have that water waterfall like thing? A simple sorce block on the other side of the cobble would work just as well.

Oh and don't forget that with AE2s ability to support multiple crafting jobs it should be able to, with the right setup, produce the compressed cobble rather quickly. In theory.

MACs in pattern mode with acceleration cards :)
In Inclusion Chamber, there's a certain chest hidden somewhere that contains a few ME Drives, or the mats to make some.
Also, in the observatory's sub-basement, there are a few more AE-related things.

Others have been saying you need to make a block of it, place it in the world, break it, and then uncraft that back into ingots and it'll work.

From reward bags and the quest, I have close to 700 world interaction upgrades >>;
But, if you use hyper-rationing pipes, it'll just keep trying to keep one cobble in each chest. Will it be able to keep up with the next level crafting? Wouldn't a regular rationing pipe be better? Honestly, I'm not that familiar with transfer pipes, and I'm disappointed there are not "round-robin" transfer pipes. I'll probably use AE Interfaces instead, like the other people showed.

With rationing pipes, you may have to wait for 9 stacks (8 stacks + 1, really) of the previous before it can craft the next, with hyper-rationing you will craft the next step as soon as you get 9 of the previous, & the transfer pipes will only craft 1 at a time through the crafting table. The reason I'm not using interfaces is because I'm setting this up before I can make interfaces. I've found a few in a chest, but not enough to do 1 step yet, & I need them more in other places.
I seem to have ran into a snag, possible due to updating the dimensions.

I wanted to start the 'keeby's idea machine' today. However, the loaded area looks very much like thermal mining. Note that I have not found the thermal mining disk yet, but I read about it here.

I closed out minecraft, and copied dimension 31 from the template folder over my dimension 31 folder in my save. Is that not the correct procedure? Or is it actually the proper area?
I'm getting a jump on the compressed cobble early this time & moving some things around. I'm using the chest set up with hyper-rationing pipes. The initial cobble gen is feeding a reinforced cache while I go mine enough materials for all the world interaction & speed upgrades I'll need to get this flowing at a decent rate.
FYI, if you put chests/caches/me interfaces directly adjacent to the transfer nodes, you get a much greater throughput of cobblestone since the nodes do not have to search for inventories. An me import bus with 4 acceleration upgrades couldn't keep up with two nodes that had 64 world interaction upgrades each. An me interface works great, though.
Direwolf20 & Pahimar seem particularly clueless on this map. Even the guys who usually avoid modded are doing better.
Well, that's kinda why I like to watch them :)
Now when you mentioned them - I laughed SOOOO much when they spoke about turning on hardcore mode... I'd love to see that :D they have nooo idea.. :D

MACs in pattern mode with acceleration cards :)
nah... not even CLOSE to AE interfaces+crafting table+transfer node with 64world interaction upgrades.
one node in this configuration can handle 5-6 mining nodes(64upgrades each)
A lot of the YouTube vids were started before parcel31u added the extra storage busses & drives & we were all complaining about running out of space, but with the stuff added in 0.6, I didn't have a problem anymore. Some of the youtubers, however, took 1 look at the chest full of ME parts & haven't bothered setting any of it up yet. Direwolf20 & Pahimar seem particularly clueless on this map. Even the guys who usually avoid modded are doing better.

I had an earlier version of the map but I've got by so far with what ME stuff I have and a few chests. Hopefully I come across more ME discs or things needed to make them as I LOVE the time ME storage saves you! :-)
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I had an earlier version of the map but I've got by so far with what ME stuff I have and a few chests. Hopefully I come across more ME discs or things needed to make them as I LOVE the time ME storage saves you!

Oh you come across plenty of discs through the first areas, just not enough Soaryn chests/ME drives to put them in. Opening reward bags, i found 40 1k storage components and i have yet to load up Miner's Delight. Even with the resources to make the cells, i still can't use them until Inclusion Chamber^4, so i'll use my chest and bus combo. For me it's a shame not to use the ME controller and infrastructure put in place by Parcel and use wooden chests xD Not judging, everyone play the map the way they want to, and that's what makes those experiences unique to everyone. :)
Honestly there is PLENTY of storage available. You start with 2x 4k (me chests under the corridor leading from observatory to spatial area) plus some random 1k from reward bags plus 3 x 64k which are hidden.
I just entered nether sphere and so far I have 3 almost full 1k + 2x partially full 4k... not even started those 64s.

I'll tell you a little secret - VOID THE JUNK :) seriously.. just void all the random weapons/armor/tools/shields. You will never use it or need it. All you need (in the long run) is power.. Insane amounts.. think hundreds of thousands RF/t

It is all about a mind set - don't think "maybe I'll need it, better store it somewhere"... in this particular modpack resources come in HUGE quantities. Leave only things like nodes/engines/AE stuff/ etc which are needed in automation/building infrastructure/powering it.

And as a general rule: don't try too hard. I mean it - just don't. If you see, for example, a quest where you need a block of emerald, and lets say you have only one... just don't try to synthesize 8... you will a) waste time b) waste stupid amounts of power c) waste stupid amounts of resources. Instead just wait until you get to amusement park and just smelt some villagers... or just unlock next spatial area which probably contains some insane amounts of emeralds. Simple. There is always an easy way, just wait a bit.
First time I played this pack I tried to do all the quests before entering next area... you CAN... but you really shouldn't unless you like to do it 'the hard way'.
Another example: you can waste few days waiting for your wheat and cocoa to get octouple cookie for the torcherino quest... oooor you can unlock redstone meltdown and find 2 octo-cookies there in no time. There is always rly simple way out.. you just need to find it (or ask :p)
Is there any documentation to be had for the newer stuff in Thermal Expansion? The translocation and impulse plates are pretty self-explanatory in their basic function (though if there's some means of tuning I haven't noticed it), but I have no idea what caches do, and I saw them mentioned above.
Oh you come across plenty of discs through the first areas, just not enough Soaryn chests/ME drives to put them in. Opening reward bags, i found 40 1k storage components and i have yet to load up Miner's Delight. Even with the resources to make the cells, i still can't use them until Inclusion Chamber^4, so i'll use my chest and bus combo. For me it's a shame not to use the ME controller and infrastructure put in place by Parcel and use wooden chests xD Not judging, everyone play the map the way they want to, and that's what makes those experiences unique to everyone. :)

If you need a 2nd drive, you can steal the 1 in the spatial IO room & replace it with an me chest (or a regular chest). I'm saving the bigger drives for when I start the chem lab stuff.
Is there any documentation to be had for the newer stuff in Thermal Expansion? The translocation and impulse plates are pretty self-explanatory in their basic function (though if there's some means of tuning I haven't noticed it), but I have no idea what caches do, and I saw them mentioned above.

The caches are like barrels, they've been in since TE updated to 1.7.4 & are covered in the newer spotlights. This pack is the 1st I've seen the plates. You can flip their settings with a crescent hammer.
@Qcor: Is there anything else you've done with Fluxed Crystals? I went in an added dim 1 whitelists to every single seed, I put light next to my farm (glowstone illuminators on each side of a 5x5 plot), but I'm still seeing no growth progress and absolutely no power drained from the farm manager.

@MacAisling I'll take a look for that. I just really don't think spotlights should be the primary source of information for such things - I'd rather scan through text so I can go right to what I want. The Team COFH website is completely missing all of this, though - rather disappointingly out of date at least (possibly even incomplete for what it had at the time).
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How do you guys deal with storage all that minechem stuff? I mean AE is 'kinda ok' for it but it definitely has few downsides. The main one being the lack of good overflow mechanism. The more 'popular' elements like C, H, O etc would quickly take up all free space, leaving no free space for elements which are more rare.
You can ofc make overflow detection+export (like level detector+export bus->trash can) but doing it for 110ish elements is.. meeeh. Also it would be very resource heavy.

soo.. the question is - Is there a better solution? It should let you decompose random stuff and store lets say 10.000 of each element but no more.
Well, you're not going to have that many of everything. And you're likely to be awash in extra storage cells. Once you have access to the inscriber presses and can make drives, my suggestion would probably be cells dedicated to each of the common elements, sized appropriately, in a high-priority drive, a storage bus for those same things attached to a condenser/trash can/whatever as medium priority, and a lower-priority drive for the miscellany.

If you have enough resources that you're awash in even the rare elements, expanding the system to have dedicated storage for more elements is probably also doable.